Sunday, November 18, 2012

"WHAT is it with Pasadena and wacko visionary celebrities of the oddest stripe? "

There was a great piece in the in the Pasadena Star News recently by Larry Wilson.  The article is about Bobby Fischer and a new play about his wacky life.  The interesting thing to me is the first few comments.

Pasadena has been home to the emergence of several wacko men who achieved greatness with their far out beliefs.  L Ron Hubbard and Scientology, Jack Parsons of JPL and his descent into demonism and the dark arts, G G Green and his patent medicines and more.  Add to that mix Herbert Armstrong and his empire and Bobby Fischers descent into madness through his affiliation with Armstrongism.

He starts the article off with this quote:

WHAT is it with Pasadena and wacko visionary celebrities of the oddest stripe?

Maybe not so much now - although several lurk.

But, in the `40s and `50s, L. Ron Hubbard when he was still a mere science fiction writer and JPL co-founder and dark arts practitioner Jack Parsons; in the pioneer era huckster geniuses such as Colonel G.G. Green - patent medicines - and "Professor" Thaddeus Lowe, the Civil War aeronaut who made millions in hydrogen and lost it all on the failed alpine resort at Mt. Lowe.

All three of the above lived on South Orange Grove Boulevard. So did a later wacko - or just off of it, at least. Chess genius and if anything deeper wacko Bobby Fischer moved to Pasadena in the 1980s because of a truly weird affiliation with the Worldwide Church of God, center of Herbert W. Armstrong's empire at the magnificent Ambassador College campus on the boulevard and just east of it. 

Bobby Fishers association with Armstrongism is legendary.  It made the news in Pasadena for many years.  All the books currently out talk about how Armstrong and the Church exploited him for the publicity, then kept encouraging as he descended into madness.

Wilson continues:

Fischer was one of those creepiest of the creepy unfortunates in this world - a massively anti-Semitic Jew. So he latched on to the WCG as a port in his personal storm, when he'd achieved his lifetime goal of a world chess championship and then after a time declined to defend his title as he went more and more insane. 
Fischer found several compatriots that were anti-Jewish in Armstrongism.  There has always been that undercurrent of antisemitism present in the Church.  Many try to deny it, but it was there.  Some of the men in LCG and UCG were the men who were passing around The Protocols of the Elders of  Zion and other anti-Semitic books.

One would think that a church would not be involved in this stuff, would be setting the example on what it means to be people of faith and morality, but that has never been the case with us.  It's been one news story after another.  Adulterous leaders, fornicating Elders, rapists, murderers, thieves,  preachers of aberrant doctrine and more. The list could go on for many more paragraphs.  Armstrongism has left a sad trail of destruction it's wake.  So much for being agents of the Kingdom of God!  Like many others, I have to say "No Thanks!"

Read the entire article here:  Larry Wilson: Bobby Fischer makes it back to Pasadena

WHAT is it with Pasadena and wacko visionary celebrities of the oddest stripe?
Maybe not so much now - although several lurk.
But, in the `40s and `50s, L. Ron Hubbard when he was still a mere science fiction writer and JPL co-founder and dark arts practitioner Jack Parsons; in the pioneer era huckster geniuses such as Colonel G.G. Green - patent medicines - and "Professor" Thaddeus Lowe, the Civil War aeronaut who made millions in hydrogen and lost it all on the failed alpine resort at Mt. Lowe.
All three of the above lived on South Orange Grove Boulevard. So did a later wacko - or just off of it, at least. Chess genius and if anything deeper wacko Bobby Fischer moved to Pasadena in the 1980s because of a truly weird affiliation with the Worldwide Church of God, center of Herbert W. Armstrong's empire at the magnificent Ambassador College campus on the boulevard and just east of it.

Read more: Larry Wilson: Bobby Fischer makes it back to Pasadena - Whittier Daily News
WHAT is it with Pasadena and wacko visionary celebrities of the oddest stripe?
Maybe not so much now - although several lurk.
But, in the `40s and `50s, L. Ron Hubbard when he was still a mere science fiction writer and JPL co-founder and dark arts practitioner Jack Parsons; in the pioneer era huckster geniuses such as Colonel G.G. Green - patent medicines - and "Professor" Thaddeus Lowe, the Civil War aeronaut who made millions in hydrogen and lost it all on the failed alpine resort at Mt. Lowe.
All three of the above lived on South Orange Grove Boulevard. So did a later wacko - or just off of it, at least. Chess genius and if anything deeper wacko Bobby Fischer moved to Pasadena in the 1980s because of a truly weird affiliation with the Worldwide Church of God, center of Herbert W. Armstrong's empire at the magnificent Ambassador College campus on the boulevard and just east of it.

Read more: Larry Wilson: Bobby Fischer makes it back to Pasadena - Whittier Daily News

Bible Sabbath Association UK Founder Hearing Voices From His Computer

For some strange reason Armstrongism attracted a lot of really weird people.  These people were deeply into conspiracy theories.  They were into the Protocols of Zion, chem trails, Fema camps that were really concentration camps, black helicopters, the Illuminati, Masonic conspiracies and much, much more.  All of this useless balder all was used to further support many of the racists and totally absurd prophecy teachings of the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert Armstrong.

With the implosion of the WCG in the mid 1990's hundreds of groups formed to carry on the "true" mantle of the end time Church of God.  One of these groups was the Bible Sabbath Association UK started by Robert Taylor.

Like many who expected the Church to tell them what to believe and how to do it, the church implosion left many without any stability.  With the rejection of the Sabbath and other things they thought were commanded, they sank deeper and deeper into legalism.  Armstrongism could no longer fit the bill.  They sometimes wandered over to Judaism as their next step. Others jumped into Messianic Judaism.  This is what Robert Taylor did.

He maintained a blog for several years dealing with Messianic Judaism.  Then all of sudden last year it went silent.

It seems that he was messing around on his computer one day earlier this year and checked out the UK Government Communications Headquarters web site.  Apparently this was a VERY bad choice. According to Taylor, the UK government started spying on him and laughing at him through his computer speakers.  All of a sudden his computer mouse would have a mind of it's own and start moving around the desk.  Freaky!

A few months ago, I decided to visit the GCHQ website, this was during the time that they were in the news over a former spy who had been found dead in a box.

Little did I realise at the time, this would seemingly change my life for the worst. It was about a week later that I noticed things starting to change. My computer would act up, get even slower, the mouse would move on its own, and even began hearing voices coming out of the computer speakers. Sometimes, I would hear, "he's asleep" or just plain laughter.

At this time, according to Taylor,  the UK Communications HQ started bombarding his brain with microwaves and other mind control tools that started causing him headaches.and migraines.

To gain some peace of mind he would go for drives in his car. But, voices started coming out of his car speakers.

Several months later he has another entry where he says this:

Five months on, and the electromagnetic or satellite surveillance is in full swing, with increasing electronic pulses being sent to my brain, though many may think this is the world of craziness.  A new computer was bought, and again, the mouse moves on its own, and interference continues with the computer, with websites disappearing or changing etc.  
The UK Government was even mocking him on Passover. After celebration the Passover, the government was talking to him through his computer speakers.

And what was really upsetting was that during the Passover Service, I had an audience from the government agencies listening in the Passover Seder. They are able to hack into computers even when not connected to the Internet, since, I heard them say, "he's asleep" after resting after the Service from my computer speakers. 
Robert apparently is a prime example on what happens when a persons mind is destroyed by a cult.  He called up the UKCHQ to complain and a wise man there had this to say to him:

Some might assume that I am crazy, in fact, I rang up GCHQ to complain about this intrusion, the man belonging to public affairs stated that he thought I might need to see a doctor. 

 I couldn't agree more! Another mind destroyed by legalism and Armstrongism.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

UCG Still Struggling Financially

Things still are not rosy, money wise, within UCG.  After COGWA's stealth apostasy against the UCG, hundreds of thousands of dollars no longer flow into UCG's coffers.  Money  continues to be tight as many UCGers are withholding tithes and offerings as they wait and see what is going to happen.

A recent UCG financial report states:

I’ve heard, second hand, that the income has grown some in the last year but frankly we now realize that we had not made the necessary reductions to reflect our reduced income from what we were receiving two years ago.  My understanding is that the savings we had, that would have been enough to take us through 10 weeks of no income, is now basically gone and we’re having a cash flow crunch.  Some expenses that were to be paid before the Feast of Tabernacles were paid after the feast.  There is still a cash flow problem despite having a good feast offering.

Church employees in the U. S. no longer receive matching funds for retirement accounts (this is one cut that was made two years ago).  Healthcare benefits are going to have to be cut.  There will probably be larger deductibles and co-pays.

Church pastors are being asked to cut down on trips and their mileage reimbursements are being lowered.  Most meetings are now being done on the phone or online rather than face-to-face.  The Council of Elders is having most of its meetings online, though they do need to get together face-to-face for some things.  Aaron Dean, our treasurer, wrote us this: “I hope that cutbacks in our travel will be a temporary situation, and that God will bless us with more income from donors. Please fervently pray as I and all in the Home Office are praying for God to increase income, heal our employees and increase our faith in him. The whole country faces a rough road ahead, as you all have preached for many years.  In the meantime, please do more phone visits and less driving where possible.”