Friday, August 9, 2013

Dave Pack Tries to be Humble and Can't Grasp the Concept

Dave is such a humble man that he would NEVER EVER dream of pretending to be a prophet.  Dave also wants you to know that he does NOT EVER spout personal opinion!  Though, Dave does want us to know that his new Reunified church will be COLOSSAL!  No humility there, boys and girls, no need to look......move along...there are better things to three dead church leaders....

If I were trying to palm myself off as a prophet, I would just spout a personal opinion at this point without worrying about whether I was right or wrong, or what God says. But the above question is an example of something we must wait to see. The “size”—the MAGNITUDE—of the three shepherds’ removal on the world scene will speak volumes to God’s Church and the Government within it about how rapidly God is planning a Work of great impact. We can emphatically rule out the Work emerging as “small.” But we might ask: will events of August catapult God’s Work to something immediately the size of “medium,” “large” or “colossal”? While I have ideas, I do not have the answer. We will wait and see together.

Dave Pack Presents A Hilarious List of 6 Proof-text's for the Complete Obliteration of the Splinter Churches of God....Oh, Need I Remind You That the Silver and Gold Are HIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are Dave's vital six points on the complete obliteration of the Churches of God when his god kills the three major splinter group leaders this month.

Complete Destruction!

We learned that God is bringing “desolation” on the splinters. I promised last week to present six biblical proofs that after the prophecy is fulfilled the splinter “houses” will be gone or well on their way out. All competition to God’s true Work will be eliminated. Here are GOD’S proofs, not mine:
(1) Haggai 1:11 reveals that God calls for a “drought,” more correctly translated “desolation.” It involves a list of very distinct categories within the splinters. The categories that God lists are comprehensive—complete. One of my previous announcements explained them. Verse 11 also describes God’s desolation including “all the labor of the hands.” Labor includes “toil, work, property and produce.” This describes destruction of competing works—labors. (Point 4 will amplify labor.) “Desolation” means desolation, not something short of desolation. God’s plain meaning is that He plans to destroy these organizations. On what basis would you disagree with the meaning of desolation?

(2) Zechariah 11:3 describes “shepherds” (ministers) “howling” because their “glory is spoiled.” Reviewing last week: Glory means “something ample (as a large vine, a wide dress)…garment, glory, goodly, mantle, robe.” These are “respected” men in positions of authority. Spoiled includes the meaning “ravage: dead, destroy (-er), spoil (-er), (lay) waste.” We might ask: Does this imply anything less than complete destruction? Make yourself answer.
I guess all the mockers and scoffers will be in the first group.  As if anyone of us gives a rats ass if we are "severed" from Dave's impotent god!

(3) Zechariah 11:9 describes three categories of people remaining after God removes the “poor of the flock” from their midst—a group now merely described as “you.” These are those who will not return to God’s Church when given the final opportunity, and who are permanently severed from God. Read the passage and see the three categories, as we did last week. What do they say to you? Verse 9 is God interpreting verse 3. Possibly small pieces of organizations may remain, and probably only temporarily. But it is obvious they can accomplish nothing. With God’s Spirit gone, the collapse and loss of corporate assets and income, and loss of many ministers and staff, a less than pretty picture remains.

(4) Haggai 2:17 speaks of symbolic “blasting, mildew [Heb: paleness from fright] and hail” poured out by God on the splinters. This supports and reinforces #1 above—a scene of desolation. Add to this Haggai 1:9, where God says of the splinter “houses’” efforts, “I blew it away” (margin). Note that the “blasting, mildew and hail” also comes upon “all the labors of your hands,” encompassing all the competing works of men. Labors here is a different Hebrew word, and it means, “actions, transactions, activity, products, business, labor, thing made, occupation, operation, work (manship).” These are all GOD’S choice of words and terms. Let’s ask: Why would we believe He meant something other than what He said?
Then Dave has to resort to his obscene obsession with the money these groups all have.

(5) Notice the instruction to “this people”—many of whom soon after form the remnant—in Haggai 1:8 to “bring wood” from their “mountain(s)” to “build God’s House.” Wood is used for offerings all through the Old Testament. Beginning Christians learn that mountains is a symbol for governments or nations—in this case, governments of the splinters. It is pretty obvious the kind of assets that become available to God’s Work. Related to this, God says in Haggai 2:8 that “the silver is Mine and the gold is Mine.” Ponder this a little in the context of a book (Haggai) covering the subjects you have seen. Why would God include such a blunt statement, and seemingly so out of context? It appears God is saying these things were always His, not anyone else’s. The massive thievery by false leaders is now over. In effect, at least in part, God is saying what was Mine is now Mine again, as it always should have been. If you disagree with the meaning of #5 here, why?
Dave falsely claims that James, the brother of Jesus predicted this great obliteration of the false splinter group ministers:
 (6) Supporting all of this is an extensive New Testament passage written by the apostle James. In a context easily seen to be a parallel of the prophecy—for many reasons!—James 5:1-6 describes the riches of false leaders being “corrupted” and destroyed. It is interesting that James 5 starts out with “rich men” who are told to “howl,” only one indicator (a strong one) that this is a New Testament parallel of the Haggai/Zechariah prophecy.

After reading the above points, the objective person concludes that God foretells complete desolation of the splinters and slivers. We will see if this takes a while for some groups—or happens QUICKLY to all. Reread Zechariah 11:9.

After reading the above points, the objective person concludes that God foretold of raving lunatics like Dave coming in like wolves to devour the sheep!

Dave Pack Is Already Facing Stiff Opposition From Splinter Group Ministers

I looks like Dave's Great Reunification is hitting some bumps in the road.  Many COG ministers are letting members know what an idiot Dave is and he doesn't like it. 

When they speak out against god's greatest living man to ever exist, leading the worlds greatest Church of God ever, they are deliberately ending their ministry - giving themselves NO CHANCE to continue ministering to the people of God.

It has been fascinating to see which ministers in the splinters will not even wait to see if they could be wrong in disagreeing with the explanation in these announcements. Rather they are speaking out against the meaning of the prophecy, thus choosing to end their ministry—choosing to give themselves no chance to continue serving God’s people. This is because they have gone on public record against how Christ is regathering His flock (recall Matthew 12:30-32)—and because they do not want to give up their positions of power. Such men should have read and believed the “Attention Ministers” section at the end of each of these announcements. A little patience and humility would have served them well. But, we are all the “captains of our own ship.” This prophecy will soon prove this at a profound level.

It seems like a little patience and humility on DAVE's part would have served him well too!

Dave Pack: My 'god' Feels It Is More Important To Let The Church Know About The Great Reunification Than It Is About The Return of Jesus

Dave feels it is vitally important that his god has to inform the Restored Church of God before he does the next big miracle.   Otherwise the members are too stupid to know what is happening.  What a weak impotent little god that god is!

It was more important to Dave's god to let the year be known when the church would reunite than it is to announce the return of Jesus.

Dave admits that The 16 have wasted huge amounts of time sitting around  analyzing, plotting and planning this great reunification.  The Church of God is no more ready for this stupid reunification than they are for the return of Jesus.

Consider. God would first have to notify—inform!—His Church in advance of His plans, and for many reasons. Again, Amos 3:7. The biggest reason is that His Church could not be ready for what would absolutely blindside it with sudden enormous growth, and growth coming without explanation. Our questions would be what is God doing and why—and when will it end. How will this change and expand our ministry?—and size of Headquarters staff?—and the same with our college? How big will the Work now suddenly grow? In short, what does all this sudden growth mean? Wherever you think God’s Church is, you surely would agree with this much. God would have to inform His Church of what He intended to do. The only question remaining for His Church—and this IS the biggest one we had among many others that were big—was WHEN—what was the YEAR He would gather His people to one House. Consider again. We would also have to know the year of fulfillment EARLY ON or we would waste a tremendous amount of time researching, analyzing and preparing for a prophecy that lay far in the distance. There would have to be enough time to prepare. I can report on behalf of God’s Church that the amount of time given us has been perfect. The Church of God is READY for events now on the horizon.

Dave seems to conveniently forget this stinging rebuke from God:

New International Version
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
New Living Translation
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.
English Standard Version
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
New American Standard Bible
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
King James Bible
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
"Now concerning that day and hour no one knows--neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son--except the Father only.
International Standard Version
"No one knows when that day or hour will come —not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father,
NET Bible
"But as for that day and hour no one knows it--not even the angels in heaven--except the Father alone.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
But about that day and about that hour no one knows, not even the Angels of Heaven, but The Father alone.
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. Only the Father knows.
King James 2000 Bible
But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
American King James Version
But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.