Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Michael W Stevenson: Is He the Most Prolific Church of God Starter Ever?

Many Church of God leaders have started numerous splinter groups ever the decades.  None though can be more prolific than Michael W Stevenson.

It is no surprise to find that Stevenson also has Mormon roots.  Armstrongism  incorporated several Mormon teachings into its beliefs in its early formative years. 

Stevenson believed he was a Prophet and Apostle in the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


Dear John Dawson:

It is always awesome to receive e-mails from people around the world. This present time, we have about 3,800 members throughout the United Kingdom. I was also disillusioned by the LDS Church and that is why I left the LDS in 1999. Coming to understand the truth as presented in the Restoration, I found that it was then time for a Reauthorization of the truth as was found in the Reorganization. Today, I am the Prophet/President of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Since you have been baptized in the Restoration, we do not feel that you need to be re-baptized. What we need from you is your full name, date of birth, mother and father's names, your full mailing address and also the names of family members that are desiring to join with us. Further we need to know if you hold or have held any priesthood offices and the baptism date of when you were baptized.

We will then begin to share member resources with you and also send you via email our magazine. Enclosed with this e-mail you will find a copy of the magazine.

Thank you for contacting us here at the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Michael W. Stevenson
Another writer mentions this about Stevenson's Mormon links:
If you go into the blog of the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ at http://thelatterdaychurchofchrist.blogspot.com/ you will find an entry for today, July 8, 2008 which says that Michael W. Stevenson is an investigator and that a revelation that Michael Stevenson received on January 22nd has been added to the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ’s Book of Prophecies and Revelations. Michael W. Stevenson is, of course, supposedly the prophet of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and a is a former apostle in the Church of the Firstborn and the General Assembly of Heaven.
You can also see him mentioned as the the President of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints here.  One interesting note about this page is that you will see the following illustration at the top that contains a lion and a lamb.

He later claimed to be over the Reorganized Church of the Firstborn and the General Assembly of Heaven.  

We welcome you to the Reorganized Church of the Firstborn and the General Assembly of  Heaven, a church where the fundamental doctrines restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr and his successors are now again being reaffirmed.

The doctrines of the Church are those which were restored in the latter days by those who received of revelation, the true doctrines which were missing. This Church, however, seeing that Terrill Dalton and Geody Harmon are NOT who they claim to be, was founded by Michael W. Stevenson, the true successor of Joseph Smith, Jr.

Today, we again look forward with hope to that which will be renewed throughout the works of this Church.

He supposedly left Mormonism 2003:

Michael W. Stevenson (Minister to Mormons), Jan. 2003 I left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because I found that they cannot possibly be the Church of Jesus Christ. Instead, I found a church that I can truly be comfortable with.

I served a full-time mission in 1995-1997 in the Arizona Tucson Mission and a stake mission from 1997-1999 in the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Stake. I felt much of the time that something was wrong with what I was teaching. Yet, I dared not "prove" it.

In December of 1999, my mother had a severe breakdown partly due to the local bishop who insisted that she pay her tithing (most of what they want the most is money) and this added way to much pressure upon her.

Finally, on Christmas Eve, I gave myself to Jesus Christ and I knew from that moment on that the LDS Church of Salt Lake City, UT could not be right; they had changed the teachings of truth as we find in the Bible; they have perverted the right ways of God and have defiled themselves in the temple by teachings that are completely Satanic.

In 2002, I came to find that they also teach sexual perversion through touching peoples parts on their bodies when they are going through the washing of the temples. How can any organization such as this, which is now accepted by governments be so wrong? I found that it is because they are "afraid" of what truths may actually come out about their temples.

As a former Mormon, I have now found that there is a need to educate the public on what is really happening and that the time is here for people to actually hear that the Mormons are not what it claims to be. The truth needs to be heard whether the LDS Church wants it to be heard. So, I have now become the Minister to Mormons. I teach them the right ways of God and that grace is indeed free from works. They have the choice to accept if they want, but, I also leave them with enough knowledge of their own so-called "birth-rite" that they may perhaps have some doubts and that perhaps somehow, they really allow the truth to be revealed to them.

I pray for those in the Mormon Church because I know that they, as I was; are blinded by the deciet and the lies of the General Authorities of the Church. I pray that they will come to a true knowledge that the LDS Church is not what they thought it would be.
He found the Mormons to be offensive and doctrinally corrupt, yet he dumped that for the  doctrinally corrupt Churches of God.  

From one cult to the next.

He next start two more churches, both now defunct, the Church of God (Sabbath Day) and the Reorganized Church of God.  Both relied heavily upon Herbert Armstrong's teachings.

The Journal: News of the Churches of God ran this blurb about him in issue 133.

He is also tied in with the Simple Salvation Church of God where he lists himself as Pastor General in an article on Jesus before his birth.

 Then it was the Church of God Worldwide where he was Pastor General again:

His most recent church start up is the Faithful Church of God.  This one incorporates lots of Herbert Armstrong's teachings as well as a few LDS goodies.

A Brief History of the Faithful Church of God
Through the doctrinal changes of the Worldwide Church of God, there came to be a need for brethren to be fully united in the faith. Thus, at the Feast of Tabernacles 1995, 500 brethren met in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho for a feast site. Here, during the feast, meetings were held and it was decided that the brethren was going to form the Faithful Church of God.

The Church from early on sought to continue the New Testament Church teachings and to continue on the Philadelphian era of the Church. It was also realized that there were brethren who never was a part of the Worldwide Church of God present. This also made for a new unique Church-while a great deal of brethren were former members of the Church, others came from various other backgrounds and beliefs. But, the one thing all the brethren had in common was that they wanted to hold fast to the biblical doctrines of God’s Church.

The Church (k)new that they needed to preach the Good News-the Gospel-of which Jesus Christ came preaching (Mark 1:14-15) which was about the soon-coming Kingdom of God. The beliefs of the Church are the same as they were "once delivered unto the saints." Christ never changed anything and nor does the Church change anything.
The various brethren of the Church of God realize that there is an impact which must be had upon them that come to hear and read the truth of God’s Work. Therefore, all that the Church of God seeks to accomplish has a great impact, just as it did during Mr. Armstrong’s days, the Church today continues on the same tradition, reaching through television, radio, and print. We also employ the means of internet and make available the Word of God through these varied means.
Why anyone follows morons like Stevenson, Flurry, Pack, Meredith and all the other fraudulent COG ministers is beyond reason.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Is It Passover Tonight, Or.... is It Monday Night, Or...... is It Tuesday Night? Its All So Exhausting!

Its that time of year again.  The Church of God's are eager to be washed clean for the start of another year.  Some are claiming tonight (Sunday) is the REAL Passover night, others are claiming it is Monday night and a few others are claiming the REAL Passover is Tuesday night.  Others have gotten so frustrated by it all that they will join with Messianic groups and do a REAL Passover Seder on Monday night and again on Tuesday.

In Armstrongism the Passover ended up being one of the most stressful times of year for most people.  They never could get their homes or lives deleavened and they cringed at the thought of listing to to
 ministers claim their breaking of the bread (amplified with a microphone) was Jesus' body being broken.

In Pasadena it was an exhausting task for Passover to roll around each year.  Every frigging building had to be deleavened.  Custodial had to deleaven ministers homes because they were to righteous to clean their own damn lives homes.  The Student Center was scrubbed from top to bottom.  Students had to clean the dining room chairs with tooth brushes  as well as the cracks in the teak-wood floors for any of that sinful leaven.  Enormous amounts of good food that could have fed lots of local homeless was thrown in the trash. Dorms, the gym, the handball, locker rooms,  shipping and receiving, transportation, offices, warehouses and storage areas were all examined and cleaned.  It was all so exhausting.

Then the College gym, Imperial gym, Student Center, Hall of Ad, Handball courts and the Auditorium had to be set up for foot washing.  Over 3,000 foot pans had to be set out in front of precisely lined rows of chairs.  Large barrels of warm water with chlorine in them had to be filled and placed next to an empty barrel labeled "dirty water."  Special reserved foot washing areas were set up for the ministers who's feet were too holy to be washed by disgusting, degenerate, uneducated, sinful lay-members. It was all so exhausting.

Hundreds of reserved signs had to be placed on rows of chairs for the ministers and their wives to sit in places of high authority.  Boxes and boxes of matzohs opened and distributed on silver trays to the long tables on the stages covered in crisp starched white linen.  Over 4,000 little plastic cups were hand filled with the driest Cabernet that that could be bought.  Then these trays were stacked in huge stacks on the stage tables to glisten and shimmer in the light.  It was all so exhausting

You had to stand watch at the doors of each building to make sure only the pure and holy COG members were in attendance.  Not unwashed cretin from the world would be allowed.

Then you set there listening to numerous scriptures being read till it was time to wash feet.  Deacons, Preaching and Local Elders were not blessed with special areas to wash feet in so they had to go along with the unwashed masses.  You could see them scheming as they stood in line to see whose persons feet they would have to wash.  Many would rearrange themselves so that they would not have to wash certain peoples feet.

After the foot washing was over you headed back for the breaking of the bread.  This was the pinnacle of the nights service.  Microphones were placed in front of the bread trays, with the sound turned up, as the bread was being broken.  The ministers was sure to point out to you that YOU were responsible for Jesus Christ dying.  YOU, the filthy sinner that was not capable of EVER doing anything right was the reason he had to be killed.  YOU, were the reason Jesus Christ had to be killed over and over each year in the College gym. You were lower than the worms in God's sight.

By the time the service was all over you were exhausted.  What really meaningful thing could ever be taken away from such a BUSY day and night?  Even being exhausted you at least reveled in the idea that we were "clean."  All the crap you had done over the past year that you knew to be wrong was gone forever.  It was a unique feeling and actually quit freeing.....until.....the next day when we found some leavening or you swore at a crazy driver or got angry at your spouse or your kids because they were making you late for Night to Be Much Observed.  Then you were temped by some Easter candy and ate some when you thought no one was looking. Or, you ate that doughnut with out thinking. Damn it! Now you have to live with that SIN for the next year, never to have it forgiven till you came back into the gym to find Jesus Christ was till there from last year and you had to kill him again.  Its all so exhausting.

The problem with "Passover" in Armstrongism is that when you left the College gym you left Jesus Christ there till the following year.  He couldn't be talked about the rest of the year unless it was only about him talking about the Kingdom. 

Now we are 80 some years into Armstrongism and 700 some different splinter groups have emerged.  Everyone of them claiming to be the TRUE and only correct ones.  They will start crucifying their Jesus Christ tonight and over the next couple of days.  Some will find deep meaning and others will be exhausted.  None of them can agree and most assuredly they will NOT be breaking bread together on this night or the next two.  Its all so exhausting.

Then it is time to prepared for the Night To Be Much Observed.  The women will cook and prepare all day for the evening meal with invited friends or a church potluck.  Seeds of bitterness and envy will already be popping into CLEAN minds because they are getting tired and are exhausted.  Then they will get angry when an invited guests shows up without any food or brings some questionable casserole.  Damn it! There goes that clean and refreshed feeling.  They are exhausted and cant wait for the evening to be over.  Then they have to clean up after the ungrateful church members left without helping to wash the dishes.  Anger sets in.  Its midnight and you need to get to bed because you know you need to be in EARLY tomorrow to set up for the first day of Unleavened Bread.  You are exhausted just thinking about it!  Its all so exhausting.

You get up at the break of dawn, get the kids showered and dressed.  You cook a big breakfast because you know the minister is going to preach FOREVER!  Then you pile the kids in the car and drive an hour on a work day with unconverted cretins clogging up the freeway.  You get angry. You arrive late for services and then are told they need you to help set up the next room for the potluck.  You spend the entire service getting the food ready, tasting weird looking food to see if it is safe to put out.  You read all the labels to make sure no leavening  is present.  Scores of tables and chairs need to be set up and table cloths spread.  Even though the sermon is being played over the speakers, you cannot listen, you are too busy and besides, its probably boring as hell because you have heard the same thing for the last 30 years.

Then you hear the closing hymn and think, DAMN IT! all the foods not out!  There is a mad rush of exhausted women scrambling to get everything out.  You do  not have time to really sit down and eat with your friends because you need to keep replenishing the buffet line.  You will get to eat the crumbs and left-overs as you take everything back to wash  before the next service starts in an hour.

Its a mad rush as you head into the meeting room and grab a seat in the back.  Services start and some visiting evangelist starts droning on and on and on and on.  You start nodding off.  Its all so exhausting.  You cant wait to get in the car to head home even though you know it will be well over two hours because of evening rush hour traffic.  Its all so exhausting.

Armstrongism....its all so exhausting.