Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dale Schurter: When Will He Grow A Pair?

Dale Schurter has a long history being part of the Church of God.  He was looked upon by many as a guru on natural farming and other "green" activities before they were cool.  Others worshiped the man as a minister.  He could preach no wrong and his tapes were widely distributed.

Then Dale made the mind numbing switch over to the Restored Church of God claiming it was the ONLY COG on the face of the earth and in human history to be doing an earth shattering "work."

A reader sent in a little blurb to me today about Dale's latest chameleon changes.  Dale seems to have a reputation on changing colors to suit his latest endeavor.

Dave Pack has been having orgasmic fits over LCG's new teaching on the "wedding supper" and where it will be. Dave is spitting fire right now that LCG are apostates for teaching such a heresy.

The only problem is this so called "new teaching" is not new and was first brought to light by WCG pastor Harold Smith in 1981.  Smith started teaching that the "wedding feast" would be in heaven.  The interesting thing is that when Smith preached this one of the first to jump on the same band wagon was Dale Schurter.  Dale was a firm believer in this "new" teaching and taught it.

Jump ahead to 2012 and Dale is has joined up with his new guru Dave. Obviously Dale needs to be told what to believe, where to do it and how.  Hence, Mr. No Balls.

 Dave hates that teaching and says it is heresy.  Dale Schurter, in his typical ball-less fashion now has changed his beliefs and says it is wrong.  How many more times can this king of waffling change his mind?  When Dave kicks him out of RCG? When some other "new and improved" teacher comes along?

Why doesn't Dale get a pair and stand up for something and stick to it?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Fine Example On How The Church of God Regarded It's Members

Here is example of how the Worldwide Church of God treated it's members and how it lusted after money. 
This is a truly a disgusting story that was on Facebook this week. 

This is not the first time that the WCG did this to members and families of the deceased.  It was standard practice. There are many documented cases over the decades of the WCG suing family members to get money that the church believed they deserved. There are even instances of families left destitute because the WCG took all the money.

This is not something left to the old dusty bin of WCG history. It still goes on in every large splinter group out there today.  Beware of putting the COG in your will at the expense of your family!

My father was an elder for 30 some years with no pay. Dad died at age 62. Leaving my mother a widow. A church member who my parents took care of for years left my mother his money. WWC took my mother to court and got part of it. They then asked my mother and my brother for the rest of it. And My Brother FD who was an elder got up in front of the church and resigned and left the wwc church. My mother owned the church building that they were meeting in. Headquarters Pasadena [was] a bunch of crooks!

By the way the mans body wasn't even cold yet. The same day of his funeral the lawyers called my mother and I into a meeting. And across the table was you guessed it. [A]World Wide Church of God minister and headquarters on the phone guiding them all the way.

E. W. King: My Prophecy Has Come True

Yet again, we have another COG minister who claims prophetic insight into world events.  God apparently is speaking directly to him and not to any of the other COG leaders around the world.  EeeeeW King thinks he predicted the assassination of the U.S. Ambassador to Syria.

EeeeeW King writes:

It is interesting to note here the fact that I stated in my April 9th 2012 prophetic forecast the following:
“And last but not least I have stated that I believe that an attack on a world leader is coming soon. I do not have all the details about why I believe this, I just do. Egypt seems to be getting restless. Egypt would like to see Israel invaded. This world is like a giant storm floating in space. As we watch world events stay close to God. Pray often. Study the Bible often. Share with others as often as you can about the coming Kingdom of God.” (To read the whole prophecy forecast for 2012 click here)

Did you notice that I put it in the context of Egypt? Many have noticed that my prophecy forecasts have come true. People who have received my first book will note these statements and that I stated them way back when the book was published. I am not a prophet. However, I do know that God has given me clarity in regards to watching prophetic events. I still believe that (unfortunately) yet another assassination of a leading figure will soon occur. I do not take pleasure in these prophetic forecasts. I simply try and listen to God and honor Him in all that I do and say.

An ambassador represents a world leader; he or she is the speaker of the leader. The recent attack on the American ambassador was an act of war!

*To read more about my prophetic forecasts and their fulfillments click here.

   “Christian Reality…the spin stops here!”

The Rats Are Jumping Off Ron Weinland's Felonious Ship

Ever since Church of God Preaching the Kingdom pastor Ron Weinland was convicted in court a month or so ago he has had members leaving his sinking ship.  With members leaving, money goes out the door too.

Today, Dave Pack is gloating once again that he has scored more jumpers from Church of God Preaching the Kingdom.  These are men who care more about continuing to receive a paycheck than actually being men of integrity and speaking out against Ron and the rest of the fraudulent COG leaders who continue to fleece the flock.

A second former PKG leader—also in New Zealand—has become a member of The Restored Church of God. A number of former PKG members from that country have come with Restored, and we have heard from others in PKG, both in New Zealand and around the world, who are looking into RCG.

Obviously these men are not as important as they thought they were because Dave has not released their names.  Or, maybe they are being sent immediately to Dave's reeducation camp so that they don't make complete asses of themselves like Schurter, Gray, Zhorne and Wachuku did.