Friday, June 6, 2014

Pharisee Malm Claims UCG Leaders Are Practicing Glossolalia In Private Meetings

The Church of God's greatest Pharisee made an accusation against UCG today that most everyone knows not to be true.

He claims that UCG leaders speak in tongues when they meet in private:

This giving up of the mind to ecstatic utterances has nothing to do with the holy spirit and is often demonic in nature with the foul spirit entering an open and inviting mind.

I want to make this point clear as the evangelical glossolalia speakers are really pushing this from the top in UCG; as an apparent evidence of the holy spirit, to justify their apostasy by claiming that they are growing in the spirit of God. 

Dennis Luker and friends were private charismatic’s who often spoke glossolalia in their private meetings, and now that these folks have taken over, there is a push on to make this more open in a more gentle mainstream and less Pentecostal extreme.  

I ask the CoE, president and chairman to publish a joint statement that glossolalia is not and will not be permitted in UCG.

Not so strangely UCG does not accept spiritual gifts in terms of anything that they might see as contrary to the supposed authority of the CoE. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why Does Bob Harris Not Speak Out Against The Hero Worship of Herbert Armstrong?

Bob Harris of the Church of God a Christian Fellowship does not like the idea that people look up to the current Pope.  Pope Francis has a better reputation with  people than Herbert Armstrong did. 

At least the Pope tends to practice what he believes.  Last year on Maundy Thursday he washed the feet of two women and a Muslim man.  This year he washed the feet of disabled persons.  Rabid conservative Catholics raise holy hell over those two acts.  Yet, Pope Francis continues to disrupt and go against "official" teachings which intrigues many people.

Harris is apparently disgusted by people liking the Pope and setting him on a pedestal as a"hero."  Down through the ages humanity have set certain people up as hero's, men and women who have done great things or have  been outspoken usually on the behalf of the downtrodden and disenfranchised.

Of course in Armstrongism we have out own set of "hero's" that continuity get discussed as stalwarts of the faith.  Herbert Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Gerald Warterhouse, Dick Armstrong, and others.  Its perfectly OK for this kind of hero worship but not Ok for Pope Francis. 

It is perfectly Ok for Gerald Flurry to imitate every aspect imaginable about Herbert Armstrong.  It would not surprise me at all if Flurry wears the same kind of underwear that HWA did.  He has HWA's prayer rock, named his fake college after him, bought various Ambassador Auditorium accoutrements, paid millions of dollars for the rights to HWA's books after losing the court battle.

The idolatry of Armstrongite hero worship in Flurrydumb and Packdumb is appallingly grotesque, but that is never discussed by the splinter groups.

While we give a fleeting nod to selflessness, our society reveres those who vainly set themselves upon pillars to be honored and even worshipped.  The entertainment industry is a self-aggrandizing enterprise, a distraction to show how Satan is transforming this world.  Our end-time age is warned against this practice: “But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts” (Revelation 9:20-21).

It is easy to point out obvious idolatry that we should avoid.  What is difficult as a Christian is to not become blinded by subtle idolatry that is at times embraced by the world.  In a recent CNN article about Pope Francis the author states, “The popular pontiff has also made a positive impression among Americans in general: Nearly three in four view Francis favorably.  The new survey suggests that the Pope is arguably the most well-regarded religious figure among the American public today, said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. According to one study, Pope Francis was the most talked about person on the Internet this year, and even atheists have professed appreciation for the 77-year-old pontiff." This kind of hero worship, whether it is of debase or lofty ideals, is still false worship. Judgment is coming to those that practice it.

So the question is Bob Harris, when are you going to speak out about the hero worship of Herbert Armstrong and other COG leaders from the past and present?  That hero worship is false worship too.