Thursday, June 29, 2017

Rod Meredith FORCE Me, FORCED Me I Say, Into Holding Him Accountable..Oh, Did I Say FORCED Me?

The other day an LCG source sent me a little blurb on Almost-arrested Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Habakkuk, Joshua, doubly cursed Bob Thiel.  As usual, God's most righteous end time prophet has suffered major butt-hurt.  I have to admit I have never seen such an insecure COG leader in my life.  Is it because deep down he knows he is a fraud?

This morning, apostate Bob had a meltdown and said some really fun things and as usual had to take a slam aginst his "dad and mentor" Rod Meredith.

The LCG source sent this:
Rod Meredith spent many years having to listen to his self-important "son" wax prolific on hundreds of prophecies his "son" claimed to know more about than he did. Every time Meredith turned around his narcissistic "son" had had a new revelation and was demanding that the LCG change its "understanding."
The apostate one took great exception to the statement and went on to claim that Rod Meredith FORCED him to say and do the things he did.
That is not the case. Dr. Meredith is the one who forced me, over my objections, to promise to tell him if I felt he was 'pulling punches.' The fact that I strove to live up to that promise is not a negative. Furthermore, years after Dr. Meredith made me promise that, he appointed me as an advisor to he and the Charlotte-based evangelists on doctrine and prophecy. That was also his idea. It should further be pointed out that I did not "demand" that LCG change its understanding on matters. I pointed out issues and the LCG the evangelists often agreed. The closest thing to a demand I ever made while there was reminding them to keep their word and make the corrections they promised to do. LCG leaders, like Richard Ames, have known what I have written is true, but have sadly been unwilling to publicly rebuke those that slander me.
Rod Meredith expected his men to be manly men.  Men with fortitude and cajones.  Apparently delicate Thiel had neither.  No man who claims to be a follower of Jesus would ever let another man bully him like that.  Apparently, we now see that he is not a follower of that inconvenient dude, but rather kowtows to men, thus he submitted to being FORCED to tell Meredith he was going astray.

Readers will also note that doubly-cursed Thiel is still suffering butthurt because various COG leaders will not defend him in any manner anymore.  Richard Ames takes the heat this time from Elisha Thiel.  Even worse, Gaylyn Bonjour said that he did not in any manner doubly bless the self-appointed false propeht so that he could go out and start another church.  Apostate Thiel's "double blessing" is a major doctrine of belief for his splinter cult along with the demand that people recognize he dreamed about himself.   It is no wonder that LCG leaders will not back apostate Thiel up in any manner. Why would any of them want to be associated with someone so unsound?

You can read the rest of Thiel's's spiel here.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Job Opening At Greatest Church of God On Earth In This End Times!

Here is your chance to get in on the ground floor of the greatest Church of God ever in human history!  No church has ever been this awesome nor lead by a prophet who is as great as this one.  Being doubly blessed does has its perks! Even Dave Pack is trembling at the magnificence of this global enterprise.

Not only will you get to be handling materials for the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, you will also get to handle the books for the holistic pill-peddling enterprise of the holy end time prophet himself!  These pills are so miraculous because they have been touched by the doubly blessed prophet!  Awesome!

Just think how much fun this will be.  Decades from now you can say you were in on the ground floor of the greatest work ever imaginable.  Can you imagine how great it will be to see the end time witness correcting nations with homeopathic pills!  Super awesome!  Even Herbert Armstrong will shake your hand in the millennium in awe.

Act quickly on this major never before seen opportunity before the job is offered to the public.

Mind you though, this job is "more complicated" than other office jobs due to the fact you will be working for a fake Doctor who got his diploma from a diploma mill in India, who is not licensed to practice in California and who is also a prophet of his god.  Nope, not complicated at all!

Office Worker 
We have a need for someone who wants a job handling a variety of tasks in an office. This job is located in Grover Beach, California and the employing company would be Doctors’ Research, Inc. 
Before looking at local people outside of the Continuing Church of God, I thought that perhaps someone in the Church may have interest. 
The ideal candidate would have office and computer skills (QuickBooks, Microsoft Word), and at least some interest in computer graphics and natural health. The job would include church and non-church work, telephones, lifting, packaging, mailing, and editing, etc. and is more complicated than many office positions. If you are interested, please email me your resume. My email address is