Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dave Pack The Compassionate One: Whiny COG Members Letters Are Time Consuming and Unending To Deal With

Dave is getting really sick of listening to whiny COG members.

Zechariah 11:9: “Then said I [God], I will not feed you [those who did not act]: that that dies, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another.”

This verse describes three categories of those who will not return to God’s Church when given the final opportunity. Understand. Not everyone will choose to obey God. Many will not come back—take time to read Luke 14 carefully. A group that God no longer calls “the flock,” but simply “you,” will in some cases (1) “die” of themselves and in other cases (2) be “cut off” (the same Hebrew word found in verse 8). There may be more ministers who face God’s wrath if they begin to buy and sell God’s sheep again.

Finally, (3) are those who attack and devour (“eat”) each other, probably fighting over remaining scraps. Chaos and increased division may ensue, with those who refuse to obey God fracturing and dissipating entirely. The era of scores and hundreds of WCG offshoot groups will end. Announcement #16 showed how for years the many competing “Church of God” groups have only served to confuse brethren, but also those in the world, about where God is working. We receive many emails that demonstrate the sad, divided condition of God’s people (and the world’s view of the Church) after the apostasy. Such emails are terribly time consuming (and unending) to deal with. Haggai’s prophecy plainly reveals the competition—the confusing, opposing works being done in other “houses”—will be forcibly STOPPED. In fact they must be for God’s Work to be properly carried out and finished! Mercifully, this will happen SOON! ALL SUCH COMPETITION TO GOD’S WORK WILL CEASE! (Next week I will give six biblical proofs of this.) The next verse explains why this will happen—because there will be no one—NOT ONE!—with God’s Spirit remaining outside His Church.

Dave Pack: Are You Titillated By The Upcoming Deaths of Three COG Leaders?

Dave wants to point out that it is not his job to tell you the day and hour of these three leaders deaths.  He does however say that it is his job to wake you up and make you listen!

If this relatively small aspect of the prophecy (just nine words) intrigues, titillates or is the subject of fascination to you above all of this powerful biblical knowledge (hundreds of whole verses), then your thinking is WRONG. The death of three shepherds is basically a footnote in God’s GRAND and AWESOME plan to retrieve His flock and put them to work in the greatest Work God has ever done on the face of the earth. THAT should be your focus—and this begins with CONSIDERING YOUR WAYS when God’s “attention-getter” comes to pass.

It is not my purpose to tell you who the three shepherds are, what day they will be removed or how they die. God will supply answers to those questions soon enough. Frankly, such questions are not nearly as big as other questions. It is my job to explain what Zechariah 11 MEANS and how it will affect YOU in your life and why YOU had better listen when God gets His people’s attention. It will take all of these actions for most to finally ACT.

Dave Pack: Should You Mourn The Three Dead COG Leaders?

Dave Pack, the ever compassionate and merciful one, thinks you should not mourn for the three dead COG leaders next month. Many, many more laodicean COG members will die soon after, so why mourn for them?

Sadly, loss of life—in this case of wolves, but this would be true of any deaths—becomes a topic of sensation. But should it be? Think! God’s purpose before the age is complete will bring vastly more deaths than three. Consider. ALL Laodiceans—every one of them—will die (horribly) in the Great Tribulation, and these are all converted people (not wolves). Next, the four horsemen of Revelation 6 will take one-quarter of all mankind (vs. 8). Still further, many millions of the modern descendants of Israel will lose their lives, with the “lucky ones” entering captivity. Then there is the Day of the Lord—and the armies that Christ destroys coming from Armageddon. At the beginning of the Millennium, there will even be plagues and droughts on nations who will not keep the Feast of Tabernacles (Zech. 14:16-19)—and at the end of the Millennium sudden destruction will fall on the masses who rebel (called Gog and Magog) and attack God’s people in Jerusalem (Rev. 20:8).

Dave Pack: Church of God Members Have 24 Days To Make Up Their Minds

Be forewarned COG leaders, Dave's god is sooooooooo ticked off that he may kill you BEFORE August 31, 2013  It could happen at any time! 

All I can say is,  PLEASE...........DO NOT....have a heart attack or die from old age before August 31.  If you do, Davey will claim his god did you in and gloat at your death.

Some will ask: WHEN exactly will Christ remove the three men? Starting with the fact that Christ is a shepherd, we might ask: How long would a shepherd tolerate wolves who are threatening His flock when He holds the power to address them? It will certainly not be on the last day of His purpose, but rather some time likely well before that date. The following should help. The remnant is not listening. Christ knows this—and why. He can change it. How long would He wait? Each day lost with the remnant not hearing Him is a day less for them to recover. There are only 24 days total for the people to act. The same is true with Christ organizing their move and a complex merger. There are only 24 days total for the people to act. Yet again, the same is true with ministers who may be battling other wolves in their organizations as they strive to save sheep—and to establish themselves as faithful ministers before God. There are only 24 days total for these ministers to act. We will see how long Christ waits.

Dramatic supernatural intervention is necessary for God to regather His flock—a flock trapped under a constant barrage of lies and deceit. But this prophecy should not be surprising. God’s people have long understood that God is going to soon miraculously intervene with the whole world. Before the Millennium, God is going to bind the devil and destroy the Beast and False Prophet. Yet again, three individuals will have to be removed miraculously at the same time (Rev. 19:19 through 20:1) for Jesus Christ to rule the world with the saints. Whether it is the three men of Ezra’s time, the three of Nehemiah’s time or the three that Christ must remove before the Millennium, these “trios” have all blocked God’s purpose in their time (the devil of course across all time).

Dave Pack: Jesus Will Actively Start Shepherding His Flock on August 6/7, 2013

I guess the wimpy dude has not been taking care of his flock for the last couple thousand years, but now will decide to return rather pissed off.

Jesus Christ is a shepherd. He is about to again actively shepherd His flock—on Elul 1 (August 6/7). What should He now be expected to do to wolves now in His path? What would any good shepherd do when he sees wolves close by—in this case among and over—his flock? Remove them! II Peter 2 describes “swift destruction” falling on certain false teachers. At a point, their “judgment” no longer “lingers” and their “damnation” no longer “slumbers.” We have almost reached this time.