Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why Do The COG's Continue To Disgrace Themselves?

I had to laugh when reading the comments on Apostle  Malm's blog today.  One of his acolytes wrote the comment below and James responded.

Malm at least has a point for once that is worthwhile.  It is true that if the COG's would stop their stupidity, their disgraceful, hypocritical and lying ways, then we would have nothing to report.  95% of what is reported here is copied directly from COG websites and blogs.  It's their own words that condemn them!  Instead, day in and day out, they lie, they cause dissension, they abuse members, they cause deaths, suicides and untold misery.  The list could go on and on.  There is nothing "godly" about any the COG's!  Armstrongism has always been a cesspool.  Twenty five years after HWA's death and they are worse than ever. It's no wonder that not one single COG group is growing.  .

concerned observer
October 7th, 2011 at 18:05
And now spread to the e-rags which disgrace the COGs daily….
By their fruits you shall know them… PRECISELY! If we did not disgrace ourselve they would have little to write about! What ever happened to God’s command to be above any possible reproach and of a good reputation? James

Reprobate COGers Parasailing and Watching WICKED Cartoons on Saturdays

Apostle Malm is not happy today!  Well, that's no shocker.  He is upset that COG folk who happen to go on Feast cruises spend Saturday parasailing and watching shows and cartoons.  Oh the tragedy!

The last Feast I ever attended was a cruise to the Caribbean.  I bet 1/3 - 1/2 those on the cruise did similar activities.  Why sit in some theatre listening to a minister drone on and on about nothing?  Most people on the cruise brought guests because the rates were so good and people had a blast, even on Saturdays.  I even saw the minister in the casino on Saturday.

It is reported to me that many engage in lengthy travel on the Sabbath; that at a recent Feast, a cruise ship was in port on Sabbath and the minister hid away as the people went out to play; parasailing. That many watch hours of cartoons and shows full of wickedness on the Sabbath; and that in a demonstration of monumental hypocrisy [not being willing to work, but being willing to pay others to do so] some actually go out to buy food and drink on God’s Holy Sabbath Day.

wicked, wicked, wicked!