Monday, September 21, 2015

The Church of God Obsession With Creepy Sock Puppets

This is Jelly and his "handler" in one of many of United Church of God's creepy sock puppet campaigns to brainwash their kids with aberrant doctrines.

Not to be outdone is the Church of God International with Buckaroo Bob and the Roadkill Cafe. 


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God Face Another Year of Epic Failure

The Feast of Tabernacles will soon be upon us, again.  We are now heading into the third year after David C Pack's epic announcement that his god was going to strike down three Church of God leaders and in turn lead all the members of their  respective churches over into Dave's flock.  Two years have passed and not one single leader  has died.  Nor are any members of  any of the splinter groups joining up with Dave.  In fact, Dave is LOSING members!

Dave has no large Feast sites this year ready to accommodate new members.  People are not packing their bags to go to Dave's Feast. No splinter group is in negotiation with Dave to change their allegiance and festival sites turning them over to the Restored Church of God.

This is what Dave wrote that keeps coming back to bite him:

Details may begin (and only begin) to come into view on the first of the month of Elul (in God’s calendar—August 7 in the Roman Calendar). A more complete picture will emerge by Elul 24 (August 30). Right now, all are urged to have in their thinking that they will be reassigned to a new nearby Feast site, and those who choose to return to the Body of Christ will attend with what becomes a much bigger organization—probably significantly bigger than the largest splinter! (Crucial Questions—Important Answers! July 19, 2013,

Which three leaders are the greatest obstructionists to God’s stated purpose in Haggai—returning HIS people to doing HIS Work? (The Final Announcement. August 2, 2013,

Next, the 2013 Feast of Tabernacles: This will also be among the most special and inspiring times in Church history. It will be a Feast of unity and harmony among all of God’s people. Everyone will keep this joyous occasion as members of The Restored Church of God in scores of sites across the world. At this time, we have 21 sites, but we anticipate adding many more. In some areas, former splinter brethren will attend our current sites. In other locations, we will have to quickly add new ones. In still other areas, splinter sites will simply become Restored sites. The total number of Feast sites, and where they are, will depend entirely on how many brethren answer the “stirring” of Jesus Christ to return to His Church, and in what areas they live. Details may begin (and only begin) to come into view on the first of the month of Elul (in God’s calendar—August 7 in the Roman Calendar). A more complete picture will emerge by Elul 24 (August 30). Right now, all are urged to have in their thinking that they will be reassigned to a new nearby Feast site, and those who choose to return to the Body of Christ will attend with what becomes a much bigger organization—probably significantly bigger than the largest splinter! (Crucial Questions—Important Answers! July 19, 2013,

It must be humiliating to be seen as such an epic failure in the eyes of his own members.  Its no wonder they are leaving.  Those tens of thousands of new members never jumped ship with their money, which Dave was greedily claiming as HIS. 

Dave now is struggling to keep the money flow coming in.  His mini-me auditorium yearns to be built.  Dave's master plan for his campus is stagnating.  His epic gardens look  out of place crisscrossed by high tension lines  while being squeezed in between the busting freeway and the big lot store across the street with its expansive parking lot.. His magic garden that Dale Schurter was supposed to be setting up as the epitome of agricultural genius has been pushed to the sidelines.

Dave's big dreams have turned out to be big dud's!