Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wayne Matthews (Weinlandite) "It is not my job (or anyone else in the ministry) to explain scriptures or anything to you..."

Below is a quote from an email exchange between Ron Weinland's so-called evangelist Wayne Matthews and a former member had had a series of questions regrading Ron's continuing status as a Witness/Apostle/Prophet.  The arrogance or Matthews and Ron show why Armstrongism has no credibility.  This arrogance is not isolated to COG-PKG but is in every single COG organization out there.  The leaders know more than the dumb sheep.

Highlights are mine:

Hi Christian, It is not my job (nor anyone in the ministry) to explain scriptures or anything to you or to anyone else. It is “God that convicts” someone by the power of His spirit. You either believe God or you don’t. You have chosen not to believe in faith.

I do not have to report to you. When I disfellowshipped you it was for the very reason revealed in this email. You  do not believe God in the spirit of humility. You had spoken to at least 2 others before I disfellowshipped you (that’s why I called you in the first place).

You remain disfellowshipped and until I see clear obvious repentance you remain cut off from God and His church.

Neither Ron or I intend to engage you with regards to any of your questions (which imply you know more than God’s Apostle). If you cannot see the truth, you cannot see it. We pray God grants you repentance to see your current spirit (attitude).
Regards Wayne

You can read the entire email exchange on Mike's Blog: Deputy Sheriff Wayne Rides Again

Monday, July 16, 2012

Did Satan Attack Pack's New Super Duper Web Site

It  is now 11:00 pm PST on the day of the supposed unveiling of the most mind boggling web site in modern human history.  But where is it?

When prophets lie doesn't scripture say that people are not to follow them?  Even one little lie is enough to invalidate everything the prophet says.  Is Dave a lair?

The same incredibly boring web site is still up:

Instead of this astonishing and mind boggling new version: