Sunday, November 6, 2016

Dave Pack: King of Jordan Will Soon Be Looking To Me For Guidance

God's most superfantabulous man to ever be created, after Jesus of course, is such a mighty man that the King of Jordan will soon be looking to Dave Pack for advice.  This will happen because King Hussein will remember that Dave is a "son" of Herbert Armstrong.  Dave is a "son" of HWA because Dave claims he trained at Herbert Armstrong's feet...which he did not.

Dave feels that a physical temple will soon be built in Jerusalem which he and his followers will have a part in building.   Below is his take on King Hussein saddling up to stroke Pack's ego.

God tells us that you can’t make that verse any other way but that, miraculously, the leader of Jordan, who, basically would have a thousand fatwas put out on his life the moment he lost control of the Temple Mount...He has the 91-year sacred custodianship duty to protect the Temple Mount. I would go so far as to suggest that maybe, maybe among men, this righteous king…He is a good and decent man—He personally knew Mr. Armstrong; Mr. Armstrong knew him...He may well be shown by God, “Leave the Temple Mount alone.” But now God would have to guarantee his life, because the moment he did that, he is a “dead man walking.” He might live another five minutes.
There is some reason why the leader of Jordan is uniquely spared, and we are told that he is. That will become more apparent a little bit later, but I wanted to bring it up in context with Psalm 83, because it is a lot of the same players. We will have to learn, a little bit later, more about why he might be protected…but he is a unique person.
It’s interesting, by the way, that there is an elder in one of the big splinters who used to run the Jordanian Embassy under the Ambassador. He ran an embassy in Cameroon, then he was in the State Department. He retired about five years ago. He graduated from Ambassador College in the mid-1970s. He knows King Abdullah as well as I know most of you.
One wonders if the son of King Hussein, known well to Mr. Armstrong, would come in contact with the “son” of Mr. Armstrong—he is my father in the gospel—how that might play out. I will just drop that seed. There are some things to mention, here momentarily, but that’s enough, because I wanted you to see this. Let’s keep reading. This is important.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Dave Pack: My Sermons Are So Astounding I Can Never Out Do Myself

Leave it to Dave Pack to set himself up for yet another failure.  Dave has started publishing the transcripts to his mind numbing series of sermons that he has given over the  last couple of years.

Dave has now started posting the many sermons transcripts that tell the story of how he sees the end times coming about.  This first sermon is the most astounding sermon that mere mortals will ever hear!
Now, that said, I am quite certain I have never given, maybe never will…but I have never given a sermon and a Bible study that is as important as this one. I would say even no chance of one more important. This will be a game-changer in many regards.
Pack wants everyone to know what a special mind he has, one that is so incredibly fabulous that it can come with sermons that will be delivered 20-30 years later. Dave's latest endless sermons series actually started decades ago as he was training at Herbert Armstrong's feet.

Thirty-three years ago, I got an idea for a sermon, and some of it was born from a discussion with Mr. Armstrong, but I can remember it was about 1982. I wrote down the title of a sermon I wanted to give, and I put it in my files. I think I actually wrote a couple different sermons at that point. We grabbed one. It never matured.
Now, most of you don’t know. I have a system different from all the other men I ever knew. It was just a system that worked for me. I wanted to have a tremendous amount of material ready to go whenever it was time to deliver a sermon, so I would often, and many, many times…most of my ministry, in fact… deliver sermons that I had conceived years before. I would wait until the sermon “ripened”…and sometimes, it could be as much as 20 or 30 years after the idea had come to me before I would give a sermon.
So I have files…actually, of hundreds of sermons…that Mr. Herzog keeps now of sermons I have never given, in various stages of development. As I would get more material, I would throw it into a folder. My folders, just…probably, “this big” [gestures with hands] of ideas I’ve never given, and “this big” of those I have, not counting the extraneous material that I carry up with me.
But I wanted the idea. I’ll often write down a sermon title. But…a sermon can be born on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and then delivered on the Sabbath…or it can go back 30 years. I actually have ideas in my files that go back to when I was a student—almost 50 years. I’m 49 and a half years in God’s way, and I’d heard an idea mentioned, once upon a time…I didn’t want to be boring. I wanted my sermons to be interesting, and I learned quickly, when I worked on speeches longer, they were more interesting; less…not so much, and so that gave birth to a system……
 Is there no end to the narcissism the man is consumed with?

Dave is such an outstanding theologically educated man, who has now on his own, has summed up every single theme in the bible and boiled it all down " a few summary statements or topics."
The Bible can be reduced to a few summary statements or topics. It’s a book about government. This much I knew a third of a century ago, when I first began thinking about this subject…what I’m going to mention.
It’s about law. They are somewhat inseparable, but they are different.
Centuries of theological discussions in seminaries, colleges, councils, churches, and classrooms has been totally worthless because Dave has been able to do it all on his own.  Two thousands years of church history, endless discussions and debate are nothing compared to the outstanding mind of Dave Pack.

How can anyone sit there in his church and believe this bullshit?

From The Greatest Story Never Told

Friday, November 4, 2016

Which COG False Prophet Is The Biggest Liar? Pack, Thiel, Malm, Meredith, Flurry, Wienland, Cox?

Dave Pack released his timeline on how he thinks his god is going to bring about the end times.  His god still has not killed three COG leaders.

Gerald Flurry's his timeline includes capturing the Stone of Scone and digging up the Ark of the Covenant buried in Ireland so he can give it to his "jesus" when it comes back to sit on the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey.

James Malm has declared that his god is going to start whipping some zeal into the Laodicean sinners  butts in the next couple of years.

Almost Arrested Elisha Elijah Amos Joshua Bob Thiel has his god coming back anytime from 2020 and on.

Every prophecy that Rod Meredith has ever uttered has been an abject failure.

Felon Ron Weinland, his dingy second witless witness wife Laura and his money laundering children who are now prophets.  Everyone of his lies has failed since 2008.

Not to be left out of this scatological mix is false prophet Wade Cox.  His prophetic time lines are just as stupid as Dave Pack's. He writes:

"It thus becomes obvious that the Witnesses and Christ have to be here, at the very latest, from 2019 and perhaps even the year earlier in 2018 due to the treble harvest requirements in 2025.

"We know for a fact that the Bible tells us that the two Witnesses will stand in Jerusalem for 1260 days and then be killed and lie in the streets for three days and then be resurrected. We also expect the conversion of Judah and the remnant of Levi prior to Messiah’s subjugation of the planet. 

"We know that the Wars of the End have already started from the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, as we foretold in the paper. In the audio, it is clearly stated that the wars would start in 2001. The Times of the Gentiles ended in 1996. The Last Thirty Years began in 1997. This sequence was marked by eclipses. There was a total eclipse of the moon at Passover and Tabernacles in the anniversary year of 1996. Then in 1997 there was a partial eclipse of the moon at Passover and a total eclipse at Tabernacles. In 1997, there was also a total eclipse of the sun on 1 Abib or Nisan and a partial eclipse of the sun on 1 Tishri. These sequential eclipses are not coincidences. They also work to the Temple Calendar according to the conjunction and not the Hillel Calendar from the Babylonians. There is a complete time-cycle between 1997 and 2015. The cycles in this period are marked by these eclipses. This time-cycle and the following period will be the most dramatic in the history of the world. The next period is the twelve years to the Jubilee return of the nations. This is the completion of the Second Exodus of Isaiah chapter 66.

"The demons themselves, and their sun system, have placed 2012 as the last year of their system and authority, and the New Cycle commences from this date. We know that their system has to end because the coming of the Witnesses, with the senior witness Elijah, sees him Restore all Things which means, among other things, he has to restore the nexus of the Law which Satan had broken at the close of Eden at the beginning of the First Jubilee 120 Jubilees ago, in 3974 BCE.

"2012 is the Sabbath Year of this fifth cycle. In that year the Law of God had to be read again for the third time prior to execution of judgment on this system. 

"War has already started and the Beast system has to grow stronger and take over the World’s systems of Government under what they call the New World Order. This system continues now under Satan and his followers on the Earth from 2012 when the Law of God is read and explained and implemented for the Third time. The False Prophet and the Antichrist will continue to develop from now until the coming of the Messiah."

Everyone of these liars have had to reset dates time after time when their god fails to do what they claim it is going to.  The turn all of these around into "spiritual" fulfillment's, which means you can't see the things happening, but his god can.

It is written that God does nothing unless He warns the people through His servants the prophets beforehand.

We have told the sequence of the prophets for many years and we will continue to do so.

The wise virgins continue to be prepared and the Church of God warns the Nations that Christ is coming and besiegers (watchers come from a distant land (Jer. 4:15)).

The Table of the eclipses is listed below. Following that is the Ancient Temple Calendar as published by CCG and then the Hillel Calendar, which shows the problems involved and why they only have half the story. 

The Signs in the Heavens will entail more than this sequence of the eclipses and we will examine the others aspects in further detail.
The sequence of prophecy that Cox believes is just as worthless as Dave Pack's. It is guaranteed to never come to pass.  Of course it should always be brought out that God has never spoken to these boys.  All they do is look back in time to find things that fit their timeline and then claim it came to pass just as they said.  Liars all.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dave Pack Posts "Prophetic" Timeline for Restored Church of God

Dave Pack is back with his superfantabulous timeline of how the end times will happen.  You will never read a more confusing piece of eschatological nonsense in your entire life.  There are other charts up on the Internet  from the Adventists and other group that make much more sense than what Dave has just put out...IF you are into that kind of stuff.

Dave has his "jesus" returning in a few years where he will rule in Jerusalem at the restored temple with all of Dave's church members assisting him.  After Dave personally walks up the front steps of the new temple to greet his "jesus," he and his little crew of believers will start to reign with Christ and THEN the great tribulation begins.

Announced last week, a detailed prophetic Timeline (Tool #2 of 4), is now available. This downloadable 11x34 inch graphic provides a grand overview that makes plain the sequence of coming major world events—including the very next things God’s people should watch for, no matter their organization. It visually shows how and when the Kingdom of God arrives, and thoroughly details the correct placement of every large prophecy, and many others, starting from the apostasy of the 1990s, and continuing through the Great White Throne Judgment. It brings to light long overlooked and previously unknown elements of Bible prophecy and the Kingdom of God.

Starting this coming week Dave will be posting transcripts of his 50+ sermons where he talks in detail about this timeline.  If you think his chart is a mishmash of silliness, just wait till you read his hundreds of points that the sets out to prove himself right.  Jesus truly must be appalled!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Living Church of God: Living in fear of rampaging animals...

Living Church of God has never been one to talk about cute fluffy little animals playing with children.  It is more important to talk about rampaging animals that are running around the United States killing citizens.
Wild animals have been driven by hunger and thirst into populated areas as droughts and fires have made food scarce in the Western United States. Bear attacks are happening more frequently. We very occasionally hear of shark attacks on swimmers and surfers. Domesticated animals like dogs have severely wounded or killed people.
Why in the world would a church start an article out like this?  Why is it that everything that LCG writes about has to be one horrible thing after another?  It's invading hoards of Germans, Chinese and Muslims, bathrooms are being taken over by transgenders, the gays are having too much fun and other idiotic things. It is more important to preach about famine, parents eating babies, and concentration camps that the beautiful things in life.
Lately, print and television news media have reported about “self-radicalized” Islamic individuals carrying out attacks in Canada and the United States. The media have labeled these individuals as “lone wolves.” 
Children are running amok and being disobedient. These devil children need to be punished.
Young children learn that disobedience brings consequences. If we disobey a parent, a coach or a teacher we suffer consequences. A parent may take away our privileges. A coach may sit us on the bench or make us run extra laps. A teacher may assign additional homework. Those in authority impose consequences or punishment for disobedience. We should not be surprised that Almighty God similarly administers consequences or punishment as correction on disobedient children. The Bible is full of such examples.
Of courses what all this boils down to is that everyone in the United States are unrepentant sinners that need to be punished.  Rod's god will send wild animals to punish the disobedient, or some Muslims, some Chinese or Germans to do a more thorough job.

Let's throw in some drought and famine, too.
A strong warning was given to the children of Israel in Leviticus 26. God promised blessings for obedience but also promised increasing punishments for disobedience for rejecting and abhorring His laws and commands, beginning by bringing sudden terror on them, wasting disease, fever, and military defeats (v. 14­–17). 
If that failed to bring repentance, God warned He would break their stubborn pride and bring severe drought and failed crops (v. 18–20). 
Everything with the Living Church of God is always warm and fuzzy!
God next warned that He would multiply afflictions by sending wild beasts or animals to rob us of our children and destroy cattle (v. 21–22). This fearful loss of freedom and safety results in desolate highways and destroyed trade and commerce.
God has to spank the United States and the rest of the British Israelite nations.
God next warned that He would multiply afflictions by sending wild beasts or animals to rob us of our children and destroy cattle (v. 21–22). This fearful loss of freedom and safety results in desolate highways and destroyed trade and commerce. 
Never fear though.  The truth lies with the Living Church of God as long as you read The United States and Britain in Prophecy. 

You too can read this wonderful good news here: