Sunday, June 14, 2015

UCG’s Camelo Anastasi Mocks Ecumenical Unity Movement While COG's Are In Appalling Disarray

UCG's Camelo Anastasi has an article up attacking various Christian groups that seek to find common ground.  It is funny to see a Church of God member condemn "ecumenicism" and people who want to have unity, when its own house is one massive cesspool of disunity and division.

Anastasi's article delighted Bob Thiel too. Bob, the world's foremost authority upon EVERYTHING has been slamming Catholics and others for their desire to have some unity and common ground in their churches.

The Churches of God, from its very first start has been one of division, manipulation, and backbiting.  With Herbert Armstrong's rebellion from the Church of God 7Day, to the decades of hundreds and hundreds of Armstrognite splinter groups forming, the Church of God's own history is one filled with people who could not and would not worship together.

Anastasi writes:

In practice ecumenicalism is an inter – religious movement involving many different churches claiming to work together in order to overcome their organizational divisions and other doctrinal differences at the expense of the biblical truth. Their motto is “unity in diversity.” But the question is: Can there be real unity in diversities? At what cost?
Various COG's have wanted to seek to find how they could be unified together again as one church.  Some have tried and nothing happens because certain COG leaders feel they are God's instruments through which he only is working.  If they joined up with other COG's to worship then who would be in charge?

Reciprocal cooperations and respect are imperative and transparent values in a civilized society. However, the ecumenical concept contradicts itself by attempting to achieve “unity in diversity” through the exercise of a kind of “love” that is not God’s love as found in the Bible. Let us examine ecumenicalism more closely.
Can you imagine "reciprocal cooperation" and "respect" in the Churches of God? It is an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY! It will NEVER happen!  Not even the pipe dream of them all eventually meeting in Petra in a few years will produce any unity.  Hundreds of different splinter groups will be fighting over who is in charge, who gets the hotel rooms in the Hilton and Marriott for their HQ's and which COE leaders get the choicest caves.  It will be a spiritual and physical bloodbath.  Can you imagine Bob Thiel getting a better cave that Rod Meredith?  Or,  Rod being in charge and sending little Bob off into the nether-lands of Petra to set up camp under some rock ledge!  What about Jim Franks getting the better cave while Kubik has to share a cave with Wade Cox?  The Tower of Babel fighting will pale in comparison.

Anastasi then goes on to claim that unity should be in TRUTH, not in diversity.  It's pretty hard to take Anastasi seriously when his own church has been ripped apart by numerous divisions since it was conceptualized by divisive ministers still employed by the Worldwide Church of God.  Every single on of the 700 some splinter groups ALL feel they have the CORRECT version of truth.  How can "truth" be found in the Church of God when it is soooooooooooo divided?  How can it be a beacon of "truth" to a hurting world when it is soooooooooooo fractured?

Unity is desirable, but Jesus clearly commanded His disciples to be united in the truth, not deception. God’s people are sanctified in the truth, not by unity at any cost (John 17:19). Since the beginning of biblical history human beings have united themselves through deception, not in the truth, only to pay bitter consequences!

Since the beginning of Herbert Armstrong's decision to form his own group the COG has been united in deception, intrigue, guile and manipulation.  Even in the "glory years" of the 1950-1960's the COG was NOT truly unified.  Since the beginning of biblical history and the modern day COG movement there has been little unity and truth.  We have all seen the bitter consequences of this disunity and many have paid a bitter price with their lives.

They have already overturned the order of priority of the two most important commandments: “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself ’” (Matthew 22:36). Sadly, the “first” or “greatest” commandment—the one that summarizes the first four of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)—is no longer important to them.

How can the Church of God love the God the claim to follow when they are filled with so much bitterness towards each other.  UCG brass are still bitter at COGWA leaders.  Meredith is bitter towards every other group. Pack and Flurry are bitter towards ALL the COG's and the world around them.  They continually break the first great commandment they claim to follow.  Because they are bitter towards the world and do NOTHING to help alleviate pain and suffering show everyone that they care little for the second great commandment as well.  Why is Anastasi lecturing the world when his own house is in horrible disarray?

Anastasi then heads off the favorite knife that COGers love to throw at Christians.  They follow a false Christ is the label they seek to smear everyone outside of Armstrongism.  Yet, the COG's cannot talk about Jesus Christ, grace, justification or anything else that really is at the core of the message Jesus brought to the world.  Its always is focused upon the law.  They prefer the taskmaster over the yoke-bearer.  Who really has promoted the false Jesus more than the Church of God!  That is why they know him not.

“We do worship Christ,” they say. But does Christ bless those who have changed or abolished the law of His Father? Jesus said: “Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21).

Anasatais then smears Christians again by saying this:

Unfortunately ecumenicalism boils down to people telling God, “We do believe you and pray to you, but don’t tell us how to live!” It speaks of unity and love, but it offends God by enslaving naïve people into idolatrous practices!
This is hilarious!  What does he think the Church of God has done for the last 30 some years?  They connived and plotted behind the backs of the WCG while still employed by them.  They smeared other break away groups maligning those leaders. They continue to force a taskmasters law upon their followers enslaving them.  Everyone does  what they think is right with their idolatrous practices and can can never come to a consensus upon anything.

Anastasi ends with this:

Genuine love and real unity can only come from God’s Spirit, and this is given “only to those who obey Him” (Acts 5:31; 1 John 5:2-3). God’s people are kept united in one mind, one baptism, one Spirit, one doctrine, one voice, one attitude, and one purpose (1 Corinthians 1:10; 12:4,13; 1 Ephesians 4:14; Philippians 2:2). This is God’s way. This actually works and leads into God’s Kingdom. Blessed are those who walk in it.
So where is the "genuine love and real unity" in the United Church of God?  Where is it in any of the other COG's?  Each one feels they are better than the other.  Each one is the truest and most loyal
 COG to ever exist.  Each one is doing a better work than the other.  The disharmony that exists in the UCG is rampant throughout the COG.  Living Church of God is ready to implode.  Another faction is working behind the scenes in United plotting to break away over upcoming doctrinal changes.  Dave Pack has slithered into his hole in Wadsworth after being publicly humiliated and mocked for two years worth of failed prophecies.  Gerald Flurry is ripping families apart and lying to his members.

Where is the union of COG members with "one mind, one baptism, one spirit and one doctrine?"  Every single one of these splinter COG's formed their own groups because they could NOT agree on the doctrinal stances of their previous church.  Unity will never happen in the COG.  There is no unity.  They do not speak with one voice or purpose any more.

The next time Anastasi or UCG want to lecture the world for their foibles please clean up your own mess first!

Read the entire article here:  May/June United News 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

UCG's "Compass Check" Youth Magazine - Another Epic Failure In The Works?


For many years the United Church of God tried to produce a magazine similar to the WCG YOUTH magazine.  Just like the youth of the WCG who never read the YOUTH magazine, the youth of UCG did not care for Vertical Thought either.

Like all of the various splinter groups of the Worldwide Church of God they are failing to draw in and grow with younger folk.  All of the Churches of God are currently dying off as the older WCG related generations die off.

Lecturing  the youth of the church with mindless Armstrongite drivel is not impressing any of them.

They are leaving.

Vertical Thought could not keep them in and Compass Check will not either.

At least with Vertical Thought the name implied one direction, upwards.  The Compass Check has no fixed point.  As one person on a proCOG site said,

Compass Check” does not show any direction, but rather, that one may be off track and has to reorient themselves. A compass has 360 different points, but only one can be correct; whereas, “Vertical..” has but one point – upward and outward from one’s base – a 90* angle from horizontal.

They would be better off (send a stronger message/emphasis) to have retained “Vertical Thought” which only points one way. And abandon the “Compass Check” which could allow 359 different wrong ways vs the one good way. Clarity in vision is better than clouded, diffused, and misdirected vision – even if accidental.

Ouch!  UCG is setting itself up for another epic failure.  Over the last several years since it imploded UCG has one failure after another.  All of the glossy propaganda they spit out every other week is nothing more than a smoke screen.  UCG members are just as disillusioned as those in other COG's.  People are asking WHY they even remain any more.  

The only real hope the youth of United Church of Godr have is to leave when they are of age.  There is a glorious world out there waiting for them to change it.  As long as they remain within the cultish walls of UCG they will never truly be free.

Robert Kuhn Still Willing to Stretch the Boundaries of Thinking

Robert Kuhn was a high ranking WCG member/employee for many years and was highly educated on many aspects of life and religion.  He particularly was well versed in the science of the brain.  The Plain Truth magazine, a Worldwide Church of God  publication ran many articles by Kuhn.

After leaving the beliefs of Armstrongism behind he has led an amazing life exploring the human mind, the cosmos, religion and the search for the meaning of life.  Kuhn's widely popular program is on PBS here in the Untied States, and online.  When you compare the well thought out and deep questions of Kuhn to the amateurish drivel that Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry and Rod Meredith put on on their TV shows, Kuhn's program is light years ahead of them.  The difference between Kuhn and the Armstrongite splinter group leaders is that Kuhn is not afraid to ask questions, allow room for doubt and not find it necessary to have the answers.  Pack, Flurry, Meredith and other COG leaders claim to be the ultimate source of all knowledge.  They have an answer to EVERYTHING!  God is working overtime keeping all of these men's brains filled with the latest revelations. Its no wonder he needs a day of rest.

Closer To Truth explores fundamental issues of universe, brain/mind, religion, meaning and purpose through intimate, candid conversations with leading scientists, philosophers, scholars, theologians and creative thinkers of all kinds. The shows are a rich visual experience, shot entirely on location in high definition with multiple cameras generating rich production values.

Public fascination with questions of Cosmos, Consciousness and particularly of Meaning has grown substantially in recent years. Public debate has been intense, often heated.
Closer To Truth presents to mass audiences these leading-edge ideas in an approachable, rational and balanced manner, and introduces the human personalities behind these ideas. By meeting these change-making characters close-up, the thinkers behind the thoughts, visiting them in their homes, offices, labs, gardens, churches and temples, Closer To Truth humanizes riveting ideas and makes them more accessible and more relevant.

Closer to Truth YouTube channel is here.

Gerald Flurry Reenforces Racist Intermarriage Teachings of Herbert Armstrong

Gerald Flurry is well known for spouting off racist comments, much like his idol Herbert Armstrong.   Now that Gerald Flurry owns the copyright for Mystery of the Ages (after losing a humiliating court battle) he continues to publish and endorse the racist polices of Armstrong.

The following is from a defunct exCOG blog that is still filled with a wealth of information.

Herbert W. Armstrong's views on interracial marriage were not at all a secret. I have found various sermons and written works by Armstrong that express a great deal of racism. The following collection of quotes is intended to illustrate how open Armstrong was about his racist beliefs, and how he enforced his prejudices upon members of the Worldwide Church of God.

"God originally set the bounds of national borders, intending nations to be separated to prevent interracial marriage. [...] Noah was of perfect lineage in his generations. His wife and three sons were of that same white strain."

Mystery of the Ages; H.W. Armstrong; pg. 149
"God intended to prevent racial intermarriages. But man has always wanted to violate God’s laws, intentions and ways. They wanted to become one race or family through intermarriage
of races."

Mystery of the Ages; H.W. Armstrong; pg. 151

Below, I have transcribed pieces of one of Herbert W. Armstrong's shockingly racist sermons. I have included a link the the audio of the entire sermon. He was 90 years old when he spoke these words. I have capitalized certain bits of text to note the volume of Armstrong's voice. Anyone who has heard a sermon by HWA will remember his bouts of screaming, when he was trying to make a point.

Apparently, what had spurred him to write this sermon was a letter, written by one of his followers.

"Today I want to speak on what may possibly be the very next attack that Satan will use against this church [...] interracial marriage."
"It was stated that the blacks in God's Church are dissatisfied with such doctrines that are not in keeping with the current social trend in the world [civil rights movement] that are a part of this nations background. [...] And this letter also says that they are trying to line up a group of blacks to give ME AN ULTIMATUM, that I get on the side of the social trend of this world, or else! I'll tell you what I'll give them, I'LL GIVE THEM THE 'OR ELSE!' (church audience laughs) I WON'T COMPRIMISE ONE MILLIONTH OF AN INCH! And if you will, you can go into the Lake of Fire if you want to. [...] Some are saying that we have to to have racial balance at ambassoders college. [...]"
"Genisis 6:1; And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of
the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

Genisis 6:2; That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were
fair; and they took them wives of ALL WHICH THEY CHOOSE."
"That's what they want to do today. A black man wants to take a white woman for a wife, THAT'S WHAT HE CHOOSES. [...] Now I don't know any cases where a WHITE MAN wants to marry a black woman, WHY IS THAT? Answer that for me! Why is it only BLACK MEN who want to marry white women?"
This is obviously a twist of scripture. Armstrong is trying to 'prove' his racist beliefs with the Bible. There is no mention in the Genesis 6 that God sent Noah's flood because of interracial marriage; nor is there any evidence that Noah was white. HWA himself declares this, but there is no evidence in the scriptures.

And why should 'the church' question him? He is God's end-time Elijah... GOD TALKS TO HIM (or at least that is what WCG members were told.) Going against Armstrong was like going against God, for members; leaving the church was the worst sin one could commit. Apparently, these are concepts that are found in many cults*.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Gerald Flurry And How He Is Justifying Ripping Families Apart

A few days ago a person with PCG ties sent this blog, Silenced and a couple of others a copy of the latest Royal Vision.  In this issue is an article that was approved by Gerald Flurry for publication, Preserving Unity God's Way written by Brian Davis.  The particular story the person wanted publicized was the on on unity.  

Unity is a huge issue today in the Churches of God.  After the melt down of the Worldwide Church of God in 1996 and onward, numerous splinter personality cults formed and took tens of thousands of members with them.  These harlot daughters of the WCG have never recovered from the dissolution of the church and have never been able to maintain unity in their groups. 

Its no wonder unity cannot be preserved when these groups when the very founders were the original ones causing division.The Royal Vision rag is a for the members of PCG who are in good standing with everything Flurry teaches.  Thankfully that number is shrinking more and more each day as the PCG looses control of its members

In this article Brain Davis seeks to justify the PCG's perverted reasoning as to why they label all exCOG members as Laodicean and why PCG member should cut off all contact with them, including family members.

Countless horror stories have emerged from people who have witnessed the appalling actions of PCG members towards family and friends.

Here are some excerpts from the rag:

Notice that the article cannot even start with Jesus and any mercy that he was constantly showering on people.  Instead the article immediately starts out with big bad meanie Satan who seems to be the most powerful person in Armstrongism.  Never ones to rest in the safety of Jesus, the Armstrongite groups, and PCG in particular, cower in fear.  Satan is the ultimate god of the COG.  That is all they seem to be able to talk about and give power to.

The article immediately starts out by mocking PCG members who question Gerald Flurry's personal teachings on this subject.  Many have refused to stop talking to relatives and friends and Davis is not happy.  His god would NEVER allow PCG members to do such a thing.

Gerald Flurry has never been known to come up with anything original so he has to revert back to the failed utterances of Herbert Armstrong concerning wayward members.  This was the only way Herbert could keep the membership ion line so Gerald has to do the same thing, Its was and still is a control issue. 

Herbert Armstrong always loved to call church members "dumb sheep."  Church members are naive and unthinking and apparently the dumbest creatures on the face of the planet.  So stupid that they give Satan power to corrupt them.  Maybe part of that problem is that most church members know noting about Jesus. Again, that's another story.

Next Davis warns PCG members to NOT even allow these disgusting vile ex-member family members into their homes.  Their mere presence brings in the doctrine of demons.

As you can see Davis also warns members that these disgusting people can enter their homes in ways other than the front door.  Pretty soon PCG will be banning cell phones, televisions, Internet and email.   Evil people such as this are spiritual fornicators.  Even though certain individuals at the PCG compound are fornicating, that apparently is not as bad as exCOG members.  Like every single COG leader in charge today in all the various groups, they pick and choose what they beliefs and doctrines the elite will practice while having another standard for the membership

Since they cannot actually PROVE this doctrine from the Bible, no matter how  hard they try, they have to resort to REVEALED information from Gerald Flurry.  God apparently speaks to Gerald all the time.  From revealing hidden books, to how to build a mini-me auditorium, and how to dream up aberrant doctrines.
Read below Flurry's take on Herbert's "dedication" to the youth of the WCG.  All of those thankless children turned their backs on Herbert just like they are turning their backs on Gerald.

Flurry now has taken upon himself a new title - "breaker."   But who is leading this "breaker?"  It certainly is NOT God.  Its not Jesus because they cant even utter his name 99% of the time.

Like all other COG leaders from HWA on down, it is always someone else's fault.  Its not Flurry's fault that he invented this disfellowshipment/shunning doctrine.  It is the xCOG members fault.  It was THEY that departed from the one true, holy, apostolic Church of God.

The ironic thing that is disturbing a LOT of PCG members in the Edmond Oklahoma area is how they are forced to cut off contact with friends and relatives because they are considered unclean, but have to watch as Flurry and crew hobnob and court rich old Christmas/Sunday keeping ladies from Edmond in order  to keep their concert series afloat.  Its no problem dealing with these pagans, but it is perfectly OK to ignore your children or parents.

More information about the horrendous abuses that the Philadelphia Church of God is perpetuating upon its members read here.  There is 15 years worth of letters there on how sick Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God is.

More PCG info can be found here: The Plain Truth About Malachi's Message and THAT Prophet