Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dave Pack: My Brain Operates In 'Quick Mode" Which Allows My Words To Flow Forth Rapidly

It seems that Dave's members are getting tired of Dave's rapid fire sermons where he chatters like a chipmunk on and one for hours on end, talking fast because he has so much to say that he has to get in as much as possible...even if it takes 4 hours!

Number one, I can talk real fast like a chipmunk and try to cover all these questions faster than a normal person would talk…It’s funny. I have a television. Now, you can hit what is called “Quick Mode.” Raise your hand…Any of you heard of that? I didn’t know what that was. In an impatient age, it has the person who is speaking (the commentator, certain programs) talk faster……
Well, I could talk in “Quick Mode,” but that’s not good, that’s not natural. Number two, I could just delete elements of material and move too fast while talking at a normal rate, and then people do not understand.
The third option is to go four hours every Sabbath. I’ve already done that twice and that has problems…people with long drives, and it is also giving too much too fast, but it would move me through the kinds of questions that are coming in.  Greatest Story 10

Dave Pack: RCG Members Will Be Able To Mass Produce Fig Trees In Kingdom

Just imagine how fun it will be to wave you finger and everyone in your kingdom or world will automatically have a growing fit tree that produces fruit and shade.  Woo Hoo!

That is the superfantabulous power that Dave's minions will have.  There is an anterior motive behind it.  It is an inducement to make the gullible peons under their control compliant.

Now…by the way, if you wait for everybody on Earth…the Scriptures say they will…to have their own vine and fig tree, they could maybe sing about Fig Newtons, but they had never had a fig, don’t know how to grow a fig, never seen a fig tree…don’t know how to grow a vine…so if they figured that out, or if you told them how to do it, it would take years for them to have a vine that produced…or a fig tree that would produce, unless you simply create, by divine fiat, lots of vines and fig trees, and apportion out where everybody lives. The book of Joshua shows that the various families in Israel, got inheritances. So people have to have a plot of ground they call their own with, at least, a vine and fig tree, if we can just leave it at that for the moment. So those would be inducements.

Dave Pack: My Kingdom Will Have A Dress Code

One thing  that Armstrongism has been obsessed with over the decades is a dress code for members.  It will be no different in Dave Pack's superfantabulous kingdom.   Can you imagine the hell that would be!  Thousands of self-righteous snotty church members running around with rulers and scissors.

If you are now resplendent and you are ruling cities, and your ability has been enhanced by God after you enhanced it first…and God would want to give more ability to people who tried, at the human level, to develop it…what does everybody look like? Wouldn’t God have a dress code? Would He let people dress according to cultures all over the world and they represent His government? He and angels dress in white. So does Christ. So there would be some kind of dress code. We could speculate on that, but you wouldn’t want to go too far. I could speculate it’s white…maybe it’s linen. You wouldn’t leave styles up to people—the weak of the world—do you want to leave styles up to them? I think not. You probably wouldn’t leave colors up to people, because then the government of God is represented without a dress code. 
If you are working with Maasai warriors in Africa, do you want to carry a big long staff and dress like they do? No. No, because you represent the government of God…and so forth. Greatest Story 9