Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why Would Anyone Want to be Part of the COG Millennium?

Preaching the Gospel (COG) has an entry up about the great white throne judgment and the Church of God's part in it.  This guy is a little more gentle in the roll he thinks church members will play.  This is in sharp contrast to the other spiritual deviates out there in COGland  who are looking with relish at the thought of ruling with rods of iron and whipping people into submission.  However, the things he claims COG members will be doing in the millennium is in sharp contrast in how they do these things today.

The billions who will come up in the white throne judgement will need to be fed, clothed, and housed. They will need a multitude of supplies and equipment. There may even be more people raised up than the earth can feed with the farming produce that is produced during the white throne judgement period.

Growing needed food, manufacturing the clothing and other needed items, and building the housing that will be needed can be the work of the people during the millennium, and by so laboring, they will be learning the give way of life, not just by our instruction, but by putting the lesson into action.

It's interesting how they claim to want to help feed, cloth and house people in their "millennium" yet won't lift a finger in this present age to help the hungry, homeless and the downtrodden.

God has given the Church a great work of love that goes beyond the Church itself - a labor of love of warning Israel about the tribulation to come if they do not repent of their sins and of preaching the gospel to the world as a witness. 

A "work" of "love?"  LOVE?????  Really??????  When so many of the splinter groups rage and spit about the Germans, Chinese, Holy Roman Empire, concentration camps, being sold as sex slaves and being hung up on meat hooks, just WHERE is the love in that?  Trying to scare people shitless is NOT showing love.  Armstrongism's love is totally directed inwards instead of outwards.  Jesus love and concern was directed outwards and upwards, drawing in the rejects of society, while the ministers, evangelists and splinter group leaders of that time were left outside either pissed or wanting in.

Likewise, in the millennium, we will preach to the people of the world the way of love and of give, but also, they will learn that way of life by putting it into practice - by contributing to the buildup of food, clothing, supplies, and physical needs of the billions who will come up in the white throne judgement. They will all be poor - there is no indication their possessions will be resurrected with them, just their bodies (Ezekiel chapter 37).

Does anyone in the world want the "love" that most all of the splinter groups exhibit in 2012?  We have seen that love in action with hundreds of splinter groups formed by angry men who wanted to form their own empire because they, and they alone were right.  Other than Victor Kubik and GCI, none of the larger splinter groups do anything for those around them in the world. They do not care for the hungry, the poor, the homeless, or the stranger at their gates.  If they can't and won't do it now they certainly will not do it in the future.

But the giving will not necessarily all be by compulsion as it was when Joseph ruled Egypt. Rather, we will teach the people to give willingly of their time, labor, and material possessions as their are able, and they will know that by contributing they are helping those who will come up in the white throne judgement, who will need all these things. 

True leaders set the example.  If these people really think they are going to teach people to "...willingly give of their time, labor, and material possessions..." then they need to be setting the example today in the 21st century!  To do otherwise is to do nothing more than blow hot air.

We will be able to teach the people this way of life because that is the way we are learning ourselves when we give to the work of preaching the gospel to the world. We are not just helping our own Church of God group. We are extending ourselves outside of the group we are part of to serve the world - the millions we don't even personally know, people who are sinners and have not yet repented. Yet, just as God loved the world, which was sinning against Him, enough to sacrifice His Son for the world, likewise we are to love the world and give them what they need to repent, that is, the truth.

What a load of bullshit!  What are they learning NOW? Their focus in this day and age is inwards.  They care ONLY for their respective Church of God community.  There is no cooperation between COG's, there is no extending themselves to care for those around them, there is no concern for neighbors, etc.  As for those who have not "repented yet" if you are really a follower of Jesus (who was not mentioned in there article except for one word "son") then you would realize that at that point in time those sins are 100% forgiven.

So just as God has us learn the give way of live by giving to the work of preaching the gospel to the world and the Ezekiel warning to Israel, so also we will teach the people in the millennium the give way of life by leading them and teaching them to contribute what they are able to the physical preparations for the white throne judgement, cheerfully and with a willing heart.

Right now, in this day and age, the "give way" that the Churches of God claim to proclaim is totally worthless and hypocritical.  Most COG's today are all about stealing members from other groups, claiming exclusive leadership that they think are Apostles, claiming right doctrine over all the other groups, damning others for so called "sabbath breaking," etc., etc., etc.

They cannot wake up to the fact that none of them have anything to offer any more.  Look at the hundreds of thousands who have left Armstrongism over the years.  Look at the 700+ splinter groups that are more divided today than Christianity is.  Sadly, their kingdom, their millennium, their world tomorrow, leaves us and the rest of humanity with a bitter taste in our mouths.  Why would we ever want to be part of that again?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ron "Weinerdude" Weinland Sentencing Delayed Again

Mike is reporting the following about Ron Weinland:

Yet More Time for Ron

(Click on link above for lots of information about Ron Weiinland and his recent court case which named him a FELON)
(at Covington)
Criminal Action No. 2: 11-70-DCR-001
*** *** *** ***
The Court has received the Presentence Report in this matter and notes that it contains lengthy objections by the parties. As a result, the sentencing hearing will take more time than previously allotted. Therefore, being sufficiently advised, it is hereby ORDERED that the sentencing hearing previously scheduled in this matter for Monday, October 29, 2012, shall be RESCHEDULED for Wednesday, November 14, 2012, beginning at the hour of 10:00 a.m., at the United States Courthouse in Covington, Kentucky.
This 19th day of October, 2012.
/s/ Danny C. Reeves
United States District Judge
So Ron gets to wear the ankle bracelet of humility for a couple of weeks longer while he watches cable TV in the basement of his mansion on the golf course.  The new sentencing date is exactly 4 years since the Seventh Seal was opened for the second time, and 6 years since he sent “2008 — God’s Final Witness” to the publisher.  Also 1 year and 4 days after being indicted.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Van Robison on: "Banned by HWA is a Lifeguard"

I never would have thought that a blog done in my spare time would become such a hit.  Close to half a million viewers since I started with over 1,100 hits a day.  All because I have fun making fun of the craziness we have all come out of.  You have to laugh at it all otherwise you become so disgusted that life becomes intolerable.

Van Robison wrote the following piece.  I had never thought much about what a positive impact this is having on people.  Much to the chagrin of a few idiot splinter group leaders out there. Hee Hee!

Banned by HWA is a Lifeguard

Banned by Herbert W. Armstrong is a lifeguard for church goers caught in the riptide of WCG splinter groups.   Riptides can pull the unsuspecting into the deep where the end result is almost always a sad result.  The few who are rescued by lifeguards are the only ones who live to tell what happened.  Spiritual riptides pull many into the deep, where there is little chance of survival.   Many church goers end their lives in the depths of spiritual and religious deception.

Beach goers in Southern California are there to have fun and enjoy the surf and sand.   Spiritual beach goers, think they are there because they have "truth", when in reality, they are so deceived, they have no clue that they are actually drowning in religious fraud.   The Worldwide Church of God was a RIPTIDE of deception, as are ALL splinter groups of the
WCG.   The "deep" in the spiritual ocean of fraud is full of sharks.   Church goers don't wear LIFE-JACKETS, they just plunge into the deep and think nothing will happen.

Quite often, those caught in the spiritual riptide of deception, refuse help or rescue, because they "think" they are "safe."   They really are not, they just don't realize that they are SHARK BAIT.


Is An Expose About Abuse in Armstrongism Soon to Hit Syndicated TV?

Here is an interesting bit of information that was sent to me today.  The person that sent it said it was off Facebook.  It is exciting to hear about this.  I hope this guy follows through with it.  As much as Oprah bothers me, she is an instant hit with millions of people and will make the cult of Armstrongism and it's abuses front page news.

With Andie Redwine's expose film "Paradise Recovered" based upon life in Armstrongism and cults, Armstrongism is now continually in the hot-seat.  This is in addition to the numerous morons that are splinter group leaders who continue to make fools of themselves and the Church of God.

Add to this all the blogs, web sites and books that continue to hold these groups accountable, they will be guaranteed to NEVER again gain a large following.

I love my Brother and have walked hand in hand with Him on his "Survivor Journey" (daily) for the past 34 years. His Girlfriend (a Doctor) is sickened ... collectivley.. they want to expose wcg in a huge way on a nationally syndicated network program. (I'm sure you may know which one). Its never been done before. Now that alot of "us kids" have the time, stamina, health, money, resources and drive to do so, with a view to assist folks "regain themselves" I applaud this effort.
This is my brother's initiative, with my blessing. I can tell you that a Sr. Producer is evaluating things and ...well se what happens.
My Brother is a unrelenting type of person who is driven by conviction. He maybe a voice. He, like me, trusts his Creator given instincts. Those instincts NEVER let him down, but a house fueled with wcg jet fuel did. I'm sooo happy that he is with us and all these years later, he has the intuition too reach out and let one hell of alot of folks know that its all going to be OK. OWN Network is the Production Company that has been approached. Fingers Crossed !! 

Mirror Mirror On the Wall Which Church is the Fairest of All?

Mirror Mirror On the Wall Which Church is the Fairest of All?

Every WCG splinter group church thinks they are the fairest of all.    All splinter group heads of the WCG, are self-worshipers, considering themselves as spokespersons for God.    God/Jesus Christ has not appeared to any of these men, spoken with them or implied that they speak for God.   Every WCG splinter group pastor or group of elders speak for no one, other than their own private opinions and they most definitely DO NOT speak for God.

All these groups jockey for control of as many empty headed followers as they can muster.   

Mirror Mirror on the wall which splinter group is the fairest of all?   Is it:

*The Philadelphia Church of God?
*The Restored Church of God?
*The Living Church of God?
*The Intercontinental Church of God?
*The United Church of God?
*The Church of God's Faithful?
*The Independent Church of God?
*The Christian Biblical Church of God?
*The Church of God-PKG?
*The House of Yahweh?

*Or name your group?

No doubt the Mirror on the wall would say "NONE OF YOU SNAKES are the fairest of all."   The Fairest of all is Jesus Christ.

Van Robison