Saturday, February 4, 2012

Apostle Malm on Fallen Angels, Sacrifices and Losing Jesus

Apparently God really screwed up when he created the angelic hosts because I guess he was too dumb to see that Lucifer was going to eventually rebel causing God to cast him to earth.  Because of that screw up, God then created mortal human beings that would die in order that they could not eternally be in rebellion.  Humans were created in order to suffer for their sinfulness and then die instead of destroying the worlds in eternal fist fights throughout the cosmos.

GOD DOES NOT WANT ANOTHER SUCH CONFLICT. Therefore, God has made men of flesh, so that they could learn the wages and consequences of sin; without destroying the universe!  And so that men, made of flesh would not have the power of angels or spirits; the power to destroy.  Man and his destructive abilities have been limited to the earth, until man learns the ways to peace.

According to Malm, Satan had destroyed the earth to the point it looked like the moon and other planets which are desolate places.  Then God had to step in and recreate the earth with his remaining angels in order to create a planet livable for humans. 

Armstrongism has long believed that the cosmic battle between God and Lucifer had thoroughly decimated the earth and left it lifeless.  That's why all the dinosaurs and cave men had died.  They were the original creation done by Lucifer and his angels. The creatures and plants they created were imperfect because sin was already starting to enter into Lucifer and his gang of angels. Thus the reason they had to be all wiped out and recreated with perfect Caucasians once Lucifer turned into The Big Bad Boy Satan.  There is even a small group of wacky Armstrongites that believe that Satan and Jesus are brothers.  That is another story left for another time.

So why is the Apostle on this kick today?  The Apostle wants to beat into you foolish idiots that  the law is  REQUIRED as are Sacrifices!

Read the silliness he writes:

God’s law reveals the way to peace, harmony and prosperity.  Breaking the principles revealed by that law; leads to decay, destruction, violence and death.  Man MUST learn that lesson. He MUST learn through the bitter crucible of experience the TRUTH of what God is trying to teach us. (Translation: You stupid idiot humans were created to suffer and be miserable.  You must suffer for your mistakes so that God can beat you into submission.)

To teach us these things: God have given us the way to peace; his law.  He is now allowing us to experience the other side, so that in future we can make an intelligent, informed decision concerning our future behaviour. The Sacrificial System is the third part of the lesson. (Translation: To teach you the way of peace God made one big huge dumbass mistake by having Jesus accomplish what he did. Screw that!  The law is your foundation and is the ONLY thing you must be following.)

The purpose of the sacrificial System is to demonstrate; over and over again, that sin brings death. That to avoid death; WE MUST STOP SINNING: WE MUST FOLLOW THE PRINCIPLES THAT LEAD TO LIFE [GOD’S LAW].  God does not have to kill you for breaking his law.  The very act of doing what leads to death will do that.  God’s law, leads to life; breaking that law results in death.  We MUST LEARN THAT LESSON.

 The Apostle then goes on to write:

Is the Sacrificial System done away?
If that is true, there is no more sacrifice for sin!  This system IS NOT DONE AWAY!  Every single aspect of this system is a direct allegory to an aspect of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

When we repent and ask that the sacrifice of Christ be applied to us and that our sins be atoned for, we are offering: a sin offering, a trespass offering, a burnt offering, a peace offering, a drink offering, a meal offering, and a freewill offering.

This little man just does not get it at all. He still feels the need to beat Jesus to death every Passover in some high school  gym or Masonic Lodge.  Break those matzo's so you can hear Jesus bones breaking and his flesh tearing.  The trouble is, according to scripture no bones were broken despite Armstrongisms' stupid process of putting a microphone next to the matzo tray so the amplified sound of breaking can make you as a church member feel like worthless piles of shit.  It is still necessary to kill the guy year after year so your slate is wiped clean once a year.  The problem that feel good sensation only happens momentarily after the COG Passover service.  As soon as you get in the car and get pissed off at a driver that cuts in front of you, you have already started to rack up sins that will be held against you for the next year.  Each month that goes by that list keeps getting bigger and bigger till you are a groveling worthless pile of human garbage as you walk into a COG Passover service again.  The "once and for all" understanding is totally missing from the Apostle's mindset.

We have a Special reminder of this annually at the Passover.  But, it is true that Christ fulfills the role of our sacrifice and High Priest EVERY TIME, we repent of sin and ask for the application of his sacrifice.
To repent means: To STOP SINNING, however we may occasionally slip in our learning process, and all humanity does not repent at once, therefore the Law of sacrifice needs to be in place throughout history to be available for ALL humanity!

You also need to beware on how you do that sacrifice each year.  Almost all of you are grievous sinners when it comes to the matzos you are buying.  How many of you buy the unclean WHITE matzo's?  You are sinners for doing so!  Why do you mock and humiliate Jesus with white matzo's?

The grain is always the complete kernel of grain, stone ground fine; which in its perfection and purity is an appropriate symbol of the Bread of Life!

That is why it is so wrong and even sinful to use a white flour matzoth, devoid of nutritional value, purity and wholesomeness; as a symbol of Christ at Passover.  It is just an improper and false empty symbol devoid of anything Christlike in its make up.
 A DRINK OFFERING of wine is poured out, picturing shed blood, showing Christ giving His life in service to God; but still no thought of sin.  This set of Offerings shows the perfection of Jesus Christ being Offered; TO BE ACCEPTED FOR US Lev 23:11.  There is ABSOLUTELY; NO HINT OF SIN.
 The bread and wine of Passover were NOT new symbols by any means.  They were basic symbols of the sacrificial system all along.  Christ did not add new symbols at all, he merely brought to our attention the meaning of those symbols already codified in the law.

The Apostle is positively sure that the beginning of the end will be happening within the next year or so.  Then once his chosen frozen have received their final training in Petra we will be given worlds to rule over with rods of iron where we will be beating people into submission as they  are forced to come and offer sacrifices for their sins.

NOTE:  A new physical Temple will be built at Jerusalem during the millennial Kingdom;and this sacrificial system will be re started, Ezek 40-48.
These things will be school lessons to reveal the fullness of the service of the Father and Christ for their people!
At that time the meaning and spirit behind the various sacrifices will be explained to the people.  That will be OUR job!

Did you know that Jesus has been busy in heaven for the last 2,000 some years offering daily sacrifices on the altar of God in order to redeem all of you worthless sinners! The Apostle wants you to know that Jesus is starting to get pissed!  I mean come on!  For 2,000 years Jesus has been having to do daily sacrifices  for all of you idiot sinners out there. Jesus is ready to spit all of you out!

Jesus Christ will STOP interceding for his people as a group and spue them OUT of his body!
That is the stopping of the Daily Intersessional Offering of the Daily Sacrifice; applying of the Sacrifice of Christ and his intercession for us with the Father, because of all of our abominations.
I have worked so hard to warn of these sins which are coming between the COG and the Eternal, for they will result in our REJECTION by CHRIST and the Father!
Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
 The Apostle also closes with this absurd belief: Jesus is lost to us.  I guess that's kind of like the gospel being "lost" for 1,900 years till Herb came along. Now we have been told we have lost Jesus.  How STUPID can Armstrongism get?
This world is full of abominations, and we are to be the salt of this earth,  making it worth preserving by our God.  We have LOST our savour to our God! 

Guest Article: Van Robison: "Creating God in the Image of Herbert W. Armstrong"

Creating God in the Image of Herbert W. Armstrong

Years ago as a member of the original Worldwide Church of God, and as an employee for twelve years at Ambassador College in Pasadena, I can well remember Herbert W. stating that "I think I have the mind of God."

Human vanity in some human beings is enormous.  Herbert thinking he had the mind of God, naturally was implying that only he had the mind of God.  This was to imply that Herbert and God were on the same level,
same playing field and thought alike.  Whatever Herbert did then, was God doing it, because God and Herbert were pals.  Spending millions of dollars of tithe payers money on college buildings, jet airplanes, homes, mansions (for the ruling elite), traveling around the world and presenting $20,000 pieces of Steuben Crystal to "Royalty", was then an "act" of God, because God thought the "same" as Herbert W. Armstrong.

"I have the mind of God", so then no matter what Herbert W. Armstrong did, it was the mind of God.  The world is overrun with religious groups founded by individuals with very colorful personalities, who see themselves as equal to God, and as representing God on earth to mankind.  What is overwhelming is how the sheeple can be so hoodwinked into following these individuals.  I also am guilty.  I did it in my youth and in my lack of knowing.

I well remember how paranoid we were in the Worldwide Church of God, and any opposition was considered "persecution."  I use to be one of the individuals who walked about the Ambassador College campus in Pasadena during the Sabbath church services with walkie talkie and watched the grounds.  If anyone just innocently walked across the campus, he or she was viewed with suspicion, as if someone is "out to get us."  Since there was more than one of us doing this, we would communicate via walkie talkie and tell each other "keep a look out, there is someone walking across the grounds at such and such a location" as if they were out to "get us." This is typical of the mind and mentality of cults.

Herbert W. Armstrong created God in his own image.  I learned long ago that God IS NOT a member of the Worldwide Church of God, or any of its splinter groups.  And for everyone else, God IS NOT a member of the Southern Baptist organization, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormon empire, the Roman Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, the Greek Orthodox, the Russian Orthodox, the Mennonite group, the Amish, the Seventh Day Adventist, the "Sacred" Name groups, nor a member of any other man-made religious group on earth.  God IS NOT even an atheist or agnostic.  What Herbert W. Armstrong did in his religious career, is to create God in his own image.  So then, the followers of Herbert W., were following the mind of a man whose personal opinions persuaded a multitude of people that Herbert W. Armstrong had "the mind of God."  And the millions of dollars flowed into his bank account like a river.

Van Robison