Thursday, March 7, 2013

COG Member Hopes Politicians Will Soon Have to Eat Their Golf Balls for Food

This weekend it is the time to set your clocks forward 1 hour for Daylight Savings Time.  As usual there are COG members who found a hidden meaning in this practice. It is allowed to happen so that the hard working politicians in Washington can get in an extra round of golf after work!  There you have it folks!  Golf is the reason for Daylight Savings Time.  Who knew?

Doesn't the Christian love just ooze out of these people!

Well I guess that it is that time once again this year for the politicians to cause the entire country, on this Sunday, to mess up the clocks in order for them to get back to "play time" with their toys on the golf courses!!
It must be nice for them to dictate to their employer, "us", as to how much we must pay their wages as they choose for themselves, and not only that but how we have to pay for their private jets to jet them down to the warmer states to play with their toys on the golf courses! Wouldn`t it be nice if we could all dictate to our employers as to much much we could demand to for our wages?!!
In talking with a local dairy farmer, he was telling me how difficult it is for milking time for those cows in the morning! Doesn`t those dumb animals know that this will be golf playing time for a later sunset in the evening rather than keeping with a milking time?!! Perhaps the day will soon come when when these "play" boys will have to eat those golf balls for their food!!
I have the feeling that Christ will change this mess up, along with cleaning up the rest of the messes that Satan has caused for this world!!-----It can`t come soon enough!!!

Requirements to be a Flurryite Minister

The Philadelphia Church of God likes to represents its self as God's greatest ministry on the earth today.  The public face they present is one of idolatry towards all things Herbert Armstrong.  When you really looking to PCG and its beliefs and method of operation it is clear who is the priority and it is NOT God or Jesus.  Jesus particularly gets relegated to the boonies as Herbert Armstrong is elevated to deity status.  There seems to be nothing the man ever did that was wrong.

To drive that point him here is a partial scan from the ministerial resume form for ministers in India.  There is nothing to tick off where you believe in God or Jesus but plenty of places to pay homnage to Gerald Flurry and Herbert Armstrong..  You can see more ministerial resumes at the COG splinter cult Gentile Assembly.