Saturday, August 3, 2013

T-Shirts For Dave Pack's Great Reunification Feast Sites

Here is a great t-shirt for all COG heretics that will be attending Dave's Feast  sites in order to get the low down of the Great Reunification.

This should guarantee admittance!

Have you recently left the miniscule personality cult of Bob Thiel?  Free yourself by wearing this t-shirt.

Dave Pack: Four Days Remain Till the Great Shepherd Starts Shepherding the Flock

Dave ends his stupidity with this:

Four days remain until Elul 1 (Tuesday evening), when the Great Shepherd, Christ, begins actively shepherding the remnant.

In four days lets see what dumb-ass comment Dave will make.  Did his "christ" start shepherding the true church or was this a "spiritual" shepherding that took place.   Tuesday, August 6, will prove to be a fun day!

Will this happen according to Jerusalem time, Greenwich mean time, Wadsworth Time or Pacific time?

Dave Pack: Am I the Foolish Shepherd Or is the Pope?

Davie has a lot of chutzpah in calling the Pope the foolish shepherd when he and he alone is the foolish one right now.

Dave is certainly right about one thing - the devil is is certainly counterfeiting the Haggai/Zechariah prophecy right now and its NOT through the pope!

Regarding the “foolish shepherd” of Zechariah 11, this figure appears to already be on the scene. Remember, the devil counterfeits EVERYTHING of God—every doctrine, every tradition, and every prophecy, as well as of course Christianity itself. Now reflect briefly on the elements of Haggai and Zechariah. Next think of the new man living in Rome. As with God’s purpose in this prophecy, this man is also (1) addressing the rich, (2) reaching out to the poor, (3) already using miracles, (4) casting out demons, (5) seeking to unify his flock, (6) overtly seeking to preach his gospel worldwide, (7) spreading the “kingdom of God” worldwide (the true Church preaches it worldwide), (8) teaching that all with the Holy Spirit will come to unity and to the Roman Catholic Church, (9) teaching that all must come under one leader, (10) emphasizing faith and truth working together for Christians to survive the age, (11) teaching how love and truth must also work together, that neither can stand alone, (12) suggesting that Millennial peace, abundance and joy lies just ahead for all, (13) that Michael is the warrior archangel for the Roman Catholic Church, (14) that he must fight on behalf of it because the devil is resisting the Catholic church, (15) emphasizing mercy on all categories of people, and finally (16) exhorting all believers starting with priests to more openly practice the spirit of giving and serving. We would say some or many of these things were good if the context were different—if it were describing God’s Church. However, if you are not reading the headlines of today, then the tremendous BLAST of this ongoing and developing PARALLEL now at work across the world (since early March) is being lost to you. If YOU have not known what God is planning, you should ask why it seems the DEVIL does know—and why he is so obviously COUNTERFEITING the Haggai/Zechariah prophecy NOW!

Dave Pack: Maybe Only 7,000 Baptized Members Will Actually Join

7,000 new members to go through reeducation camp.

Poor Dave, he has run off at the mouth so much over the last several months that he has to back peddle on how many might actually jumping ship to his splinter group.  It has went from all the members and ex-members will come over to 7,000 people (excluding kids).

Many Old Testament passages foretell a remnant of physical Israel returning from captivity. In the Zechariah prophecy, God is going to break His staff called “Grace.” How interesting that the apostle Paul was inspired to describe the New Testament “remnant” (of Romans 11:1-5) as a “remnant according to the election of GRACE.” In addition, verse 4 points to the Old Testament account in I Kings 19. The serious reader may wish to read all of I Kings 19 for parallels in search of why God inspired Paul to use THIS ACCOUNT as a reference regarding how we do or do not listen to God, among other purposes. Recall and reread I Corinthians 10:11 and Romans 15:4 from last week. Is Paul also telling us that 7,000 baptized members will be faithful, and added to His Church? If so, what about children in the count? Are these just the number who are “holdovers, the surviving portion” (the meaning of remnant in Haggai), from the Worldwide Church of God, with others converted later in the splinters on top of this? How do the thousands already in The Restored Church of God fit into this number—if it is to be taken as a literal number at all? I do not know the answers. I have ideas, but we will all wait to see the answers.