Showing posts with label NIV Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NIV Bible. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2011

UCG Using Evil NIV Bible and God is Ticked!

Poor Apostle Malm is having a snit fit again about UCG using the New International Version of the Bible.  According to James this Bible is demonic in it's origins and is a tool of Madam Blavatsky and Satan.

I am receiving reports from several UCG congregations that their elders have now switched to using the NIV mistranslation of the Bible.  The NIV was created by the Evangelical movement and contains very many subtle changes designed to promote the Evangelical agenda.  This book is copyrighted to make money for the group who “translated” it.  It is strongly endorsed by all Evangelical organizations including the 33 degree Mason, Billy Graham.
Do some research on the NIV: take the trouble to look up the scriptures used in the sermons in your KJV and be very careful about the subtlety of the nuanced changes.  This is not about any single obvious change, it is about a series of nuanced changes that add up to a overall total change of focus and attitude about Law, Grace and Tolerance for Sin in the name of Love!
Love.  Armstrongism's four letter word.  It's most despised concept.  How dare one love a sinner.  There are RULES! There are LAWS!  Fools!

Then the Apostle get's down to his business of warning the laodicians.The end-time is here!  Wake up!

I tell you the truth:  He delays NO LONGER!

Those who are close to God and are diligently following the lead of his spirit, have nothing to fear of the tribulation.  They know that the Eternal is their refuge.  The true and ultimate refuge is in our relationship with our Father in heaven.  We confidently know that whether we live or die; he will raise us up on that day.  No tribulation nor any other trial brings terrors to us; being filled with God’s spirit and the love of God which is the keeping of all of the Father’s commandments; we know that we love him and are pleasing to him. The perfect love of God casts out all our fears as we are filled with confident faith in HIM.

Those who are NOT zealously keeping God’s commandments and pleasing him, lack the love of God which is contained in his commandments.  They lack a close relationship with the Father, having compromised with his Law and Word.
The tribulation is God’s merciful correction for those wicked persons who would compromise with his law;  who would call the zealous foolish; who are lifted up with pride and will not receive instruction.

These people are beyond saving; for they WILL NOT be saved.  They are beyond instruction; for they WILL NOT hear.  They have left a loving Father with only one option: To bring their fears upon them; to crush their pride; to humble them; and make them once again teachable by forcing them to realize just how wrong they have been.

Almighty God is ANGRY; He is vexed at our self-righteous failure to exalt him above our corporations and human leaders.

I warn you with all gravity:  We have lost our relationship with our Father by becoming corporate church centered, rather than using  church’s as helps to become and stay GOD CENTERED.