Thursday, June 23, 2016

Updates in Comments: Living Church of God Pastor Commits Suicide

Such a tragedy and such a waste.

From an LCG source:
Today it was announced in the Charlotte LCG congregation that LCG Joplin, Missouri pastor Karl Beyersdorfer has killed himself on 5/27/2016. Recall that his wife Gaylon fell and broke her hip two weeks prior on Saturday 5/14/2016 and had to have hip replacement surgery. 
Here is a sermon by Beyersdorfer given shortly after he left WCG.

Which Church of God Will Uncover the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark and King David's Bones?

If we thought David Pack had mental issues, considering the number of idiotic prophecies that he has uttered over the least three years that aha never come to pass, just take a look at Gerald Flurry's epic predictions.

Flurry has predicted that PCG would be the ones to discover King David's bones.

That PCG would discover the Ark in Ireland where Jeremiah hid it. This is such a magical event that Malone even made an oratorio about it.

Never once to shrink from grandiose dreams, Flurry then went on to claim that the PCG would be the ones to find Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat.  So sure was he that he send one of his patsy's to Turkey to make arrangements.

All of this putrid baloney is spouted out to show the exclusivity of the PCG and how special it is with the sole purpose of getting gullible members to buy into it and send more money in.  Sadly, deceived sheep continue to pour money into Flurry's back account so he and his son and their offspring can live lives of luxury on the Edmond compound, as they watch Irish dance and sing along with musical numbers while drinking Dom PĂ©rignon champagne.

From Exit and Support:
June 12, 2016
G. Flurry, a few years, back got the members all excited about the dig in Jerusalem. He sent his son, Stephen, students, paid for housing, and an office, and said it was gong to be a big thing. They would find the bones of the kings [i. e., King David] and it would shock the world. Then they left because Jerusalem had became too dangerous. Now they apparently only have one person there.  
After that, Flurry got the people all excited about Jeremiah and the ark in Ireland. They made a feast site there and hinted that the purpose of Edstone [see update to May 19, 2014 PCG letter] would perhaps be a part of a great dig and revealing of the ark that would shock the royal family and Laodiceans. R. Malone made a musical about it.  
Last year, Flurry hinted about perhaps finding Noah's ark in Mt. Ararat. He even sent Shane Granger to Turkey to set up contacts.  
Then they built the arts building (presumably for Wayne Turgeon's daughter's dance class, and for Stephen Flurry's son, who has done quite well in the competitions). 
It seems money keeps flowing even though many people are struggling in these hard economic times. They ask the people to do yard sales, fruit sales, bake sales, and whatever else they can, to help the Work and Headquarters. Meanwhile, the ones at Headquarters get all the benefits and the struggling members get nothing except that they will go to a place of safety during the Great Tribulation and have the promise of future kingship in the millennium.  
It kind of reminds you of a snow globe, how you are on the outside looking in at this beautiful, happy scenery on the inside, never getting the chance to enjoy the benefits yourself, but you have to pay for the snow globe. All these people--members, co-workers--are paying, but unless they live in the privileged areas like Edmond or Edstone they just pay out and do not reap anything except struggle and hardship. Outrageous really. --[name withheld]

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Church of God has always been filled with false prophets

The Church of God has always been filled with false prophets who thought they knew everything there was to know about the endgames.  From Bob Thiel, to Rod Meredith, to Ron Weinland, these fools run off at the mouth with the most absurd predictions.

Ever since Ron Weinland made his epic blunder in 2008 when has god did not bring wrath upon the earth, he had been resetting his dates.

In his one of his latest missive he gives the details on why his god did not start wrecking havoc in 2012.
First, God’s purpose in direct intervention through the Seven Last Plagues is to stop the nuclear war—to stop WW III. Yet there is more to how those plagues can now be administered in order to humble a larger amount of people and to potentially save many more who can then live on into the Millennium. This is one major area God is now changing that has only been made possible by the addition of seven more years beyond 2012.

If God had allowed WW III to begin soon after 2008, His plan to end that war would have been accomplished in one day, which would have been on Pentecost in 2012. That would have been such a powerful event that mankind would have been stopped in its tracks, shocked to the core of its being, and truly readied to listen to God. However, if the world had been humbled in that one day, the death and destruction would have been exceedingly great.  
God prophetically reveals that the Sixth Trumpet of Revelation is the time where mankind will engage in a final all-out nuclear confrontation. It has already been stated that this confrontation will destroy one-third of all the earth, which means one-third of mankind will die as a result, or 2.3 billion people. 
Yet the next trumpet, which is the Seventh Trumpet, consists of the Seven Last Plagues, and this is when God intervenes and stops that war. It states that the purpose of these final great plagues is for Him “to destroy those who are destroying the earth.” This destruction will come upon those people and nations who are engaged in and supporting that war—a war that is destroying the earth. If this event in the administration of these plagues had occurred in 2012, there would have been at least an additional 3.5 billion people destroyed in that single day, and likely hundreds of millions more.
These events that happen toward the very end of this end-time should be feared, just as the flood of Noah’s day should have been feared. God will be executing great judgment on this earth against those who have so corrupted their minds that they become blindly engaged in helping to destroy this earth. 
But what if these plagues could be administered by God in a different manner whereby many could then have the potential to be saved? What if the number of those that will die could potentially be cut in half or even far more than if these things had occurred in 2012? When asking these questions, it is important to understand that the only way that number can ultimately be reduced in such a large manner is IF “those who are destroying the earth” will begin to listen to God and cease from their evil. That is what God is now preparing to offer to those who would otherwise come under these plagues and be destroyed. As always, the choice is theirs, and theirs alone, to make. 
As stated, those plagues are going to be poured out first and foremost for the purpose of stopping WW III and to destroy those who are destroying the earth, and those prophetic events are set and cannot be changed. God is now revealing another purpose for these plagues. He is revealing the answer to the following question: “How can these plagues be poured out in a different manner so they might potentially produce a stronger desire within many people, and even perhaps within an entire nation, so they can become humbled, begin listening to God, and then cease from the evil they are causing on the earth?” 
So the purpose of the plagues is for the nation to be humbled so they listen to Felon Weinland and Witless Witness Laura and join his amazing work.  Between Weinland and Dave pack we don't have much choice. It's either them or the Lake of Fire.

Rod Meredith: Unless You Return To The "Faith Once Delivered" You Will Become "Weak or Sick"

Leave it to Rod Meredith to set more conditions in what he thinks his god does.  He sincerely believes that unless you return to the "faith once delivered" you will get sick and weak.

Just what is the "faith once delivered?"  Its the entire storehouse of beliefs that Herbert Armstrong came up with.  It was is interpretations of what thought those beliefs should be.  Herbert was the restorer of truth. Sadly, the god of Herbert Armstrong was a weak and impotent god because it had somehow had its message suppressed for 1,900 years.

According to the thinking of Meredith, unless you return to the "truths of HWA you will become sick, weak and eventually die.
The entire focus of faith in regard to healing was gradually obliterated in the minds of thousands of brethren! We all need to realize this and do everything we can to return to the faith “once for all delivered”—even in regard to divine healing! So please remember, brethren, as you approach the Passover, that Christ paid a terrible penalty so that you could be healed. If you come to the Passover without this understanding and this faith, many of you—like the Corinthians—may become weak or sick and may “sleep”! For Paul continued in the above passage, “For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world” (vv. 31–32). Editorial: Our Passover Attitude
Is there more to Meredith's current health issues that is more to the story than he is letting on?  Is he sick and suffering strokes because he turned his back on his god?  Is his god displeased with the current turmoil going on in the church with the lawsuits and corruption in Charlotte?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Think for Yourself! Ask Your Church Leaders Lots and Lots of Questions!

"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. 
An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. 
A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
~ George Orwell ~

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
~ Bertrand Russell ~

"The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.
~ Stendhal ~

Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; 
it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
John Locke ~

Thinking is a bit uncomfortable, but you'll get used to it. 
A matter of time and practice. 
~ Lloyd Alexander ~