Monday, September 8, 2014

Philadelphia Church of God Mantra: Pay Any Price, Sacrifice Any Person, and OBEY Us

 A letter on Exit and Support about the Cal Culpepper/Aaron Eagle, Gerald Flurry Controversy:

September 2, 2014

I guess reading about the De Gennaro's daughter and Aaron Eagle prompted my email. I had originally written you Read: PCG Wanted to Make All My Decisions for Me] and explained how I had been told I wouldn't be able to take the Passover because I took money from my second tithe to fix my car. (It appears I wouldn't have done it in a worthy manner.) Aaron Eagle was the one who called me after Cal Culpepper and Gerald Flurry had their confab. I knew by Eagle's tone and hesitation that he had a problem with those instructions, but he made the call.

I left 5 months later, although I had been having thoughts for the past 3 years that things were terribly wrong. Personally, I never saw Eagle as the kind of minister like Culpepper. He was in a league along with the Barkeis and other older ministers who minded their business and didn't pry or ask embarrassing questions. You went to them if you had a problem, or needed advice, and it was your decision if you took it or not. As long as you didn't break "church doctrine" you were good. If you were suspended, it was with the understanding that you could reach out to your minister "at any time" and talk, and he would also be in touch with you. You were also expected to be brought back, never to be left out in the cold and alone.

I ask myself how long is this going to go on, before people realize their fear should be on things outside the church, not in it? Men like Cal Culpepper cannot possibly have God's spirit. How can Christ be living in a man that does the things he does and says the things he says? The abuses to these "sheep" are abominable. Families turning on each other out of fear of retribution from their leaders, the very ones that are suppose to be protecting them.

I knew the De Ganneros from the times I would go to Milton, Canada for services. They were a nice couple who seemed truly dedicated to God. To lose a child, especially this way is more than a tragedy. I would also believe they would not be the first in this church to experience it. The "truth" that comes from the pulpit seems not to be the whole truth, which is funny, since they consider an omission to be the same as a lie. Their reasoning would be she had "emotional problems and wasn't close enough to God." Their mission is simple: pay any price, sacrifice any person, and obey us.
I know brethren that are still in there, I haven't had contact with them since I left 3 years ago. but because of these recent events, I will be emailing them these testimonies and letters, whether they believe or not. I hope they will start to question. --Eileen Graves, New York

The Restored Church of God Song from the "Behind the Work" Film

Secret recording of the new Feast of Tabernacles song that David C Pack
will be playing at his cult Feast this year.