Sunday, March 11, 2012

Restored Church of God and It's Money Managing Ministers


The Restored Church of God has had a couple of articles on their apostate defecting ministers site by a guy from Africa name Prince Vidal Wachuku.  Dave Pack has been trotting out this guy for his saccharine dripping words of praise about the  mightiest, biggest and most important ministry in the entire universe.  Brother Vidal and his wife are from Nigeria. RED FLAGNow it has been disclosed that they are "wealth creation strategists." RED FLAG: Nigeria and wealth creation?  Bad combination of words!)  

Their wealth creation business may be entirely legitimate, but when that topic is combined with Nigeria and a Church of God all kinds of red flags should go upWhen Dave Pack brings in money strategists right at the point where he is wanting to build a new monument to himself should be suspect too.  Are the Wachuku's there to help Dave manage his money?  Was he such an inept boob financially that he had to bring in church money mangers?  Are they there to teach church members how to earn more money in order to send it it to Dave?