Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bible Sabbath Association UK is Back Up and Running After Leader Being Bombarded By Satellite and Microwaves

Robert Taylor has put the Bible Sabbath Association UK web site back up.  He has been incognito for the last couple of years because the UK government, Israelis agents, and the Jesuits have been using satellites to pick his brain clean and to monitor him.

Here are some of the things used upon him by the UK government:

A person is given a signature that is locked onto the satellite. 

“Once the target is a “signature”, he can almost never escape a satellite’s probing eyes. (As an article in Science explained, “tiny computers ... check the incoming signals with computerized images, or ‘signatures’, of what the target should “like.”) As long as his tormenter or tormentors--those with the resources to hire a satellite--desire, the victim will be subject to continuous scrutiny. His movements will be known, his conversations heard, his thoughts picked clean, and his whole life subjected to bogus moralizing, should his tormentor diabolically use the information gained. A sadist could harass his target with sound bites, or audio messages, directly broadcast into his room; with physical assault with a laser; with subliminal audio messages that disturb his sleep or manipulate persons around him into saying something that emotionally distresses him; with lasers that turn off street lights as he approaches them; with tampering with lamps so that they burn out when he hit’s the switch; and in general with the knowledge gained through omniscient eyes and ears of satellites. In short, a person with access to satellite technology could make his victim’s life a living nightmare, a living hell.”

Eyes Not Your Own

It is also believed the laser beam from the satellite surveillance can turn our eyes into a camera and can convert our thoughts to an  audible voice so those behind the beam can see and hear everything. This allows access to personal information which would otherwise not be available.

The surveillance used in my situation included the use of  microwaves, a laser beam, sending unusual smells, sending cartoons, subliminal messages, and hacking into the body. 

Few would believe the experiences that I have encountered in the last few months. Most assume craziness, or think that my behaviour resembles mental illness, the psychiatrist thought so, and gave me a prescription for mental illness It happened one evening, I noticed when pointing my camera at the lights a purple/blue beam came from the heat source and onto my person. The laser beam is sometimes described as a “particle beam” and is used for satellite surveillance.

The laser beam would follow me wherever I went, even outside, during the day or night. It was unusual, believing it to be sent by “God” at the time. Outside the beam of light went through the sun, and onto me. It must have been the oil, I thought, it claimed to be powerful. 

No sooner had the laser beam been discovered, a few weeks later, which would have been after Passover 2013, voices began to appear. These were men and women who would be talking about me, and followed me wherever I went. The voices sounded like they came from microphones into a speaker, they were powerful voices, but, only I could hear them. 

At the beginning they impersonated the voices of neighbours day and night, hearing a loudspeaker at night. The loudspeaker would broadcast my voice from thoughts put into my mind. They would impersonate my voice and family members. Software is available that this can be done. Every night the voices of neighbours were heard with every type of allegation made. 

The people behind the beam believed I was one of the Two Witnesses or Antichrist, and this was broadcast out on the loudspeaker for the neighbours to hear, they included many other allegations. 
One day, a strong energy field came over the whole body, which felt just like going through chemotherapy. The energy field went across the body from the bottom to the top, just like going for X-Rays in a machine. There was pain in the brain, that I was convinced half of my brain was destroyed and was living on half a brain. At the same time, at night, I went into some type of trance, where gibberish would be coming out of my mind. The voices expected this night after night, and told people not to worry about it. The craziest nonsense came out of my head, there was no coherent structure in my thoughts at all. 

Following this, electromagnetic energy/microwaves where being beamed down so strong that I had to turn off the electricity supply on two occasions. Shouts from the neighbours said to turn off the power supply, the energy beam was going to kill them. To save the neighbourhood, I had to turn off the electricity. The power was very strong and overwhelming, but putting my head in the microwave oven proven ineffective. Sheltering under the stairs was of little help, nor was trying to put on silver foil. Whatever it was, it made the head very sore and could easily push people over the edge of insanity. 

The voices must be computer voices since you hear the same people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They never go home, as you would expect, but there must be a controller behind the computer screen. They put subliminal messages in the tape recorder, so when listening to music, there would an underlining message the subconscious is receiving or being programmed with. They do not respect the religious customs or observances of the people they watch. The Sabbath is a time of ridicule, and Pentecost could not be observed due to the threats I was receiving. Often, they will use ridicule, or have debates with the person convincing them that they are irreligious or do not have any knowledge of any subject matter. The situation becomes one of psychological control and mind manipulation over another person. 

These voices claimed to be members of the Golden Dawn, the Jesuits, Police and Israel. The voices would change with various accents. Israeli accents were used convincing me I was listening to someone important, which I thought to be Shimon Peres.

The Israeli voices believed that I was Jesus’ last offspring on the earth and needed to be taught a lesson in humility. They were going to rescue me in the night whilst the Golden Dawn were secretly plotting to send me to South Africa. The Israelis were going to put me on a plane to ship me off to some Arab country to face beheadings from the Islamic terrorists. But since I was one of the Two Witnesses, I would naturally escape by calling fire down from heaven. The script kept changing as you would expect. My family were going to South Africa without me, and I would end up in an Israeli detention centre where the most brutal torture would be melted out on Jesus’ son. The torture so severe, the eyes would water just thinking about it, with cold chills rolling down the spine and teeth gnashing as in the last day of judgment. 

The Golden Dawn would then make an appearance, working with the police, on child abuse allegations against members of the family. We have been watching you from birth, claimed the Golden Dawn, from your time in South Africa until now. They claimed to have tried to kill me off at various times but could never get close enough until now. They claimed that my salvation had been lost when studying into the occult. 

They appeared to know a lot about the Worldwide Church of God, believing it to be the only true Christian group.

They said they would cancel my passports, hack into my computer and email accounts, suspend my driving license, block telephone numbers of church members, cancel bank cards and put me on fraud charges to name but a few. It later got more sinister accusing me of child abduction, impersonating police officers, murder, terrorism and a host of other allegations. They also seem able to disable people by various frequencies they use, mostly, in the evening, the pain can be indescribable in the head. Lying on the bed gives some relief. 

The technology is very advanced, one occasion I tried to play a sermon tape of Herbert W Armstrong, but the tape player would not press play. The voices said that Shaun did not want to listen to Herbert Armstrong, but after three hours, he changed his mind allowing me to hear the sermon.

There is MUCH, MUCH more here:  Do Not Call It Kosher
 Words fail me................

Bob Thiel: Malm, Meredith, Weinland, and Pack are all Agents Of Satan While I am the Only TRUE Man of God......

Poor Bob.  His bitterness towards Rod Meredith knows no ends.  Thiel was stung by Rod's rebuke of him over a year and half ago, so much so that he had to start the "One and Only True end time Church."

Despite the fact that Bob is not ordained and has absolutely no authority to set up a church, at least according to Armstrongite governance structures, Thiel had to self-appoint himself, knowing that no one else would.

Today, Bob is lashing out at Meredith and others, claiming they are tools of Satan who are actively promoting Satan's plans.

Thiel writes:
Have various leaders and writers associated with the Church of God promoted Satan’s plan?  Has Satan influenced various ones to help fulfill his plan?
Thiel then quotes something from James Malm where Malm jabs Thiel for his constant fascination with Mayan and Catholic prophecies.

At this point we exclaim how terrible it is to seek out a familiar spirit [demon] about the future or anything else.  Yet we do exactly the same thing in the church of God groups!  What do I mean with the statement?  I mean that whenever we study the teachings of false religions or of worldly men and apply them to keep them, instead of going to the word of God; we are turning our backs on the word of God to consul with familiar spirits [demonic] spirits.

How many of you consult horoscopes in the local papers?  How many COG groups beginning with HWA, turned aside from what Jesus Christ commanded us to preach, in to a worldly business model organization and outreach?  How many organizations use the Roman Catholic Beast government [adopted by HWA after Loma's death] system for church leadership?

There is even one man who left LCG a year ago who styles hiself a prophet, who voraciously seeks out and studies the prophecies of every false religion that he can find, in order to find support for his own false prophecies. (This is the comment that ticked off Thiel)

Do we not realize that learning false doctrine and prophecy to follow it, is turning our backs on the word of God to embrace the ways of the enemy of God? (Posted 01/18/14)
 Then Thiel justifies his prophecy peddling by this:

James Malm is promoting Satan’s plan in several ways.  First of all, I do not seek out false prophecies to find support for my supposed false prophecies, thus he is bearing false witness.  And he should know that, but does not seem to care how he tries to ‘spin’ my writings.
Thiel is not truthful when he makes such comments. Thiel searches out everything he can find that fits his own perverted understanding of prophecy - all of which he got from the perverted understandings of Armstrong, Meredith, Hoeh and others.  Any "pagan" prophecy that makes his end-time malarkey seem valid, Thiel uses.  Thiel is more than preoccupied with Catholic and Mayan prophecies, so much so that he keeps writing books about them. Thiel puts more validity into Catholic prophecies than even the Catholics do!

Theil then claims that all of Malm's prophecies have failed too, because unlike Thiel, Malm is not using the CORRECT way of understanding prophecy as he does.  Thiel thinks that by using another failed Armstrongite preacher, David Jon Hill,  that he too is a proper prophet.

Additionally, perhaps I should point out that James Malm himself essentially insisted that the Great Tribulation had to begin in 2008 or 2009, and I denounced him (see James Malm Challenges COGwriter) for that and was right.  Furthermore, he has claimed that the Great Tribulation could start in pretty much every year since that time.  I have boldly claimed it could not, and of course, have been right every time (see When Will the Great Tribulation Begin?).

He, and others, who insist I misuse non-biblical prophecies simply do not understand who the old Radio Church of God taught them, which is the same way I do (see Hill DJ.  Christ or Antichrist.  Good News magazine, Radio Church of God, April 1961; also see the article Satan’s Plan).

Thiel then claims that he alone has denounced the false prophecies of Malm, Pack and Weinland.  Thiel fails to understand is that every single person with a COG background with ANY common sense  can quickly see that the prophecies of these men are not true.  Every single one of  us here understands that!

Thiel then has to attack Rod Meredith, AGAIN, by claiming he and the others that pick on him are all agents of Satan

Apparently James Malm and other critics of mine believe that Philadelphia Christians should be ignorant as various ones, including Roderick Meredith, have publicly criticized me for this.  An odd thing about those two, however, is that they both have referred to non-biblical prophecies, yet have condemned me for that.

Satan is using these men, and I assume us, in pointing out the fallacies of Bob Thiel.  Its nice to know that Bob is without sin.

None have convicted me of sin, though people like James Malm, Roderick Meredith, and David Pack have falsely accused me (Ronald Weinland has as well, but his references were a bit more subtle).

Using lies, false prophecies, and character assassination have long been part of Satan’s plan to stop people from listening to God’s prophets throughout history.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dennis Introduces.....Doomsday Girl!

Doomsday Girl!

View Rachel's FB page and cartoons of Doomsday Girl!

Order your Doomsday Girl Shirts Today!
Wanted to post pics and cartoons but my techno smarts outsmarted me.  Gotta get to work so wanted to get her introduced to Banned HWA before I had to go...I has to go!!  View all her cartoons and let's welcome her "humor" to Banned HWA!

"Sometimes in life there is nothing left to do but have a good laugh"
Buddhist Proverb

Rachel Wolf 's Church of God Background

Dennis:  "So just how did you come into the truth.." 
(Naw just kidding..)
"What is your COG background?"

Rachel responds

hmm.. it was just something I started referring to myself as... my inner "Doomsday Girl"... then I was playing around and drew her up... then people wanted a comic strip so i played around some more and made one. -- I was born and raised in WWCG, attended the Houston North congregation. Went to AC from '93-'95. Didn't finish AC because my parents left with the split for UCG. Six months after leaving AC and going back home, I quickly saved money, left home and shortly after quit the church all together. Basically since I no longer lived with my parents, why keep going back to the insanity.
total time in WWCG - birth 1976 to leaving somewhere around 1996-1997.