Monday, June 5, 2017

LCG: Who Is Really In Charge? Weston the "acting" Head Or....

From a  reader:

What the readers here at Banned likely don't firmly grasp is that LCG is a corporation. Corporations have owners. 

Someone's name is on the bank account and it isn't Gerald Weston.

RCM appointed Gerald Weston as the acting head evangelist. Kind of like the CEO if you will. 

What the members of LCG should be asking is where does the money trail end?

LCG brings in 8-10 million dollars a year. If they folded shop tomorrow and paid all their debts, who would be the benefactor?

There is no way on earth that Rod Meredith (who had about 3 lawyers) just gave Gerald Weston the keys to the coffers. I can almost guarantee that Lil' Jimmy and his brothers will be set for life. 

I'm not judging. Hell, I'd do the same thing if I had a multi-million dollar company! But the LCG minions are in total denial about the money and the power in their little splinter group. 

Wake up people! LCG is a business. Send your money if you must but at least understand where it is going.

PS - It would be awesome if Gerald Weston forged his name to a bunch of LCG checks in the middle of the night to steal money to start another splinter group just like Spanky did!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

LCG: Is It One Big Happy Family Or Is The Wall Starting To Crack?

LCG's Doug Winnail has a post up to encourage LCG members to remain true to the LCG message.  It has long been reported that LCG has a strong undercurrent brewing from within with people who are sick of the abuse going on and those who follow every utterance from on high as if God was speaking.

There are 3 kinds of people currently in LCG.  There are those that see issues and abuse going on and see the need to change church teachings on certain subjects.  There are those that are waiting to see what explosion is going to happen with control of the church since Meredith's' death  Then there are those that blissfully and blindly sit by and believe the Living Church of God is the most unified COG out there.

LCG knows there are issues brewing under the surface and are constantly trying to hold the crumbling wall together.  With power struggles already brewing and people bucking to be seen in control, it is not going to be a pretty picture in a few months.  Of course, it is the member's fault and never that the church leadership has some serious issues it needs to correct.  How dare you sit in judgment of the church!  Shame on you!!!!!

Big Picture or Loose Bricks?

Solomon wrote, “Where there is no vision, the people perish; but happy is he who keeps the law” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV and NKJV). Jesus told His disciples, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Jesus commissioned His disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), to warn the world and the nations of Israel about sobering events to come (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) and to prepare a people to rule with Him in the Kingdom (Luke 1:17; Revelation 5:10). To accomplish this mission today requires a team that is of one mind and can work together (1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:11-16), as each individual strives to exercise the fruits of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). This is the big picture that we need to keep our minds focused on. Yet, we can lose sight of this big picture if we begin to focus on details and issues not clearly defined in the Scriptures—the loose brick or doctrine that we feel the Church does not understand—and then sit in judgment of the Church that has been given the responsibility to do the Work and make decisions in these areas (1 Timothy 3:15; 2 Timothy 2:14-23). Jesus chided the Pharisees for their fixation on the minute details of the law, while not grasping the intent of the law (Matthew 23:23-24). The Apostle Paul repeatedly warned the New Testament Church not to be misled by different ideas about the gospel (Galatians 1:6-9), arguments over fables and genealogies (1Timothy 1:4; 4:1-6) and different views about the resurrection (2 Timothy 2:14-19). Let’s all strive to stay focused on the big picture, and not be distracted by peripheral issues.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


Friday, June 2, 2017

Gerald Flurry Continues His Mental Breakdown: Claims He Now Has The Stone of Destiny That His "jesus" Will Be Crowned Upon

From a PCG source

Gerald Flurry has made more absurd announcements regarding the dirty stone that he dug up in Oregon. It has now replaced the Stone of Scone, which was originally in the Coronation Chair in Westminister Abbey, and is now the Stone of Destiny that his bastardized "jesus" will return to and be crowned upon when he returns to earth to usher in Flurry's millennium.

A PCG source said that with his recent purchased of his 13 million dollar jet, he will now have the ability to take the stone on the plane to England where it can be placed under the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey so that Jesus can be properly crowned.  That is also the reason that PCG bought Edstone in order to establish a college.  That college provides him a European home base during the tribulation.  It also allows him easy access to Ireland where he still believes he will dig up the Ark of the Covenant.  With all of these magical talismans Flurry thinks he will have ultimate control and will have power under his "jesus".

Flurry Becoming More Paranoid:
May 30, 2017
In the sermon Flurry gave where he told the members that HWA's prayer rock was now the stone of destiny and Flurry the new king until Christ's return, replacing the current physical royal household, he talked about Joe Tkach Jr.'s GCI moving to North Carolina and that the Man of Sin will be closer. Also, since Tkach Jr. is very involved with evangelicals and part of them are noticing cults, he will use that power to go after PCG. --R.  From Exit and Support

LCG Members Fearful of Breaking Sabbath Are Showing Up Sick At Services

One thing Armstrongism has instilled in members is the command from the Dear Leader that they are REQUIRED to attend services every Sabbath day and to not do so is essential spitting in God's face.  Because of that, members have shown up sick at services, infecting the rest of the congregation.  Due to the fact the church prohibited members from going to doctors, disease spread rapidly through children to adults.

LCG members have been told, from on high, to STAY HOME if they are sick.  They have been instructed to call a minister or elder and have them come an anoint them or ask for an anointed cloth.

For many years, LCG members have voiced the disappointing experiences they have had with ministers when they have asked for prayers. For a large number of members, the minister and elders re too busy to assist them and generally ignore their requests.  Some have had spouses on deathbeds and the minister is too lazy to show up or even return a call.

Health Issues at Sabbath Services—Must Read
Over the years, we have asked brethren not to come to Sabbath services with a contagious illness. This is based on the quarantine principle in Leviticus 13:21, 31, 46. If you are sick, please stay home until you are well, to avoid spreading illnesses to others. This is part of showing love and consideration for your neighbor (Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:39). While the Sabbath is a commanded assembly (Leviticus 23:3; Hebrews 10:24-25), and we should be at church under normal circumstances, it is not showing love if we expose others to illness. We would rather pray for you... than join you! If you do need anointing, please contact your pastor or local elder to be anointed, or, if necessary, to receive an anointed cloth. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.—Church Administration Department