Saturday, April 13, 2013

Non-Ordained Prophet Thiel Says God Is Primarily Working Only Through His Church

The non-ordained self-appointed false prophet Thiel made it clear today that God is only working through the Continuing Church of God and no other group.  Thiel especially wants you to know that God is NOT working with Dave Pack's cult.

God has also forsaken the Living Church of God and has now placed his seal upon Bob Thiel even though he is not ordained and appointed himself just like most of the hundreds of other splinter group leaders have done.  God must really be getting confused at this point.  Who's who and who is right?

Because of posts here from various ones, some wondered about my views of the gospel and its proclamation. At this time, I believe that the Continuing Church of God is the primary group that God is using and intends to use to lead the work that will finish the COG proclamation portion of Matthew 24:14. I also believe that Christ's gospel of the kingdom includes Jesus Christ, but His person is not the focus. As far as the Scarboroughs, their local minister, and discussions they had with Charlotte evangelists, I was never part of any of those. I presume that the Scarboroughs are well aware that Jesus is part of the gospel message and that LCG is well aware of the historical HWA teachings on the gospel of the kingdom.

James Scarborough Wants To Make It Clear That Dave Pack Is Not A Humble Or Teachable Man

My statement in my email about RCG is in no way an endorsement. We have looked at RCG thoroughly, and are aware of too many issues, which would make them no better an option than LCG. Anyone who has a history back to the work in the Global Church of God, and even further back to the work God did through Mr. Armstrong, would know the type of man God would use as his physical leader. Although God is looking for a strong obedient leader, He is also looking for a humble teachable man. These are qualities more rare than we once thought seeing so many strong leaders under Mr. Armstrong fell into pride and vanity.
James Scarborough