Saturday, May 13, 2017

Recent Cyber Attack Is A Foretaste of Europe Attacking The U.S.

On May 12, a cyber attack happened that caught businesses, governments and others unawares and blackmailed them into giving $300.00 in order to restore their encrypted files.

May 13, 2017
24 hours after it first emerged, it has been called the first global, coordinated ransomware attack using hacking tools developed by the NSA, crippling over a dozen hospitals across the UK, mass transit around Europe, car factories in France and the UK, universities in China, corporations in the US, banks in Russia and countless other mission-critical businesses and infrastructure. 
According to experts, “this could be one of the worst-ever recorded attacks of its kind.” The security researcher who tweets and blogs as MalwareTech told The Intercept, “I’ve never seen anything like this with ransomware,” and “the last worm of this degree I can remember is Conficker.” Conficker was a notorious Windows worm first spotted in 2008; it went on to infect over 9 million computers in nearly 200 countries. 
The fallout, according to cyber-specialists, has been “unprecedented”: it has left unprepared governments, companies and security experts from China to the United Kingdom on Saturday reeling, and racing to contain the damage from the audacious cyberattack that spread quickly across the globe, raising fears that people would not be able to meet ransom demands before their data are destroyed.

I knew it would not be long till some COGladite minister would latch onto it and use it to further their already bankrupt prophecy predictions.

Never one to let us down, Almost-arrested Elisha, Elijah, Joshua, Amos, Habakkuk, doubly blessed, bitter "son" of Rod Meredith and Chief Overseer of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, stepped up to the plate and made an ass of himself, once again.

The election in the USA of Donald Trump in 2016, followed by various statements after he became the President of the USA has offended many Europeans and is spurring them to increase their military spending and to plan to become independent of the USA for its security. 
This European Beast power has been developing technology for at least part of its military strength and long-term economic plans (see also European Technology and the Beast of Revelation). 
Eventually, perhaps under the guise of a NATO exercise, Europe will launch a surprise attack against the USA (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:3; Daniel 11:39). This would possibly happen after one or more trade disputes, and perhaps after the USA has been weakened by weather problems, terrorist acts (from likely Islamic sources allied with Europe, per Psalm 83:3-8), war, riots, solar flares, severe earthquakes, civil unrest, devastation of their genetically-modified food supplies, food shortages, and/or various pestilences–an intensity of “sorrows” such as Jesus discussed in Matthew 24:4-8 leading up to the time of the Great Tribulation. Disasters, especially if there is an ElectroMagnetic Pulse (emp) attack or a severe solar flare storm, could be part of a so-called “perfect storm” of events that could set up the USA for destruction. 
As mentioned before, I suspect that after the Europeans and the USA and UK have some strained relations in the future, the Europeans may call for/agree to a joint military exercise, possibly under the conditions of NATO, in the USA. This would allow the Europeans to bring military aircraft, troops, and other military items to the USA, without the USA getting concerned it would soon be attacked.
The USA and Great Britain (including its Anglo-Commonwealth members, like Australia and Canada) were “great among the nations.” And the Bible is clear that betrayal is coming from national FRIENDS! Like many of those in NATO.
A ‘perfect storm’ is building. One day the USA and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies will be no more. 

Reading Reprint Articles For Your Sermon..Desperate Much?

Can you imagine driving over a hundred miles to church and having to sit there and listen to a so-called minister READING old WCG reprint articles that supposedly had the answer to almost any question church members might ask?  Most of those articles have ZERO relevance to anyone's Christian walk.  Absolutely NOTHING!  Zippo!  Nada!

Why in the world would any so-called minister, who supposedly has a Th D in theology and has read thousands of books and visited hundreds of historical locations, need to read outdated reprint articles from a church he considers apostate?

Here is what Almost-arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Habakkuk, Joshua, doubly blessed, world renown Mayan authority, unlicensed to practice Naturopath, bitter "son" that Rod Meredith wished he had never had, and Chief Overseer of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God is bragging about to his 1,996 members.  Why would ANYONE in Africa care what privileged white people had written in about because they were incapable of making their own decisions?

Dr. Thiel continues the series of going through answering questions that were commonly posed to the old Worldwide Church of God. Using a binder that many speakers were given by that church that contained standardized letters that were sent to answer questions, Dr. Thiel answers them.  Normally, in much greater detail than the normally single or double page answers that were given in the past by the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God. Subject covered included the answering questions, the meaning of B.C., A.D., B.C.E., & C.E. (B.C. originally was intended to refer to the period before Jesus was born and A.D. afterwards, though they were off a few years–Dr. Thiel misspoke once in this sermon and accidentally stated the terms B.C. and A.D. related to Jesus death–he apologizes for that misspeaking), lifespans before Noah’s flood, Herbert W. Armstrong’s genealogy, modern descendants of the Chaldeans & Babylonians, giants, Bible commentaries, Bible concordances, pen pals, swearing an oath, Jesus’ location between age 12-30, and the two witnesses.
The Lake of Fire sounds like a sure relief instead of sitting in a hot living room listening to this crap for two hours!

I Am That Man! The ONLY Man Who Is Proclaiming The Gospel of the Kingdom

Why is it that the Church of God has bred so many narcissistic morons that have set themselves  up as the one true end time man who has the direct avenue to God?  All these self-appointed fools do is claim one title after another and lie through their teeth as they deceive members and take tithe money from financially strapped members just so they can have a so-called work.

To answer the question, JUST WHAT IS THE WORK?, Herbert W. Armstrong personally wrote:  
But Christ said to His Philadelphia era Church, that because we have but little strength, He would OPEN THOSE DOORS TO US (Rev. 3:8)" (Letter 11/19/76). 
The PURPOSE for which Christ built the Church exemplifies its WORK...1) To ANNOUNCE to the world for its witness the coming Kingdom of God...2) To prepare the people to whom God adds to the Church...God has always worked with humans. He has worked with O N E  M A N at a time...The WORK consists of proclaiming the Gospel, by radio, by television, in print (Armstrong HW. JUST WHAT IS THE WORK? PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT - VOL.3, NO.6 February 6, 1981) 
Notice that Herbert Armstrong believed that God mainly worked through the leadership of one man at a time to lead various phases of the work. Scripture, shows for example, that the mantle passed from Elijah to Elisha (2 Kings 2:9-15). The 'mantle' would currently be with the person/group that truly functioned as the 'pillar and ground of truth' (1 Timothy 3:15). 
Who is the one man at this time? 
The O N E  M A N at this time is Dr. Bob Thiel who while assisting in the directions of others who are supporting him, is proclaiming Christ's Gospel of the Kingdom by radio, via YouTube "television," via Internet articles, in person, and in print as he leads the Continuing Church of God.
Then there is this from Amazon where he peddles his prophecy porn:
Bob Thiel was raised in Michigan into a Catholic family, He moved to California in 1976 and is loyal to Holy Bible and the Church of God. His first book was published in 1994. Dr. Thiel is a one of the world's foremost authorities on prophecy writings, a published Ph.D. and a highly regarded researcher with multiple research awards to his credit. He holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of LaVerne, a Master's degree from the University of Southern California, and a Ph.D. from the Union Institute and University. Throughout his academic and professional career he has studied philosophy, religion, science, and prophecy; in recent years, has had scores of articles published on these subjects in magazines, newspapers, religious publications, and scientific journals. Married to his wife Joyce since 1981, the two have made multiple trips to ancient sites around the world including Asia Minor, Mayan sites, Vatican City, Patmos, Constantinople/Istanbul, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the South Pacific.
Other than Dave Pack, can the COG have a bigger narcissist in its midst?  "World's foremost authority on prophecy?"  If that is true then my cat speaks German!  There is not one single COG leader that is an authority on prophecy OR who has ever uttered a true prophecy, including Almost-arrested Bob Thiel.

He also makes it appear as he is still a devoted Catholic by stating he was raised Catholic and now remains true to the Church of God.  To many Catholics, this means he is still a Catholic since they refer to themselves as the church of God.   The COG has been filled with myriads of men who use slight of hand when talking about themselves and the church.  Deception without really lying is the name of the game.

On another site in 2012 he was featured in a blog interview under Paranormal Features about his book on 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.

When asked about how he does his research he says:
Where do you research for your books? 

I buy and read other books, visit libraries, and go to sites of interest around the world.  Additionally, online resources are also helpful.
Anyone can buy books, visit libraries and "visit" sites pertaining to a subject that interests them, yet that does not make them authorities on the subject. Until a person gets their hands dirty and spends decades digging in Mayan ruins, excavating sites, collaborating with world known scientists and real authorities, enduring endless hours testing and retesting, attending a real seminary where one actually did real research with in-depth years-long study and not doing an online distance-by-learning degree study where one picks their own topic and does not start with ones own COG biases in order to make ones conclusions fit ones assumed conclusions (church teachings), then a person might be found to have more credibility. Doubly-blessed Thiel reeks of deception.

Does Elisha Bob look like a man who has ever gotten his hands dirty by doing hard work and building up some calluses on his delicate hands?  He is another COG elitist who has been pandered to by silly men who thought he was "converted" and had some kind of special knowledge thus "doubly blessing" him.
What are you passionate about these days?
I am passionate about trying to warn people not to follow false prophets as well as not to dismiss the value of prophecy because there are many false prophets.  I also believe that God loves everyone and that God's real plan makes sense, so I try to explain it despite my limitations.
Yet here is a man who is a false prophet.  A man who self-appointed himself.  His theological training was by two certified false prophets,  Herbert Armstrong and Rod Meredith.  He has debilitating limitations right out of the starting gate!

As for his god loving all humanity, he conveniently fails to tell "Laurie" that his god is ready to destroy most of  humanity through war, pestilence, disease, and famine.  He fails to tell her about the rampaging Germans, Chinese and Muslims who are scheduled to wipe most British Israelite nations off the map or take them into captivity. Elisha Bob and most of the COG movement has made its mission to get across how pissed off its god is and how It is going to leash fury upon the world.  Again, deception is the name of the game.

Elijah Bob also has words about those who criticize his books:
How do you react to a bad review of your book?
The few "bad reviews" of my book I have read have always suggested that the bad "reviewer" really did not actually read (or at least understand) 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.  Those who have actually read and understood it do not tend to write bad reviews.
He assumes that anyone who disagrees with his already incorrect book has not read it nor understood the message he was attempting to get across.  It never crosses his mind that people can easily disprove all of his books.  A first-year seminarian at Fuller Theological Seminary can do that!  Again, deception is the name of the game.

John D, on the Church of God Perspective blog, is correct in stating:

Bob Thiel Is Still a Liar and False Prophet
Bob Thiel wants to pick on anyone and everyone in order to justify his own beliefs and vaunted ego. However, the fact is that he is a liar, he does not care for the truth, or accuracy for that matter, and he constantly compares himself to others.
A reader responded:
It’s obvious Bob Thiel is trying to present his credentials in a positive fashion which he hopes will leave a positive impression to the reader. But “studied graduate level” is not the same as earning a degree at graduate level, also “after a lot of writing” being granted a Th. D. doesn’t exactly tell the reader where it came from. Such a presentation of credentials leaves it open to a readers imagination. It can lead a reader to believe he’s achieved an impressive Th.D. or it can lead a reader to believe it came from an online version of the old saying “Where’d you get that degree, out of a Cracker Jack box?” 
Besides nowadays when it comes to teaching ideas about prophecy, there is a tendency to be evasive and vague enough to avoid timelines. They don’t make statements about events that will absolutely occur in the readers lifetime, but maintain a dialogue that leaves an impression that they absolutely know it may happen in a person’s lifetime. A legitimate question is, would a real prophet act like that? 
The question still remains about Amos Thiel:

Would a real prophet act like he does and do the things he does? 

The answer is NO!


Dave Pack: God Deliberately Scheduled HWA's Life So That He Had No Time To Discover What I Know

Never one to be humble, Dave Pack has declared the following quote below as his take on HWA.  God apparently decided to structure HWA's life so that he never had the opportunity to read the Bible and discover the things Dave has uncovered.  Herbert could never have withstood the tiresome duty it is to spend countless hours preparing to reveal this new knowledge, week after week, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after second.  Dave is the COG Energizer Bunny, he never stops.

We had no idea what we were pulling through the wall, and that both of those, together, lead into something I want to tell you about Mr. Armstrong. Because I can report something about Mr. Armstrong that no one could ever say. I’m in a unique position to describe him…report something about him that no one else ever could, and it speaks to this prophecy. He’s going to come up at the beginning and the end of the sermon, but you’ll understand why this portion of reference to him is at the beginning.
God structured Mr. Armstrong’s life so that he had no time, literally, to research all that God has shown. God built his schedule, his ministry and his life—in the many latter years of his life—that would have never permitted him to research all that God has shown. And because of his particular nature, where had he begun to see the wires that were hanging out, he would have grabbed hold of them, wrestled them to the ground in a death grip and never turn them loose until he’d figured it all out.
Here’s the problem…It takes about 25 to 30 hours of my life just on what I’m delivering you—and it’s been going on for 14 months now. He could never have stopped his life. You just have to believe that. Visiting world leaders, doing all the things he was before that—building three campuses, an enormous worldwide ministry; of course, letters and broadcasts, and all the other things. He could never have done that without literally breaking the Work. Now, there are other reasons God waited to reveal this understanding, but I wanted to take you to the literal, physical reason—and that’s if you don’t count his age, you see.

God Hates Skyscrapers

Did you know that God hates skyscrapers and towers?  After God got really angry at the Tower of Babel, he has been holding back his wrath till the Arabs and others have built tall skyscrapers.  Even worse, some of the residents in these towers have decked their homes out with gold, marbles, beautiful wood, and paintings.

God's greatest end time prophet, Dave Pack, who runs the superfantabulous Restored Church of God has this to say:
You know it’s interesting. You look at the age that we live in, and people today are building these incredible residential towers. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen an interview of Donald Trump on the 55th story of his tower…marbles, gold, silver, tapestries, paintings, beautiful woods…magnificence in a tower. So it’s not a strange concept. You go around the world. New York is now loaded with them, partly because that man wanted to build them. But all over the world now, people…and the devil counterfeits everything…I’m not calling his place devilish, but you know, the Catholics always want high places—always do. The Tower of Babel…They started to build this tower, God knocked it down—said, “You don’t do that. You don’t stick a tower up into Heaven” and sent them away babbling different languages.

And when Christ comes He’s going to destroy all the towers, because there’s going to be one tower. We’re actually going to see He calls it a “tower”—one tower on Earth that sticks way up, and in importance is at the top of all the mountains of the earth. I mean, the ultimate lofty mountain, but now we know has a city on it, and it’s a city that has to accommodate ten thousands of people, ultimately, when it’s in Jerusalem, and they’re all living in mansions that probably, we would assume, look better than the one at the 55th story of Trump Tower or those towers that are all over the world now, where people live, because people want to live up. They’re going back into cities to live higher and have grand views, because everybody…I mean, men understand that. I’m pretty sure God does. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to look out of a 1,500-mile-high city.

So God is not about to have dwellings for three-and-a-half years…condominiums…high rises…that are more beautiful than His. You know it’s been said that Donald Trump is the only man who will ever downsize into the White House. That would be true, and not just physically come down, but just the quality of where he lives is just beyond magnificent. It’s never happened before. He’s worth twenty times George Washington. Almost exactly twenty times George Washington—who was the wealthiest president in our history. So the first president was the wealthiest until probably what will be the last one, who’s worth twenty times more.

But there are people that live in these incredible dwellings. Mega millions and millions of dollars for Penthouse suites. His kids live below him in that tower. Christ is not going to be second fiddle to places like that. I’m not just pointing to him, but there’s been scores and hundreds of thousands of people. Mr. Trump’s son in law, who’s an Orthodox Jew, is thirty-five years old and his net worth is 500 million dollars. At thirty-five…he made it himself. And he lives in an unbelievable place, too, lower in the tower as I understand. So, we are…we’re going to—you’re going to—live in a tower. You’ll be able to flit right out the window, though, and that’s another discussion. You’re going to have…fewer limitations. Let’s just put it that way.