Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pat Robertson Calls Ken Ham's 6,000 Year Old Earth Creation Myth "Nonsense"

One of the cornerstones of Creationism is that the earth is only 6,000 years old.  Many in Armstrongism have held this view too. Even Cyrus Scofield who brought us the dispensationalist Bible that Armstrongism loves to use says the earth is older than 6,000 years.  Which asks one to wonder why he used the work's of Ussher so prominently in the Scofield Bible when Ussher is the one who promoted the 6,000 year nonsense.

The legendary Bible commentator C.I. Scofield is probably the most well known champion of old earth creationism.This Old Planet - Rapture Ready

Robertson said:

Televangelist Pat Robertson reacted Wednesday to the big debate between Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and Creation Museum founder Ken Ham on Tuesday night. Robertson actually took issue with one of the central arguments of creationism and said it’s “nonsense” to say the world’s only six thousand years old. He brought up the findings of a bishop centuries ago who came up with that figure and said, “There ain’t no way that’s possible.”

Robertson argued that there’s too much scientific evidence in the world to assert the world is thousands, and not billions, of years old. He said, “To say that it all came about in 6000 years is just nonsense, and I think it’s time we come off of that stuff and say this is impossible.”  Media ITE

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Is Creationism A Viable Model of Origins In Today's Modern Scientific Era? Live Debate Tonight

For those who may be interested:

Bill Nye (The Science Guy) and Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis CEO) 
debate creationism and science.

Live Stream   7:00 Eastern Time, 4:00 Pacific

There Are Only A Few Hundred Real Christians In The ENTIRE World!

click to enlarge

James Malm is harping today about the horrific status of the Churches of God and most particularly  the apostate filth in COGWA, UCG,  LCG, and  CCOG.  All of these groups are filled with Laodicean apostates who trample the world of God into the ground by their continual law breaking.  Mercy and grace be damned!  The law reigns supreme!

Malm claims there exists today on the ENTIRE earth only a few hundred REAL Christians.

Some are zealous for God and his word now, they are a very small minority of a few hundred.  The vast majority of the COG Groups today are fully Laodicean and are to be judged and rejected by Jesus Christ into great tribulation  That is the stopping of the daily intercession of Jesus for them as an organization; the stopping of the daily sacrifice for them! 
I am so glad that God does not rely upon the stupid reasoning of people like this!

I know more cigar smoking, cussing, pork eating Sunday keepers, who love God and who are better Christians than Malm will EVER be!

Malm is claiming again that the abomination of desolation may be set up by the end of this year.  At that point the following will happen to the various COG's:

However once the COG Groups see how very wrong they were by the reality of what they have fallen into; most will quickly repent and turn to love and keep the word of God to the death, joining the many martyrs of the past.  That is when the fruits of this warning work will become evident.
Dave Pack was not able to do a mass conversion of the Churches of God at the Feast of tabernacles 2013, so what makes Malm think he will do the same?  Thousands will immediately start keeping the law while continuing to ignore Jesus as they already do.  What a lovely world that foretells.....NOT!