Sunday, December 7, 2014

UCG: God's Most Favored Church of God Averages No More Than 20-30 Members In Attendance Each Week

God's most favorite Church of God ever has admitted it's not as favored as they would like it to be.  They continue to give the impression each week that they are the most unified and most awesome Church of God ever to exist, yet underneath that dirty facade is a crumbling superstructure that's aging and falling apart.

Roy Holladay from the United Church of God reports in the Nov 4th member news that the church is struggling to find members to ordain as leaders in its church.  

We in the home office administration would like to share with you some of our manpower plans for serving our nearly 200 congregations and Bible study groups in the United States. Several of our full-time pastors will be retiring in the next several years after many decades of faithful service. However, the work of leading and shepherding those congregations must continue and we are asking God to show whom He may be calling to serve in the pastoral ministry of His Church. It’s a very important role. One of UCG’s goals from inception has been to give each congregation a live speaker and not become merely a video or Internet church of God.
As you may know, many of our congregations are quite small, often with no more than 20 or 30 in attendance each Sabbath. Our current model has been to give our full-time pastors two, three or four of these smaller churches that may add up to a total attendance of 80-100. But this approach has significant drawbacks. The pastor may not be able to visit any single congregation more than once or twice a month. His travel incurs a great amount of mileage costs and takes a physical toll on the elder and his wife. We believe there are other ways to consistently and effectively serve our brethren in these small, widely scattered congregations.

What we have been doing in some areas, where there is a smaller congregation, is to find a qualified man who is already gainfully employed (or retired), who could be appointed as that congregation’s pastor at a part-time salary or volunteer basis. Before assuming the pastor’s position, he will need to be mentored and have online instruction in pastoral care to equip him with the tools and knowledge for this service. As you know, there is a lot more to pastoring than just speaking or visiting brethren. He would also have access to a mentoring pastor, who would be familiar with his area and would be available to advise and make occasional visits.

A part-time pastor serving only one congregation has the following advantages:

• The pastor and his wife will have only one congregation to serve each Sabbath. They will have more quality time with the brethren, knowing that they do not have to leave quickly after services and drive many miles to another church service.
• The pastor and his wife will be in his congregation the vast majority of Sabbaths, which is not possible for full-time pastors serving three or four churches.
• There will be lower mileage reimbursement costs for distances traveled, which will enable us to be wiser stewards of the money that God provides to care for our members.
• The pastor and wife can develop closer relationships with the brethren because they live in the same geographical area.
• The pastor would not necessarily need to forsake his chosen career.

Dave Pack Isolates Himself On His Compound

See Dave's slide show of his itty-bitty campus here.

Its now going on well over two years since Dave Pack uttered his absurd prophecy that three Church of God leaders would be struck down by his god and all of their members would come running in ecstasy to Dave's "church."  Two years ago when it failed the first time around Dave went silent.  When it failed to happen AGAIN in 2014 at the Feast of Tabernacles Dave circled the wagons with The Sixteen and came up with a way of keeping the riff-raff out of his cult compound. 

Now Dave has resorted to installing gates on his compound's driveway.  He has to keep his dwindling flock isolated from the pagan filthy sinners of the world and ex-members.  Its amazing how exclusionary Armstrongite cult leaders are yet the man they claim to follow was never exclusionary.  He dined with sinners, prostitutes, and the undesirables of the world.  God forbid if any citizens of Wadsworth drive on to the property or particularly ex-church members.

I imagine the citizens of Wadsworth are pleased with the gates.  It keeps the Pharisees and hypocrites locked up in their fish bowl so the public can can stand in the big box store across the street and make fun of the Packites.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Its That Time of Year! Christmas Volleyball With UCG, COGWA and LCG

Lets Play Volleyball

Nothing wrong with playing volleyball, but playing volleyball at Christmas time is an event with hidden and ulterior motives, invented by certain "heads" of Worldwide Church of God splinter groups and with a hidden agenda.

Cult leaders of WCG splinter groups invented "family" time at Christmas time, for no other reason than to keep their members away from being attracted to the celebration of Christmas with family.

The CULT Worldwide Church of God splinter groups are notorious for deception, and the naive and gullible who bow to these groups, are not thinking human beings, they are all seduced by man-made religious ideas.

Indeed playing volleyball is a fun engagement, but no one but the most simple minded of human beings are blinded by this "family" time event, designed to keep members away from Christmas.   

The primary reason is because those who rule these people want to keep $CASH flowing into
their pocket books and not spent on gifts at Christmas time for children, so they make the claim that
Christmas is pagan and anti-God.  Nonsense!

So, volleyball player, have you gone to the homes of the leaders of these Worldwide Church of God splinter groups and seen how they live in splendor and luxury at your expense? Probably not!  Supposedly they speak for God and all the while they live in mansions, while they convince the naive that their "tithes" are being used to "preach the Gospel to the world."

Volleyball at Christmas is one of the most outrageous frauds ever invented by religious frauds, who pretend that Christmas is "evil." Christmas is not evil, it is simply a harmless custom, much like
camping, hiking, mountain climbing, surfing, swimming or home schooling.   What is really EVIL, is destroying families by playing volleyball at Christmas time, when families are RIPPED APART by Worldwide Church of God religious crap.  Think hard my friend, because you and your children are being USED and ABUSED by religious freaks who invented this bull.

Van Robison