Thursday, July 4, 2013

Living Church of God Hates Independence - Except When It Benefits Them

Roger Meyer from the Living Church of God does not like that people seek independence.

He writes:

July 4 is the day the United States celebrates its independence. Many nations throughout history have fought for their independence, and have set aside days to mark its attainment. Is independence and self-rule the real answer to mankind’s search for peace and happiness?
The desire to be independent—“on our own” and free from “other people telling us what to do”—is in all of us. The toddler cries, “I want to do it myself!” The teenager cannot wait to be on his own, free from parental authority.
Rod Meredith "wanted to do it by himself" when he formed the Global Church of God and then when he got smacked down for his self righteous attitude he sought Independence by jumping ship to Living Church of God.

A friend once told me that he had shared these independent sentiments as a teen. “So,” he said with a wry grin, “I joined the army!”  He found that there is nothing like a U.S. Army sergeant to let you know that he considers it his business to tell you what to do and when to do it. He will also tell you—again and again—that your status is less than that of a lowly fly larva!
That is the state of affairs that true followers of Armstrongism look to inflict upon the "unconverted" masses in their world tomorrow.  They will rule with rods of iron and fists of fury over the lowly fly larva underneath them.

Throughout history, mankind has declared its independence, time and again. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve made the mistake of believing the serpent’s lie that they could be wise, make their own decisions and chart their own course—that they did not need God to tell them what to do.
Rod Meredith declared his independence from HWA when he went into rebellious melt down that caused him to be exiled to Hawaii for a year.  Then he went into rebellion in Tuscon when he lied about Leona McNair on stage in front of close to 800 ministers. He then got sued for it and LOST while letting the WCG pay his attorney fees.  Then after the case was settled and all monies paid out he sought independence and jumped to form Global Church of God.

The ancient Israelites, having grown into a nation, were at first governed by human judges guided by God. But they decided to declare their independence, and told Samuel, “Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations” (1 Samuel 8:4-5). God told Samuel to give the people what they wanted, for they had rejected Him from reigning over them (v. 7).

God gave the people of Global and Living Church of God the leader they clamored for.  They preferred Spanky over Jesus and grace.

Jesus’ well-known parable of the minas (or pounds) illustrates mankind’s stubborn streak of independence. A nobleman went into a far country to receive a kingdom. Before his departure, he gave his ten servants each a mina. “But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us’” (Luke 19:14). The rejected man refers to Jesus Christ, who will return as the conquering King of kings to rule over all nations of the earth.
LCG's god is a god of war, wrath and damnation.  It wants to see this god come and destroy 2/3rds of humanity.  They can't stand the God who stoops down to pick up the beaten down, the lowly, the outcasts, the disenfranchised.  LCG prefers their god to leave these scum in the mud because whatever caused them to be there in the first place was their fault.
One might expect that when Christ returns to the earth and reveals Himself to mankind, that He would be welcomed with open arms and cries of “Hallelujah!” Sadly, that will not be the case. In fact, mankind will battle Christ with all of the power it can muster. “And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His Army” (Revelation 19). And in Psalm 2:2-3: “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.’” 
Independent mankind does not want anybody—including Almighty God—telling it what to do. Thankfully, as both of these accounts reveal, all the puny human efforts to fight Christ will be dashed to pieces. Every knee will bow to Christ as the King of the earth. All of mankind will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:9-11).
Roger Meyer and Rod Meredith both refused to let anyone tell them what to do.  They left WCG to form their own splinter cult called Global Church of God.  Then when they did not get their way threw a temper tantrum, financially bled dry Global, in another rebellious action of independence to the Living Church of God - organized and partially funded by a child molester from Pasadena.

Finally, under the rule of the Kingdom of God, human beings will finally learn to trust in, rely on and depend upon Jesus Christ and God the Father. Mankind will humbly submit to God’s rule and finally, at long last, find the true happiness it has been seeking—but has never been able to find.

It's all about submission in Armstrongism.  You must submit to their god, to Rod, to the ministry, and to Herbert's memory.

Is it any wonder that LCG hates independence so much when they are losing members along with the rest of the COG's to independent thinkers!

Happy 4th!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gerald Flurry Destroying All CD's Sent To Congregations and Tells Members That Offerings Will Be Required On All 8 Days Of Feast

Gerald Flurry seems to be going into melt down mode.  Kind of like Davey pack is doing.  Six Pack knows that this idiotic rantings can cause the PCG great harm if this words make it out to the press. 

Six-Pack is recalling all sermon CD's and destroying them.  Once they are played in church they are to be immediately handed over to the Pastor who then makes sure it gets back to HQ.

Bob Thiel had this letter on his blog that he says was sent to him:

Did you know that Flurry made a announcement in The Church that no one could have  any children any more .As He said it’s time to go, any moment, and He wants all the people to tell  all of their familys… that are in some of what He calls “Off Shoots” He wants them all back..?

…a  CD  just was distributed in all Churches, of the [PCG] “of course.”.. They are to tell ALL , The family members and “all others” that left and in “THE OFF SHOOTS”.  “That it is time” for all to return to “The True Church”, as it’s time to go very soon now.. They are not allowed to have anymore children, if they do it’s possible they might be put out and unable to go to the Place of Saftey… This is what I heard,  one could never have the proof as He has all the CD’s  destroyed after hearing them..  [ Look on Exit and Support ].. for more details.. Flurry, forbids any “CD”S going out”.. If he finds some one tell anyone anything “There marked”…
I also hear that He told His congregation that they are expected to have “offerings” “every day” at The Feast.. INSTEAD OF THE FIRST AND LAST DAY.. Can’t you just imagine what a hard ship it would be, for people that have big familys, that can barely afford to go in the first place..  He has told every one on the out side.. That THE TEMPLE is mostly payed for and they are doing very well.. But in secret He is begging the members for more money saying the work is really down..  There are also mention of more building being built.. For what I wonder…?… He has only a few students there..  also TURGEN , is talking about buying Him a jet.. [no anouncement was made ] There just throwing around the idea just now..  If the end is near, why is He still building..?.. I thought MR. Armstrong said get the people ready., not get rid of them He is doing. He will put you out for the slightest thing… …..He is putting no money into getting any work out..  He is only building on at His compound.. and putting it on the backs of those poor people that can barely make it now….With all Obama has done  no one can afford such luxury as Flurry expects…

PCG Trinidad: Members Drop to 19 While HQ Demands More Money

Gerald Flurry and crew have really done a number on the Trinidad congregation.  With their abusive minister Seebran wrecking havoc the members have been leaving.   Many are leaving over the constant demands by Flurry for  more money.  They don't understand how of they need more money that Flurry claims to have paid off Armstrong Auditorium.

Samuel Seebran is trying to convince remaining members that everything is working out according to "God's Plan." He is reassuring them that all is well and the focus is being placed on "God's House" being [supposedly] paid off and that new projects are on stream as the "Work" intensifies. (More projects means financial exploitation for existing members.) But some are questioning how "God's House" can be paid off because all the time HQ was stating that income was down and they were lagging behind in loan payments. [See June 4, 2013 PCG letters for more on this.] Was this gimmick used to solicit more money from members and lies were being used from the podium to deceive and extort more money to enrich themselves? There is no financial accountability and transparency in the PCG. Members have to trust and believe the ministry ("ministers cannot lie"). Members are also being told not to believe everything they hear and to stay away from the networks (i. e., ESN) that are against the PCG because "Satan is using them to attack and destroy the Church" and that members are "being tested." All this a cunning ploy to keep members ignorant and in the dark as Gerald Flurry's financial empire falls apart. --Resigned member (Trinidad)

One rumor floating around is that Wayne Turgeon is trying to solicit funds to by Six Pack his own jet.  Ever since Wayne bought his way into Flurry's inner circle he has been walking all over people in order to impress Flurry.  He has left a trail of destruction in his wake. With the world about to end and members told to stop having kids, they are still spending money like it grew out ion the back fields of the compound.   They are dropping between $30,000 to $100,000+ for each one of their concerts in their mini-me auditorium.  That is money that members struggle to send in as Flurry demands more and more from them.

If these dumb idiots think they are about to flee they had better start watching the news in Egypt and elsewhere.  No Arab government will allow a bunch of whacked-out pseudo-christians come barreling into Petra and take over it.