Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pasadena Demolition Continues

Site of the former Fine Arts Hall

Condos to be on both sides of the sunken gardens fountains

 Day three of demolition.  More of the facade is off

Site of the former "round house" that held the air conditioning towers and landscape department.

Where Did All The Demons Go?


About forty-five years ago in my area, most kids were still walking to school and it was no different for me.   But then again, in another way, things were quite a bit different for me.  One morning, while on my way to school, I was troubled by a thought that most likely not bothering the vast majority of my fourth grade classmates… “What would I do if I were suddenly confronted by a demon before I got to school?”
Would I remember what to say?  If I could remember what to say (“In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to depart!”), would I have the courage to say it?  And, if I had the courage to say it, would my delivery be convincing enough for the demon to comply with my command? 
Yes, on that morning, I was probably unlike anyone else in my elementary school.
We had joined WCG in the late 60s and it seemed like every minister had at least two or three stories about casting out demons back then.  Even elders seemed to have such stories. Those stories were really interesting but they were also pretty troubling for young kids like us.  We didn’t want to be confronted by any demons… No way!  And that was what was bothering me that morning every time I approached a tree, “What if one jumped out from behind that tree and threatened me, would I be able to protect myself?”
Years later, I have occasionally wondered, what happened to all of those stories about demons?  Although there were many stories told during the late 60s and early 70’s, the numbers declined in the 80s and declined even further in the 90s.  Now it is hard to recall any such stories over the last decade or so. 
Did they stop bothering people in the various COG’s?  Or, maybe was it that the number of incidents had been exaggerated, imagined or fabricated in the first place?  Perhaps a little like Big Foot sightings during the 70s?  It seems we hear of fewer of those sightings now too. 
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"We don't need to worry about the physical things of the church"

This mind numbing quote by a Philadelphia Church of God member exhibits why spiritual abusers like Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry and Rod Meredith have free reign to abuse their members.  The membership have been blinded to reality.

From a PCG member:

We could or cannot know or understand the truth without God revealing it through Mr. Herbert W Armstrong and Mr. Gerald Flurry. That is the government of God. We have to follow them. We don’t have to focus about the physical things that are happening in the church(we don’t have to focus about people’s sins in the church but to pray for them to stop it) but we focus on the spiritual things God is given to us in the church through Mr. Gerald Flurry. It is only the PCG that is administering God government on this earth. And God is using only PCG to do His work on this earth.

Hall of Administration Being Demolished In Pasadena

 double click to enlarge all pictures

Demolition has begun on the Hall of Administration at the former headquarters of the Worldwide Church of God and Ambassador College.  The entire entire building has been gutted with its walls, ceilings and floors stripped away.

Many see this as one more indignity they have to witness and also consider it blasphemous, while others see this building as the seat of power that sanctioned their abuse, whether it be mental, spiritual or sexual.  

World rulers and queens walked its marble floors.  Priceless treasures filled its lobby from around the world. 

It was the site of the sit-in during the receivership where children were encourage to sit with their backs against the glass so as to intimidate the police.  

It housed the revolving offices of department heads, ministers and evangelists as long as they remained in good standing.  

It was filled with file cabinets filled with data on the church members, tithing records, notes from counseling sessions and derogatory comments by ministers or faculty.  It was the site of the Man Power Project that made horrendous libelous accusations at Ambassador College students due to race, perceived sexuality, women's issues, and more.

A private elevator whisked the apostle/prophet/ from his private parking garage to his fourth floor mahogany paneled office filled with antique European paintings, exquisite silver and gold pieces

It was the site of countless rebellions, rampant sexual liaisons, and eventually ended up being nothing more than studio set for made-for-TV movies due to its decades old furnishings from the 60/70's.

Forty years after it was constructed it is being ripped down.  The seat of power in the church is gone and will never again amount to anything again.  Its a fitting epitaph of the dying Churches of God.

Countless splinter group leaders and wannabe prophets all lay the blame for this at the feet of Joseph Tkach Sr.  The problem lies in the fact that this belief is totally erroneous because no matter who would have been appointed there would have been major divisions.

At the time of HWA's death Ellis LaRavia thought he was the rightful heir.  Members did not like LaRavia.  Meredith thought the same thing because he thought that since he was trained at HWA's feet he would be the logical choice.  Apartian was not a leader so he was out of the running.  Richard Ames always pandered to whomever was in charge and could never take a stand, so he would have been driven out of office rather quickly. Headquarters members despised Meredith, so it was with a sigh of relief when he did not get it.  David Hulme was not a sound choice.  Gerald Flurry was considered a nutcase and was not even in the running.  Dave Pack wasn't considered even though he brags that HWA personally trained him, which he did not.  None off the present day leaders of United Church of God ever made it to the final round because HWA knew what power hungry ineffective men they were.

Whether it was Tkach or any other COG leader out there to this date, the church was destined to collapse.  When Jesus is cast aside and the law is given power over grace it is guaranteed to fail, just like  every single COG group is doing to this date.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Did Mr. Armstrong Preach the Gospel to World Leaders?

Did Mr. Armstrong Preach the Gospel to World Leaders?

As it became clear that the end-time events would not begin during (or before) 1972, Mr. Armstrong then went on to claim that his new commission was to bring the gospel to world leaders.  Many believed that he had both been given and fulfilled this commission.  Others have stated that HWA merely used this claim as justification to spend lavishly on housing, furnishings, artwork, clothing, cars, airplanes, travel and entertaining and that his visits with dignitaries served no purpose in proclaiming the gospel to the world. 
Can we determine from HWA’s own descriptions of these events (and from documented history) which claim is correct?
From Mr. Armstrong's perspective

Member Letter 7/30/73:  "God has shown me HOW to present it [his gospel]... as a sensational NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT that affects their country... in such a way that their newspapers will PUBLISH THE NEWS—PRINT WHAT I SAY… I believe I can proclaim this true Gospel as something SO NEW—so  STARTLING—so SENSATIONAL—that it will get big headlines in newspapers…"
"It’s NOTHING LIKE what missionaries have taught in those countries! They will not recognize any connection WHATEVER. It will not appear as anything competitive to THEIR religions.
In Japan it will be thundered to them as direct from the CREATOR OF THE JAPANESE PEOPLE.  I will not say anything against their religions...
THAT’S OUR COMMISSION! Just the ANNOUNCEMENT of the soon coming KINGDOM OF GOD.. of course I must reveal this great announcement to these heads of state first…"

Ministerial bulletin  6/3/79:  "Some weeks ago I authorized the formation of a new FOUNDATION—named the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation. It has become a necessary adjunct to this worldwide dimension of getting Christ's TRUE Gospel to the nations through heads of government…[a] whole new phase of the Work.
... One thing has been a serious handicap and caused me and my touring team no little embarrassment. We have had to say that we represent either Ambassador College, or Worldwide Church of God.
... This new Foundation is giving us great added prestige, credibility, and favor. It is something NO ONE CAN CRITICIZE. It doesn't sound 'religious'!"

From an opposing perspective

The following are some comments by Marion McNair, one of the first men to be ordained as an evangelist in HWA's Radio Church of God. He left the organization and wrote “Armstrongism-- Religion or Rip-0ff? ” after becoming disillusioned about Mr. Armstrong.   From pages 60-62 of that book:
 Did the TWELVE APOSTLES, when they came to the attention of rulers, hide the fact they represented Jesus Christ? Did they not say, when confronted, "… we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard… and they spake the word with boldness…" (Acts 4:19-20). Verse 2 of this chapter shows exactly what they preached—"The resurrection of the dead through Christ Jesus."
But Armstrong does not represent Christ to the Japanese. He thunders to them as direct from the CREATOR of the Japanese people. Whatever false god they have in their minds is the one they will "believe" is sponsoring Armstrong. It could be Buddha, Confucius or the Imperial god (Shinto) but not Jesus Christ.
Is that what our Lord instructed? Did He say to go to a nation "in the name of its god"? But rather through Paul, "… whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…" (Col 3:17)
… Jesus said, "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words… of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh…"   Christ wants His ministers to speak boldly in His name. He did not say, "Go ye therefore unto all the world and SNEAK the Gospel into every nation."

Was Mr. Armstrong's approach effective? 

Did Mr. Armstrong actually have an impact on world leaders (and the world overall) through this with his “sensational” approach?  Did he make headlines and get newspapers to print "the gospel message" that he had delivered?
From Mr. Armstrong's perspective

Member Letter 2/22/74:  And now, PUBLIC APPEARANCE CAMPAIGNS are planned already in THREE nations, sponsored by officials high in the governments of these nations.     Already I have gotten the MESSAGE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD to audiences of 55 to 100 of each nation's LEADERS in banquets or dinners in India, Japan, Thailand, South Vietnam, Ethiopia, and the Philippines.
This is positively miraculous!  It is GOD'S DOING!
God had a SPECIAL MISSION for His first-century apostles -- giving personal eyewitness proof of the RESURRECTION of Christ, as well as proclaiming the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD.  From then until 1934, the Church existed, comparatively small in number, persecuted, unable to proclaim the KINGDOM OF GOD to the world.
When I go before kings, presidents, emperors, prime ministers, and the LEADERS of many nations, I go and am received as AN AMBASSADOR FOR WORLD PEACE...                
I go in Satan's great disfavor -- in Satan's eyes and those he has deceived into being used AGAINST the Work of the living God, with no credibility.     But in GOD'S EYES, and in the eyes of the nations' leaders, I go with great FAVOR, THE HIGHEST CREDIBILITY, and in high HONOR!”

Member Letter  12/18/79 :  "We arrived [in Red China] on Sunday evening, December 2nd. On Monday evening I spoke for about a half hour at a banquet in my honor, attended by prominent members of the government and their wives. Tuesday evening I spoke again before the Diplomatic Corps, including ambassadors—many with wives—representing 76 (SEVENTY-SIX) other nations from all parts of the world, beside a number of high-ranking Chinese...
[HWA, quoting a memo by Stan Rader about the meetings] ... "The Vice-Chairman undoubtedly had been advised of your strong comments Monday night and again on Tuesday night. I believe that he knew full well that the United Europe and the cataclysm that would follow were directly connected with your comments about the 'Strong Hand from somewhere' that would save mankind from complete destruction and would be man's salvation and only HOPE."

From the perspective of the news media

NEWS OF THE WORLD  8/1/75 , page 5:   Article below describes how HWA's donations were used to arranged introductions as photo ops, but that his meetings were completely insignificant and his antics were not appreciated by those leaders that had been duped.

THE JERUSALEM POST, 8/24/76 , page 5:   “Herbert Armstrong has shuttled in and out of Israel and the Arab world in the last few years at a rate that would leave Henry Kissinger breathless.
Flying in his own executive jet, the 84-year-old fundamentalist church leader and philanthropist has visited Israel alone 50-60 times since 1965. He has visited almost as extensively in Arab countries. Unlike  Kissinger, he has offered his Israeli hosts neither bitter truths nor hard alternatives—only goodwill and money.  It is an offer neither side has been able to refuse.
Mr. Armstrong’s current visit is in connection with a $250,000 contribution for a playground in Jerusalem’s Liberty Bell Garden… “

Although Mr. Armstrong did make headlines, the subject of the articles was not the gospel of Jesus Christ and the facts regarding his travels led many to question whether he was qualified to be a representative of God. 

This brings us back to the question raised in the beginning:

     Did Mr. Armstrong actually preach the Gospel to world leaders?

First, even by Mr. Armstrong's own statements, it is clear that he did not preach the true gospel of Christ.  His vague message about the “give” and “get” ways of life (and “a strong hand from someplace” intervening in world affairs) to diplomats and other government officials did not equate to delivering the Gospel of Christ, or even an announcement about the coming kingdom of God.  

Second, HWA’s statement about being embarrassed to go before others while representing a church is an extremely troubling admission for one claiming to be Christ's only Apostle of the “one true church”. 

Third, his well-documented life of luxury with his mansions, Rolls Royce’s, art work, and Gulfstream Jets - all financed on the backs of struggling church members - unlikely demonstrated any connection whatsoever to Christ (and his example of service to others) to those dignitaries he interacted with. 

30 years later

For those ministers continuing to believe and/or promote the idea that HWA’s travels were both justified and effective… what proof is there in 2016?  Of all the world leaders that HWA had visited between 1974-1986, how many are still alive or in power at this time?  How many of them actually passed on a single bit of HWA’s message to their own citizens?  How many newspaper headlines carried Mr. Armstrong’s message to the public?  Can we truly say that any of the nations that he had visited were warned… or even informed?

Of the roughly 7 billion inhabitants of the earth at this time, how many of them have even heard of Mr. Armstrong?  Being very generous, let’s assume that the answer is somewhere between 10-50 million people.  That would just represent 0.5% of the world’s total population.  And of that tiny fraction of individuals that do remember Mr. Armstrong, would the majority remember him for the message that he proclaimed or for the manner in which he lived?

California Dreaming