Sunday, August 25, 2013

PCG Trots Out HWA To Mock Christians - Again

The Philadelphia Church of God has trotted out another article of Herbert Armstrong's that he wrote in 1971.  It is a smear letter against Christians outside of Armstrongism.  They are painted as fools because they refuse to listen to HWA's message.

As the supreme leader of the Worldwide Church of God, HWA was THE authority in all matters.  Only his books, booklets, articles, TV broadcasts and radio programs were the legitimate manifestation of truth.  Therefore, all COG members recognized him as the superior authority over them. 

Who can forget the COG organizational charts that the Church  passed out in the 60's and 70's. There was God, then Jesus Christ, then Herbert Armstrong.  Salvation was only accessible through HWA and his authority.

The very source of Armstrongism was Herbert Armstrong.  He was the source of our religion.  Our belief was professed according to his demands.

Our religion was Herbert Armstrong, the source of all knowledge.  It is no wonder the hundreds of splinter groups still can't talk about Jesus but slobber all over HWA.  He is their religion.  Spirituality, be damned!

What is religion, anyway?

Religion is the obedience, service or adoration rendered to the object of one’s worship—a system of faith and devotion to a superior authority—the profession, practice or observance of whatever belief and practice is required by that superior authority.

The very source of your religion, then, is that superior authority. Whatever that authority that to you has appeared superior—you received your religion from it, and you profess whatever belief, and observe whatever practice it requires!

The question, then, now becomes: “What IS that superior authority?”

Is that source of your religious belief and practice a supreme, all-powerful, personal God?—a God who created all matter, force and energy—who created everything that exists?

The incredible answer, in nearly all cases, believe it or not—is NO!!  Why God Is Not Real To Most People

PCG Says: Those Who Have Tattoos are Vanity Filled Rebellious People Who Are Into Satanism, Sexual Perversions, and Criminal Behavior

Tattoos are linked to criminal behavior, sexual perversion, rebellion and personal vanity. The desire to have a tattoo finds its origins in the mind of the god of this world, Satan the devil, who was lifted up by his own vanity which led to his rebellion (Ezekiel 28:17; Isaiah 14:13-14).

The mind numbing stupidity that comes out the Philadelphia Church of God never fails to surprise me.  Besides Dave Pack, no other Church of God  is filled with such theological depraved idiots as those in the Philadelphia Church of God.  I don't think these jerkwads have a Godly bone in their bodies.

A Lessons From Lawn Bowling - PCG Style