Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rod Meredith Speaks to His "Exceptional" Church On Sex, Gays, and the End of the World

Rod Meredith is speaking out again on his favorite subject - SEX - and other hot topics.

He claims there are NO Christians anywhere in the world, never have been and never will be till Jesus Christ return. The ONLY Christians in this world are in the Living Church of God.  This must really tick off apostate Robert Thiel who thinks he now only possesses the truth.

We also learn that Living Church of God is an "exceptional" church."  There is none like it anywhere. (THANK GOD!!!!!!)

Massive earthquakes are taking place one after the other.  Hurricanes are getting worse. Is Al Gore controlling the weather or Rod's god? There's a booklet for that.

Your life is at stake!  Wars are coming and you will be taken captive.

Gays are rampaging and marrying.  It's an ABOMINATION!  I tell you it's an ABOMINATION! Young men and women living together in sin!  God is going to break the head of your power because of these sexy people!

Rod says, "I myself have been preaching about the BEAST for over 60 years."  He's coming to get you!  Germany is the dominate force gearing up for world domination!

Demons are coming down to wreak havoc in the world.

The Temple sacrifices will begin because the Beast will make an arraignment with the Jews to allow them to sacrifice on the Temple Mount.

Scripture quoting is extensively from Deuteronomy and Leviticus.  The law is the idol.  Jesus Christ is barely mentioned, except that he is really pissed and is coming back in anger and vengeance.  Blood and guts still reign supreme.

I could not listen to much more of it.  It's the same doom and gloom that he has been spouting for 60 years. Everything is evil, the world is falling apart, there is no hope now for the British Israelite nations.

Some background on the video that I received:

I don't know if you heard about this live webcast by RCM that was streamed Feb 10, 2013, but it was a huge deal for LCG and they said it had 10,000 viewers registered to view it. Around the country there were whole LCG congregations and groups of members who got together at homes and church halls to watch it. I can confirm that there were intermittent server disconnects during the first 30 minutes, then things cleared up. Many of the people watching were not able see the first 30 minutes, and this recording is missing only about 30 seconds total video. I'm sending this to you because I thought it was striking how strongly RCM blasted homosexuality and gay marriage since normally they avoid that kind of talk. LCG said that they will be posting the video, so I'm interested if they will edit any of that stuff out. Save the video while you can. Here's the original link.


Oh Nooos!!!The Pope Is Resigning!!! Church of God False Prophets and Apostles Freak Out

When I woke up to the news this morning that the Pope was resigning because of health reasons, I groaned and said, "Here it comes!" The first thing that came to mind was that prophet Thiel was going to be having an orgasmic fit.   I then immediately checked out his blog and sure enough a blaring headline said:

Right off the bat the prophet wants you to know that he has CORRECTLY predicted the resignation of the current pope that will also usher in the final Pope who will become the anti-Christ.  Prophet Thiel takes his predictions from the writings of St Malachy (or Saint Malarkey as many Catholics refer to him as) and the Visions of Fatima.

On July 19, 2008, God’s greatest living prophet wrote:

Now if Malachy’s prophecies on the popes is a complete list, there is only one pope left to come after Benedict XVI.

Since some other Catholic prophecies that state prior to the last pope, another pope will flee and die, then (if these prophecies are accurate) this would mean that this would happen with the current pope (who is elderly and German).

But in order to give himself wiggle room the prophet Thiel includes this:

So if the current pope flees and goes to Cologne (Germany) he might fulfill those prophecies.
However, it should be noted that decades ago, the editor of a book I own on Malachy’s list specifically wrote that Malachy’s list does not require that there could be no other popes prior to the last one. Notice:

Some medieval interpreters have gone out of their way to stress that Malachy in his prophecies does not specifically mention that no Popes reign between Gloria Olivae and the last Petrus Romanus; nor on the other hand does he mention that there will be others (Bander, p.96).

So, the above does give the Roman Catholics “wiggle room” if there remains more than one pope left. But if there is only one, the next one would likely be the False Prophet of Revelation 16:13.

Not only will it be the Catholics wiggling around, it will also include the wiggler himself, prophet Bob!

Prophet Thiel then gloats that he made an earlier prediction that has come true:

Thus I made a speculative prediction back in 2008 that Pope Benedict XVI might leave Rome, and now he has indirectly suggested that he may. And in April 2012, I and the church I was then part of speculated that Benedict XVI might resign (see Might Pope Benedict XVI Resign?)

The prophet is so adamantly SURE about his predictions that he claims he bought a web URL specifically for this end times:

Now, I was sufficiently serious about the final pontiff matter years ago that our family spent a significant amount of money to purchase a URL related to a book that I have been working on related this. (His Fatima book)

God’s final prophet wants you to know this too:

Perhaps I should also add that despite various ones who tried to tell me that Pope Benedict XVI was the final Antichrist, in my book, 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, published back in 2009, I wrote:

I also want to make it clear that I do not believe that Pope Benedict XVI is the final prophesied Antichrist…(Thiel B. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.  Nazarene Books, 2009, p. 198)

And the pontiff’s resignation has shown that writing to apparently be correct.

We are living in the end times and it is certainly possible that the next pope will be the final Antichrist.


Because we are nearly finished with the 6,000 years that God has given humankind to rule itself.

The end is nigh!!!!!!!!!!

Not to be left out, the apostle Malm also has weighed in with his silly predictions:

He writes:

As a member of the Dominican Order,  Christopher chose this religious brotherhood as a future vocation. One only has to remember the terrible Inquisition and the loyal Dominicans who spearheaded its massacre of millions of innocent people.

Cardinal Torcisio Bertone will be interim pope, he has been a powerful force behind the coming new Federal Europe.  Pope Benedict was also a Vatican Secretary of State and interim pope befor his own election.

Cardinal Bertone is a key figure in putting together the new federal Europe.  He is now considered to be too old at 77 for the papacy, and may want to work from behind the scenes in  bringing Europe together as a buffer between East and West in the name of Peace.  With the new pope intervening when everything is set to become reality. 

Cardinal Bertone is the most skilled Vatican politician and the man most responsible for the appointment by Benedict of a large bloc of Italian elector-Cardinals, they all owe loyalty to him and he knows where every body is buried.  If he throws his weight behind someone they will have a solid chance of being chosen.

Who will become the next pope to continue building the new federal Europe through the Catholic “Christian Democratic” parties and Catholic influence in Europe?  to be empowered to do miracles and set up as the abomination in the near future?

The new pope will either die, resign himself, or be empowered to do miracles at the appointed time, as the final abomination, in the near future. 

Unlike prophet Thiel, apostle Malm does not fall for the Visions of Fatima or St Malaky and has ridiculed prophet Thiel for falling for superstition and useless predictions of pagans, particularly the Mayans.

Apostle Malm may not use the writings of “pagans” but he certainly has swallowed the speculations of dispensationalism that was rampant in this country.  Thanks to American dispensationalists a lot of this end time baloney is now considered “true” by many Christians.

Prophet Thiel and apostle Malm are not alone in their thinking on this.  Many COG ministers and leaders believe the same

Find it interesting that these guys fall for the writings of "false" Christians to support their desired outcomes for religions events.  They believe all of this is true, yet will mock historians and scientists that say that there is no trace of millions of Israelites wandering in the deserts of Sinai.  Not one single speck of evidence left over from multiple millions of people wandering around in the desert.  No broken pottery, no grave sites, no debris fields, nothing.

These men will speculate over the Visions of Fatima while swallowing as literally true Jonah in the whale.

So when little men like prophet Thiel and apostle Malm throw out their useless and absurd end time prophecies they loose their credibility because they do not use critical thinking.  The Visions of Fatima and Malaky are just as true as the Israelites wandering around and Jonah living for three days in the belly of a whale.

I have a feeling we will be in for a barrage of end time’s bull for the next several weeks by the various splinter cults.  End times malarkey will reign supreme while Jesus Christ will not be seen.