Wednesday, June 15, 2016

UCG: It's Not A Salvation Issue

Rumors have been swirling around for the last year and and a half that changes were coming to church doctrines in UCG. The UCG spin doctors immediately jumped into gear and said NOTHING was being changed.

Where have we all heard that before?  From these very same men who lied as WCG paid employees that nothing was being changed doctrinally. Some if them said that any changes that might be coming were "not salvation issues" and not to worry about it.  Well we all saw how that panned out!

While these very same men, now sitting in lofty positions in UCG, were denying changes, they knew things were going to change and immediately started plotting and scheming on how to continue their money stream once thy were out of jobs.

Now these men are sitting pretty in UCG, financially secure for the rest of their lives. So secure that they feel that reformations needs to come to UCG.  Theses were the very same men who supported the changes in WCG. Even though they jumped ship, many of theses men still hold on to the reformations that Tkach Sr. instituted in WCG.

The track record in the church is well established that when ever the leadership starts denying something they are either guilty of it or that have plans to do what they are accused of. Lying has never been an issue in the leadership of the Church of God.

When the troubles started recently in a Canadian UCG over changes happening, the members were told that these things were NOT salvation issues and that they should not worry about them.

To show how unconcerned theUCG  ministry is about members questioning them, the minister in Canada told the upset members to leave if they did not like the subtle changes.

We would never have heard a comment like that out of the ministry from the past. you were either told to be quiet or disfellowshipped.  Now they just don't care.

Part of the reason this pastor could care less is that he is only a year short of retirement. Why should he care if he loses members?  He is set for life.  The boys in Cincinnati have guaranteed that.

It’s going to be in interesting summer in UCG and the rest of the Churches of God.  Meredith and Flurry have had severe health issues, strokes, and are mentally deteriorating.  Stephen Flurry and Jimmy Meredith are heir apparent’s and intensely disliked by most.  Pack’s cult is ready implode.  LCG’s is almost guaranteed to rupture once Meredith dies.  Members refuse to follow Weston or Lil’Jimmy. 

How many more years will the Churches last as they lie their way to retirement?

Who needs those ethic committees anyway!

Church of God False Prophet Turn's Orlando Slaughter Into Story All About Himself And Persecution

Nearly Arrested Elish Elijah Amos Thiel is using the tragedy in Orlando as a warning that his church will soon be persecuted.  How he arrives at that silliness is because he is upset that several Facebook pages and Twitter accounts have been shut down over the last few days because of their content, in regards to Orlando and Muslims.

Amos Thiel feels that he too will be persecuted for speaking boldly about all kinds of topics in the very near future.

Facebook Censors Pamela Geller
Here are some of Facebook’s policies from its Community Standard’s pages:
We remove content, disable accounts, and work with law enforcement when we believe there is a genuine risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety. …
People use Facebook to share their experiences and to raise awareness about issues that are important to them. This means that you may encounter opinions that are different from yours, which we believe can lead to important conversations about difficult topics. To help balance the needs, safety, and interests of a diverse community, however, we may remove certain kinds of sensitive content or limit the audience that sees it. 
While the above may seem reasonable to many, the reality is that internet censorship is a real threat as how the above is interpreted can lead to inappropriate censorship. Can you see how telling the truth about other religions and even proclaiming the solution to the world’s problems is the Kingdom of God could be a ‘violation’ of Facebook’s ‘community standards’? 
Well, we in the Continuing Church of God can. 
This censorship issue is so serious that we in the Continuing Church of God decided, because of a YouTube censorship incident last year (in which we ultimately won), to come up with an alternative to YouTube if we were faced with its censorship. 
The USA no longer has the type of ‘freedom of religion’ or ‘freedom of speech’ its founders envisioned. And while neither Facebook or YouTube are part of the government of the USA, they do not support the agenda or the morality of the Bible. 
The time will come when the USA, and likely some private companies, will apparently stop the efforts of websites like this one. As well as our numerous video channels on the internet.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Getting Sodom Straight for The Church of God Ministry

Getting Sodom Straight for The Church of 

God Ministry

It's a good time to be reminded that the story of Sodom, misused and misunderstood, is NOT a Biblical a whole town of Middle Eastern men and boys being gay and wanting to literally rape , just for the heck of it, Angels unawares.
The story that unfolds in Genesis 19 is a  Middle Eastern hospitality story and not a story based on homosexuality.  No town is all gay men and boys.  
Sodom's problems as remembered by Ezekiel were that the people were prideful, had too much food, too much time, neglected the poor, were haughty and committed abominations (Ez. 16:49-50). Not ANY mention of mass homosexuality. Abominations can be just about anything not in tune with the law and in this case was a reference to idol worship. Another common Israelite trait all through their history. Why would papa Lot offer his virgin daughter's to a crowd of homosexuals, in place of his guests? What interest would homosexuals have in virgin women? ZERO, unless the girls were being offered as an appeasing virgin sacrifice ("for they have not known a man.") This would qualify as an abomination to be sure, and also idolatry. Human sacrifice was still an option it appears with Abram and Lot.
Another factor is that in that culture the protection of guests under one's roof to a male host was a matter of honor. This is why Lot scrambled to come up with a solution to the problem. In Lot's mind, it was about Lot's reputation and honor. Not an uncommon modern theme in Middle Eastern men to this day. Strangers were not taken kindly to in small clannish towns. They could be spies and were always suspect. Sooooo....
The way to put a stranger in his place was to humiliate them sexually, and send the warning that they had best have no ill intentions in the town. In that culture, the most horrific way to humiliate a stranger and have power over him was to mistreat him as one might mistreat a woman with symbolic or literal rape. The rape would not be a homosexual act, it would be a warning and a putting of strange man in his place as a warning. "In our town, you are just a woman to be used as needed and disposed of if necessary" It may only have been a threat to humiliate and control as the original request was for them to come out "that we might know them".

There are two schools of thought on "know them". One is sexual and one is to simply interrogate and get to know. Few ever question Lot's evil counteroffer. But it does show that Lot was a product of his culture and personal ego protection. Eastern hospitality issues were at stake here and not homosexuality. 
Lot being called a "Hero of Faith" and "Just Lot" in Hebrews 11 certainly did not have this disgusting behavior of in mind. Actually I'm still not sure why lot made the Hebrews 11 list. 
EVERY sermon I ever heard on the topic stops short of explaining Lot's egregious behavior as a father. I doubt this ever really literally happened, but if it did, Lot would be no hero of mine. I seriously doubt he had much of a relationship with the girls after this stunt, not to mention Mrs. Lot!  Can you imagine dinner that night?  "Ummmm, so Lot...about your offer of our daughters to the townsfolk..."
I imagine a similar conversation between Sarah and Abraham when she found out dad's little camping trip to the mountains 
Concerning the superiority of men over women....
I have always found it amusing to inform fundamentalist males who literally believe that "women come from men and not men from women" as Paul ignorantly noted, that the human fetus starts out female. While the genetics to be male or female is there, the initial stages of conception put the fetus clearly in the female camp. It is only after the fetus is bathed in the chemistry of testosterone after the fourth to sixth week does it literally start it trip toward maleness. Without that chemical miracle and it can be interrupted by many factors, including stress in the mother at the time, and the male born can be highly feminized in both thinking and body. We all know men who act very feminine who in fact are not homosexual but are oft accused of it. This would reflect such a deficiency in the womb. It's a big topic medically, environmentally and socially and I do not mean to address them in any detail. The information is out there.  
Perhaps men should ask themselves just why they seem to have nipples?  It's because the template is female.
There seems to be a logical explanation about why women have nipples: to feed babies. But why do men's bodies retain what appears to be redundant body parts? The Darwinian natural selection process would seem to dictate that male nipples really should not be there. So what's the deal? Why do men have nipples? 
Why Men Have Nipples 
As embryos in the womb, males and females have similar tissues and body parts.
In fact, all embryos start out as female, which is why nipples are present in both sexes. It is the effect of the genes, the Y chromosome and the hormone testosterone that brings about the masculine changes to the embryo, including the growth of the penis and testicles. However, because the nipples have already developed before the sex of the baby is determined, the nipples stay.​
As such, male nipples and breast tissue have no function except for perhaps protecting the heart and lungs from injury.

I know many gay men and women , and there is not one that I could see being anything but who they are. I have asked each one when they knew their leanings sexually and in their identity and it is ALWAYS between 8 and 12 years old. They then, spend the next twenty years having it prayed out, Bibled out, preached out and counseled out with massive doses of fear, shame and guilt and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. . At about age 30, they tend to finally give up and admit, "I seem to be what I am." And accept themselves even if others don't. 
One gay friend and their partner of 20 years recently met a pregnant teen who was going to abort her child and long story short, they paid for the birth, attended it and adopted the little girl as their own. At the infant baptism ceremony she was taken to by the one of the partners, a member "outed" them to the new Pastor (the old one was more don't ask don't tell), and the next day the Pastor gave them a video to reform them. They were not not interested in reform. To a gay person becoming heterosexual on command would be the same as a heterosexual becoming gay on command. The next day they were disfellowshipped from a life long church affiliation by the new pastor. So, you be the judge. A gay couple saves a nearly aborted child, raises her like a princess and gets bounced from their church after 30 years.  Who was unjust in this situation?  The Pastor and the Church was. 
What's the point here? I think, leave people alone. No one can live the life of another. Thought control and obedience to organizations and leadership, to me, is suspect and not a path that serves the individual in the long run. I don't trust the understanding of such issues to Bronze Age Priests who knew nothing of what we know today about what makes up a human being.  
Some theologians make a good case that Paul, who did what should not do and did not do what he thought he should, struggled with his own sexuality issues.  Romans 1 is more of a rant and a bit protesting too much.  Romans seems to say that homosexuality in men and women is really the punishment God allows , or gives them over to, for worshiping the creature more than the creator and denying God , who any sane person can see exists by the wonders of the natural world. 
Romans 1: 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."
Paul in this authentic writing of his goes over the top in his views of why people act as they do and don't just worship the Hebrew God as Paul defines Him.  He may also be revealing his own fears of the consequences of his own issues if he "does what he should not do and does not do what he should."  
Here is  man who insists, contrary to Jesus teachings about leaving father and mother and clinging to a wife, that being single as himself was best. Here is a man who thinks the only reason to marry is to avoid fornication.  Here is a man who felt he had to beat himself literally to keep himself in line , "lest after preaching to others, I myself should become a castaway."  Here is a man who had a reputation of having a big mouth and spoke big words but was very weak and unattractive in his real presence.. Whatever Paul struggled when he lamented his weakness in knowing he should not do what he seems to easily find himself doing, he could not bring himself to be specific about just what that problem might be.  Perhaps his thorn in the flesh was not merely weak eyes, but something deeper and after begging God "three times" for it to leave him, he simple accepted whatever it was and kept moving. Being "gay" in that culture might mean not practicing it out of fear of the cultural penalties, but one would still quietly struggle with their inexplicable tendencies. Paul said he did not understand this terrible burden in himself and I expect he was right.
I would at least recommend to Church of God ministers that they understand the story of Sodom is not about an entire town of gay men and boys wanting to play around with strangers.  I'd also encourage them that if they are going to use the tale to make some point, they read the entire story to its completion and comment on just how Lot makes it into Hebrews 11 after going on record as a father who would offer his virgin daughters to a crowd of gay men and boys to do with what they wish. I also doubt a townful of gay men and boys would want the girls to begin with.   It might also be a good time to address the equality of men and women n reality, and not the superiority of men because , "the woman sinned and not the man."
A topic for another time.....

What Was Living Church of God Thinking Letting Mario Hernandez Preach????

Above is a video of Mario Hernandez giving a "sermon" on a "Love Story in Seven Chapters."  You will be lucky to make it through the first 5 minutes without turning it off.  The self-righteous, condescending,  pompous-ass attitude that he had while in Pasadena is now even more fine tuned.  I cannot truly imagine sitting through an hour sermon listening to this man.  I would sit an listen to Dave Pack or Rod Meredith for an hour before I would this man.  Truly pathetic!

The entire focus of his sermon is on Hebrew holy days and NOT on Jesus Christ.  Christians know the story of  Jesus Christ as the real ultimate love story.  That is the story behind the resurrection, justification and grace.  Unconditional love and acceptance without the law, not some group of days meant for an agrarian society coming to terms with their identity as a people.  Days that were to set them apart from the pagan followers around them.

Berean Literal Bible...who also has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2 Corinthians 3:6

Why is it that none of these false teachers  can ever start a sermon or write an article praising Jesus Christ but always have to start off by praising Herbert Armstrong?  Jesus be damned, because Herbert's the man.

Why Is There A Masculinity Problem In The Churches of God?

For decades we have been blessed forced to listen to Rod Meredith shout about men in the church who are not masculine and therefore in his opinion, weak.  Rod Meredith set himself forth as a "man's man," the golden gloves champion, the masculine disciplinarian, the head of the church and the conduit of our potential salvation.

We hear everything from "queer men" that were causing COG men to wear black socks with their dark suits to the ultimate blashmeny of men in pink polo shirts with little effeminate alligators on the chest.  In 1961 Rod went on the warpath:

America, WAKE UP!  
May God help you to realize that this problem of effeminate men is not concerned just with weak, "queer" characters in some other part of your town or city. It is a thing affecting MILLIONS of American men of all ages and backgrounds! Our very SURVIVAL as a nation is directly affected by this vital problem! As the above report so vividly points out, the American man is just plain WEAK! 
And the sickening TRUTH is that these soft, MARSHMALLOW-like men very easily turn to HOMOSEXUALITY and become "queers" in every sense of the word. They are neither MEN nor WOMEN— they are a wretched, PERVERTED "it"!
Meredith has the answer to make men "men" again.  Go cut some trees, plow some fields and most important of all SWEAT!  Nothing is more important for a man than to be all SWEATY.   Sweaty men are horny men.  Rod Meredith likes that.  Real men need to feel "firmness" and "hardness" in their bodies.  Rod Meredith likes that.
PHYSICALLY: First of all, modern men should quit being physical "marshmallows" and begin to physical strength and energy! Through proper food, sleep and exercise they should develop a sense of self-confidence and leadership which makes them better able to take their place at the head of human society.  
All of the laws of good health enter into this, but one of the primary ones in regard to the problem of masculinity is that of EXERCISE. Most American men, today, sitting in front of their TV sets, riding to work, sitting at their desk, do not get NEARLY enough exercise. That's why they are "softies." They are completely UNLIKE the pioneer men of yesteryear who were constantly walking, chopping down trees, plowing behind a team of horses, working and DRIVING their way through the wilderness and over obstacles! Unless, alas, they are already too old or have heart trouble or some similar condition, American men need to exercise vigorously and really SWEAT. They need to feel their blood stirred up and get the male hormones stirring in their system! They need to feel a firmness and hardness in their muscles, an agility and coordination in their body as a whole and a sense of ENDURANCE when the going gets rough. Even physically, they need to feel what it is like to be a MAN!  
Men need to be men because they need to rule women, apparently with a strong hand from someplace. After all, everything wrong into world is the result of women.  From being school teachers to writing articles for Beyond Today, the women in the church have joined ranks with Simiramis to destroy men.

All real students of the origins of modern "Christianity" realize that most of our modern religious ideas have evolved from a WOMAN—Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod mentioned in Genesis 10. In Alexander Hislop's authoritative volume, The Two Babylons, he shows how virtually ALL of this world's religions have evolved from the ancient Chaldean mystery system evolved by the harlot-wife of ancient Nimrod, who founded Babylon in rebellion against God.

"No wonder he becomes "queer" so easily—and in so MANY WAYS! For not just in war but in broken homes and juvenile delinquency the weak, spineless, effeminateAmerican male is responsible to a great degree. A respected marriage counselor, Dr. A. H. Clemens of Washington, D. C, recently stated that almost all family breakdowns can be traced to MOTHER-DOMINATED HOMES. He said: "That phony romantic stuff that Hollywood is teaching is very misleading." Psychiatric research has shown, he pointed out, that homes dominated by the mother produce "ninety-one of each one hundred mentally sick adult males" and the vast majority of all schizophrenics, split personality sufferers."

"Increasingly today, in America and Britain, men are allowing WOMEN to rule their lives from the day of their birth until the day of their death! And this statement is more LITERAL than most of you probably even begin to realize!  
Notice the typical "modern" situation: When a baby boy is born, first hospital nurses and then his mother dictate his every move. Then he goes to school, and women teachers take him over and mold him to a large extent in their image. After school, most of his play-hours will still be under the supervision of mother. If he happens to take music lessons, chances are that a woman teacher will dominate him during this part of each week. Then, on Sunday, he may go to a typical Sunday school where WOMEN tend to dominate in nearly every department. "

It is time for real MEN to get back to "the faith once delivered"—To the religion of the BIBLE. It is time for them to really STUDY the lives of Abraham, Moses and DAVID to see what a real man should be like!  
It is time real MEN took the lead in society and got rid of the "queer" ideas in the field of dress, art, music and literature—to mention just a few areas of modern life which have been perverted by our EFFEMINATE society. 

Instead of singing in a deep, forceful, masculine voice, why—especially in the last few years—do we find so-called "singers" whining through their noses in a sick dog, pleading tone to their "ladylove." Why do we find a type of art rising up in the last few years which is indeed "queer" to the nth degree—a veritable MESS of jumbled forms and lines and colors?  
Why do we find the "leaders" in men's clothing styles trying to palm off on British and American males little "pink" shirts and socks and ties to wear, nylon under pants like females wear, and cute little bows and buttons and other childlike contrivances on their suits and sports outfits? Why? 
All of the things quoted above are still things that occupy Meredith's mind. The men in his church are so effeminate and weak that he is holding a retreat for LCG men in August so they can lean how to "man up" and be rulers of their households as MASCULINE SWEATY MEN!

This masculinity issue is not confined to LCG though, the Philadelphia Church of God is also suffering with weak men in its midst.  Part of that problem is that so many of the men at the PCG compound are closet cases, according to many members.  It has gotten so bad that Joel Hilliker had to write another article for PCG men on how to be masculine.  Joel Hilliker should NOT be the one teaching this, but that's another story.

Joel too wants to see men SWEAT!  Physical exertion that produces sweat and strength is good and manly!

What is the essence of biblical manhood? Biblical manhood means leading, providing and protecting.All of these roles require one attribute: strength. They take strength of character, strength in resolve, strength in determination, strength in confrontation. The Christian man’s responsibility also requires another type of strength: physical strength.
Proverbs 20:29 begins: “The glory of young men is their strength ….” God gave men this glory of greater bodily strength! Why? To help us fulfill our roles as providers, protectors and leaders.
You shouldn’t shy away from that. You shouldn’t apologize for it. In fact, you should maximize it. Build your physical strength. 
Every aspect of the man’s role is under attack in our society, and we need to fight that in our own lives. We need to do what God designed our bodies to do. We need to become more physically capable in our masculine duties. And we need to strengthen our thinking toward fulfilling these duties. In fact, I am convinced that building your physical strength is a specific, tangible, effective means of accomplishing all of these goals! 
While men cant be out plowing fields, they can be digging post holes, lifting bags of mulch and mowing lawn's!  Some are asking, "When has Hilliker ever mown his lawn?  When has he ever fertilize it?"  Students and the landscape department on the compound take care of his lawn.  There may be a reason for that too, but it's another story.
Physical strength is very useful to be a provider. If you work with your hands, the stronger and more able you are physically, the higher your quality and speed of work, so maintaining your vitality is often connected to your earnings. Even if you have a day job at a desk, manual tasks will come up at the office and especially outside of it. In fact, you never know when you might need to take a job as a laborer. The stronger you are, the more you will be able to care for your property, digging post holes, lifting bags of mulch, mowing, moving furniture, and so on. The fitter your body is for these tasks, the less you will have to hire these out. And you just never know when some tool will fail; when you are strong, you can be comfortable resorting to brute strength when you have to. 
Strong he-men make great leaders, though not so much in PCG apparently.  Hilliker also likes the fact that a good workout make men horny.  The testosterone gets pumping with a good workout.

Physical strength is very useful to be a leader. A physically stronger man naturally commands more authority and respect than a weaker man. A strong physique does not automatically make you a good leader, but it is more of an asset than a weak physique. Men who are strong are healthier and have higher testosterone. Building strength combats depression, boosts your mental health, increases your confidence, and fortifies your willingness to face challenges. A physically strong man will not be a good leader without higher attributes, but those higher attributes can be wasted on a physically weak man.
Men in the true church must experience pain.  No pain, no gain!
 It wasn’t until my late 20s that I learned that by working out I had given myself a great gift. I learned that nothing good comes without work and a certain amount of pain.I used to fight the pain, but recently this became clear to me: Pain is not my enemy; it is my call to greatness.
Hilliker ends with these words of wisdom:
Getting stronger may seem intimidating. But at its most basic level, exercise is simply moving something, whether it is a barbell, bricks, or just your own body. When I was in my 20s, I bought some cheap dumbbells and checked out a library book that contained simple descriptions of how to use them. You can find barbells and fitness equipment in the classifieds or on Craigslist all the time, because people buy those things with great intentions and then don’t stick with it. 
For basic and extremely effective strength-building, I recommend learning three simple movements: the deadlift, the back squat and the shoulder press. If you can find someone to coach you on these movements, you can learn the proper form. Then it is simply a matter of devoting some time to it every week. If you’re doing it safely, the more effort and intensity you put into it, the greater return you’ll receive. 
And as you strain and sweat, remember what you are building strength for.
If Hilliker and Rod Meredith want to see what a real man does, they need to look no further than the gay man in Orlando that saved lives during the horrific shootings the other day.
Horror inside the massacre club: Survivors describe hiding under bodies as hero nursing student tells how he saved man who had been shot three times
How many LCG, PCG and UCG men would have done that?