Sunday, June 26, 2011


Pain Is Weakness Leaving the Body

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorPain comes in many forms. There is the pain of a headache and there are many kinds of headaches that produce various degrees and quality of pain. There is organ pain when something is wrong inside and muscle pain when they are pushed beyond the norm either by exercise or emergency. Pain can be mild and a mere annoyance, or brutal and debilitating.

Pain can be emotional and many say they'd much rather have physical pain than the kind of pain that spins the mind and weakens the body due to emotional upheaval. All emotional pain is the body's reaction to the mind. There literally are molecules of emotion released into the blood by the brain, that find their ways to our cells and lock on to produce the effects we know all too well when emotional pain strikes. It may be that kicked in the stomach feeling, dizziness, crying or shock, but it all has its roots in the chemistry produced by the mind when the mind has to deal with the way things are. It's why funerals are as they are and bad news sucks. It's why chronically bad thinking produces chronically bad health. We are both what we eat and what we think. Emotions can be checked by proper attention to the breathing which most never do properly. When we breath from high in the chest, we literally send the message to the brain we are stressed and anxious. In response,the brain sends the appropriate chemicals for fight or flight. To change that, we simply need to breathe from the tummy which literally sends the message to the brain that "all is well." The brain then says "fine then, here comes the feel good stuff." It's why Buddah's tummy is fat!

If you are like me at times, you worry too much about that which is beyond one's control or inevitable no matter what I wish or do not wish would be. Worry is a way we think to lessen painful realities that will come if you live long enough, or if you're lucky as one friend of mine puts it. Worry is what we do to prepare, as if you could, for that which we think will be painful for us. Worry is also one of the more useless endeavors humans tend to come up with to address reality. It ranks right up there with shame and guilt.

Perhaps there is another perspective about literal pain and that which is emotionally painful that would be helpful to keep in mind. Pain is also weakness leaving the body. Think of that. PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY.

Doing massage as I do can put parts of the body into pain. It shouldn't,but it does in reality at times. The pain tells me that part of my body is not up for the task, at that moment, of doing what I'm doing that way. However, as I keep doing it, the pain leaves and what was weak is now stronger and not painful. All physical workouts are designed to create pain so that weakness leaves the body and one is left stronger for all the hard work. Tissue is strengthened by being torn and left to heal.

It's painful when people we love or we ourselves become less than perfectly healthy. It's painful when loved ones die, either too soon or very late. It's painful when life changes, jobs are lost, careers change, relationships deteriorate or change. But all pain is still weakness leaving the body.

To not understand that death comes to everyone and to react to it as if life has thrown us, and us alone, a nasty curve, is weakness and needs to go. The pain of loss wakes us up to our emotional weaknesses and we either grow through or become bitter as some do. Most grow through and are stronger for the pain that comes into their lives. Without the pain, there could be no growth and no getting stronger. I suppose this is why we cling, at times, to "what does not kill me, makes me stronger." Very true. Sometimes you have to wonder what the outcome of pain will be because, well when it happens, it's painful! Life is a bit like walking. Walking is a controlled crash in the making that, with practice, we turn into graceful movement and progress.

Whether pain is literal and hurts the body, or emotional and hurts the mind and spirit, perhaps if we remind ourselves that "Pain is weakness leaving the body," we can see the bigger picture of what it might be here to teach us. It is universally true that in our weaknesses and pain, we are made stronger, if we allow it and don't allow self pity, anger and "why me" (why not?) to distract us from an opportunity to learn the lessons here at Earth School.

Dennis C. Diehl

UCG Using Evil NIV Bible and God is Ticked!

Poor Apostle Malm is having a snit fit again about UCG using the New International Version of the Bible.  According to James this Bible is demonic in it's origins and is a tool of Madam Blavatsky and Satan.

I am receiving reports from several UCG congregations that their elders have now switched to using the NIV mistranslation of the Bible.  The NIV was created by the Evangelical movement and contains very many subtle changes designed to promote the Evangelical agenda.  This book is copyrighted to make money for the group who “translated” it.  It is strongly endorsed by all Evangelical organizations including the 33 degree Mason, Billy Graham.
Do some research on the NIV: take the trouble to look up the scriptures used in the sermons in your KJV and be very careful about the subtlety of the nuanced changes.  This is not about any single obvious change, it is about a series of nuanced changes that add up to a overall total change of focus and attitude about Law, Grace and Tolerance for Sin in the name of Love!
Love.  Armstrongism's four letter word.  It's most despised concept.  How dare one love a sinner.  There are RULES! There are LAWS!  Fools!

Then the Apostle get's down to his business of warning the laodicians.The end-time is here!  Wake up!

I tell you the truth:  He delays NO LONGER!

Those who are close to God and are diligently following the lead of his spirit, have nothing to fear of the tribulation.  They know that the Eternal is their refuge.  The true and ultimate refuge is in our relationship with our Father in heaven.  We confidently know that whether we live or die; he will raise us up on that day.  No tribulation nor any other trial brings terrors to us; being filled with God’s spirit and the love of God which is the keeping of all of the Father’s commandments; we know that we love him and are pleasing to him. The perfect love of God casts out all our fears as we are filled with confident faith in HIM.

Those who are NOT zealously keeping God’s commandments and pleasing him, lack the love of God which is contained in his commandments.  They lack a close relationship with the Father, having compromised with his Law and Word.
The tribulation is God’s merciful correction for those wicked persons who would compromise with his law;  who would call the zealous foolish; who are lifted up with pride and will not receive instruction.

These people are beyond saving; for they WILL NOT be saved.  They are beyond instruction; for they WILL NOT hear.  They have left a loving Father with only one option: To bring their fears upon them; to crush their pride; to humble them; and make them once again teachable by forcing them to realize just how wrong they have been.

Almighty God is ANGRY; He is vexed at our self-righteous failure to exalt him above our corporations and human leaders.

I warn you with all gravity:  We have lost our relationship with our Father by becoming corporate church centered, rather than using  church’s as helps to become and stay GOD CENTERED.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Some Things Never Change in the COG

The new and improved, 'authentic' splinter group, Church of God a Worldwide Association, has laid down the law regarding how it's leadership will be run. The grumpy old men still rule.

In a typically crafted COG document they have laid out a plan that keeps the old guard in power yet again.  They were trained in WCG, jumped ship to UCG where they wielded the same power they thought they had in WCG, and now plan on continuing with that same power structure. New ideas will be left by the wayside.

Only ministers who have been ordained more than 20 years will be allowed to sit on the Board of Directors.

Board members will serve eight year terms.  If five out of the seven members object to a person they can vote to have him removed.  Elders can request a ballot to removed a board member if they gather 25% of the elders signatures.  Then it will take 60% of the elders voting the person officially out.
 (According to J Malm) In practical terms this 20 years point narrows down the Board to AC Alumni only.  This means that the split leaders will be in total control of COGWA regardless of the selection option chosen.  ONLY they meet the required qualifications.  In reality this is a choice between irrelevant options.  Elders are being allowed to decide the method they will use; and will have no real choice as to WHO leads!  With very little exception they can choose between members of the same group only! 
 They are being told to choose between two irrelevant issues!    The Franks/McCullough/Kilough group wins either way!  THE BIG CON!
Only those currently employed or ordained in the last five years are allowed to nominate men to the Board. This is slick because the ministers who have been employed by the COGaWA are those that were hand selected out of the entire group when they all jumped ship.
Malm writes: That is a condition which disenfranchises those unpaid elders who have not  had paid jobs for the past five years in UCG;   this is  great for the Old Guard. It may be preferred by the paid Old Guard like McCullough/ Franks/Kilough and friends.  This is the key issue behind the power struggle in COGWA; only the inner circle of friends and AC alumni have been hired; and may nominate candidates if Option One  passes. This entrenches the Old HWA Guard. This gives the lie to the mantra of "Servant Leadership" as they define it; because it maintains the same old Caste System of the past.

The president of the church must have fifteen years experience and at least five years with 'pastoral' experience.  He is chosen by the board and must serve their desires and  needs. In other words, he will not be a spiritual leader like Meredith is.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Isn't It Time You Started Questioning Sabbath Keeping?

If Charlton Heston had never went up that mountain we would not have all the Sabbath keeping controversies today!

Armstrongism is continuing to lose members because they realize sabbath keeping is not required of Christians.  Seventh Day Adventists are leaving too.  In 2005 the SDA church announced that 1.5 million SDA's have left the church in the last five years.  Part of the reason why is the same phenomenon that is decimating Armstrongism: "The Internet has made information accessible to people worldwide who are seeking for the answers to their questions about Adventism."
There are numerous web sites out there that have a wealth of information for those who are questioning sabbatarianism.

Kerry Wynne is a former third generation Seventh-day Adventist.  William Hohmann is a former Worldwide Church of God member.  The Sabbath “heritage” of both authors goes back to one, single group of believers which adopted Sabbatarianism almost immediately after the Great Disappointment of 1844. Thus, these denominations are truly “sister” churches.   Both authors graduated from the universities which host(ed) the theological seminaries of their respective denominations. The authors have worked in association  with biblical researcher, Robert K. Sanders, a former Seventh-day Adventist who now hosts a comprehensive web-site which addresses issues in Adventism and Sabbatarianism—Truth Or Fables.Com. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Apostle Malm's Endtime Timeline

double click to super enlarge

The Apostle has been on a roll this week whipping up a frenzy about the tribulation and how the church is not ready.  Today he laid out how the tribulation will SPECIFICALLY happen:

The tribulation period will begin like this.

1.  A major conflict will reset the regional conditions to allow for a genuine dialogue for peace.  This peace agreement has already been reached and only the will of the party’s to implement it; and a few details remain to be worked out. Therefore an agreement could be reached in a very short time, if the Israeli coalition were to be changed and the sides were motivated. At the same time a new International Economic System will be put in place which will insulate the world from the coming events and the collapse of the US dollar.

2.   At the appointed time the final false prophet will be set up as a miracle working pope calling for a new Europe.  The foundations of that Roman revival have already been laid; all that is needed is a strong motivation and the right catalyst to make it happen.  A miracle working religious leader appearing at a time of crisis with solutions and the fact that Almighty God has put this into the hearts of these men: Will make it happen in Quick Time.

3.   Europe may be united quickly, perhaps in a matter of weeks, but the Beast emperor will ONLY [marginal rendering] have power [be allowed by God] to make war for 42 months:  Rev 13:4 
As this is being set up; Peacekeeper’s, many from Europe; will be sent to Palestine to implement the peace agreement.

4.   This final false prophet will then go to the Holy Place as the fake prince of peace, 75 days after being set up in Rome.  That will trigger the great tribulation, as the extremist Jewish Settlement Movement rejects the deal and reacts violently. Perhaps some other similar event will trigger the actual violence, either way when this abomination goes to the Holy Place the tribulation will begin with the occupation of Jerusalem and Judea.
God’s two prophets will be empowered 26 1/2 days after this false prophet has bee set up in Rome, giving them about 45 days to provide a final warning to America, Israel and the world;  BEFORE these things begin.  These two will also lead God’s faithful who respond to the warning, to a place prepared of God. They will arrive at that place as this false prophet triggers the tribulation. 

5.   One of the key elements of this peace deal is under negotiation right now.  It is a mutual defense pact between Israel and the United States.  This pact is to be made sure by the coming war and US led intervention against Syria and Iran.
The US Congress is controlled by AIPAC and the various financial institutions which finance the election campaigns.  An election year is approaching and the Congressional men and women KNOW that they must support this pact as well as the defense of Israel during this summers conflict.  That lays the foundation for American support of Israel in their conflict with Europe.

6.   When the United States threatens the new Europe to back off of Israel, the Beast will strike first, because this is of God.  He will strike with a massive Cyber Attack that will bring the United States crashing down.  It is possible that a few nuclear bombs will also be used, but relatively few will be necessary!  For that the Force de Frappe is all that will be required. Please note the naval nuclear power of France, also note that each submarine missile tube carries a missile which in turn can carry up to ten weapons.

At the same time the Islamic world with the exception of  Egypt; will fully support Europe in its campaign against Israel and her allies.  In fact the whole world, fed up and seeing the Israelis and  their allies as great war mongers; will support the European forces.




7.   This attack will leave Judea occupied and America in a state of  collapse, unable to respond.  Americans will be fighting for survival in a chaotic situation of  unraveling government  authority; as neighbour strives with neighbour for survival, natural religious and racial animosities will surface with violent result.  Unable to import oil, there will be a massive famine and lack of food, no fuel for plowing, planting, harvesting and distribution. A population weakened by famine will be susceptible to disease and massive epidemics will break out. Domestic fuel supplies will be fought over; I think you get the picture; chaos and a struggle for survival.
The total collapse will be an ongoing process that will last the entire 42 months. When the pride of our people has at last been finally and completely broken: the true deliverer will come with his saints to usher in a true New World!

During this time Europe will enjoy great prosperity for a couple of years, then they shall go to war against the Asian nations.

The next war will be a new kind of war mingled with the old.  There will be no need for occupation after defeat, although the enemy may want control of some critical nodes and bases.  The US fleet will be forced to go to various ports and may then enter into agreements to help defend host nations like Japan in exchange for succor.