Saturday, March 10, 2018

Gerald Flurry: "Correction brings joy" because "feelings and physical evidence don’t matter; just believe."

Gerald Flurry recently held a speaking engagement in Norwalk California.  After flying in on the Flurry family private jet, he spoke to a group of Trumpet subscribers. With 200 people present (most of them PCG members) God's mighty spokesman delivered a "masterfully put together and delivered" message.

Here is what Grant Turgeon reported:
Mr. Flurry was markedly more direct in Houston than he had been in Norwalk: He emphasized that the Apostle Paul wrote Hebrews just before Roman troops destroyed Jerusalem in a.d. 70, killing 600,000 people and resulting in the starving Jews resorting to cannibalism. This suffering, Mr. Flurry said, is a type of what Americans will soon experience.
The same tired and broken record of endless destruction and starving American citizens continues on. It is disgusting watching these COG leaders get all orgasmic at the mere thought of this happening.  They need starvation, parents eating children, rampaging Germans hanging Americans from meat hooks, and more, in order for them to be proven right in their endless prophetic speculations.

Then Flurry makes an incredibly ill-informed and absurd slam against Christians.
Mr. Flurry said that in Hebrews, Paul tried to give members of God’s Church a hopeful vision. “Lose the vision, and you will fall,” he said. While traditional Christians focus on the dead Jesus Christ, true Christians should focus on His role as Advocate and Intercessor in their lives each day, and on mankind’s potential to become Spirit-born Sons of God as Christ did, Mr. Flurry said. He also urged listeners to prove and keep the Sabbath day to have rest from sin.
The only Christians I have ever seen that focused on a "dead Jesus Christ" has been COG leaders.  Every Passover they take great pleasure in sacrificing him once again, in amplified matzo cracking glory, in some godforsaken school gym. Then, a week later they are back to amplifying the law because they refuse to follow a risen Christ.  Jesus has been left on those gym floors for decades.  Its no wonder they can't find him. Plus, the Christians I know worship a risen Christ.
Mr. Davis called the lecture “masterfully put together and delivered.” He said, “I know that God inspired that. It was a noticeably strong message both nights, and the people responded positively to that.”
On the second night, Mr. Flurry spoke to a group of approximately 80 subscribers, giving two reasons why God’s people should be bold:
1. Be bold because you can enter God’s throne room.
2. Be bold because Christ is in the Holy of Holies interceding for you.
Flurry expects his followers to believe and follow every single thing he says, with faith.  Word is spreading that PCG now realizes that his eminent prophetic predictions are not happening and therefore may be many years further down the line before anything happens.  He has to keep his troops in line and subservient.
Faith is assurance before possession, Mr. Flurry said, citing Hebrews 11:1. Noah built the ark for 100 years without a sign of the coming Flood. If God has made a promise, Mr. Flurry said, feelings and physical evidence don’t matter; just believe.
Correction brings joy, Mr. Flurry said. God corrects His sons, who will one day be made perfect spirit beings free from evil human nature.
The sick legacy of Armstrongism continues unabated.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Getting Over the Past by Wes White

Getting Over the Past
By Wes White
(Submitted to Banned By HWA)

            Over the past year or so, I have had the pleasure to communicate with blog sites such as “Banned By HWA.”  I learn a lot from these sites and I am glad whenever I can contribute to the dialogue in a positive way.

            But lately, wow, have I been getting some flak over this!  The leaders in some of the big, corporate COGs tell their members how awful it is that Wes White has relationships with these blog sites like “Banned,” “Painful Truth,” “Church of God News,” etc.  They ask, “How can Wes justify being friends with those people who have rejected so much of God’s truth?”  Further, they claim that too many of us “just can’t get over the past and that we need to move on.”   

            Let’s be clear on three points:

            First, the editors of “Banned By HWA” owe me no explanation for their beliefs.  And I owe no one any explanation for who I talk to.  Any person who doesn’t like who I talk to is the one who needs to “get over it.”  Also, what if I were to be dialoguing with a Baptist blog or an atheist blog or a politically extreme blog?  Would I have to justify my relationship with them?  Anyone who answers “yes” needs to grow in maturity.

Second, when it comes to my getting over the past, I have nothing to get over.  My experience in WCG was almost all good.  I benefitted a lot from twelve years in that organization.   

When I first came into the church, I was befriended by the district superintendent of the Chicago area because he wanted me to give him guitar lessons.  Poor man had a tin ear.  But I tried to be nice about his lack of talent and I encouraged him to keep practicing even though I believed any chances of him improving his music were pretty much doomed.

Then I started a church band with a ministerial trainee.  You talk about being with the in-crowd. 

When I arrived at AC as a student, I lived with the ministerial trainee’s older brother who was associate dean of students and who played music with GTA.  So I had the benefit of “knowing the right guy” all thru Ambassador.

On and on I could go.  I only mention all this to reiterate that I don’t look at myself as a victim of WCG.  I was the beneficiary of the tithes and sacrifice of many hard-working, generous members.   

But that’s not the point.  What’s important is that I know dozens and dozens of victims of that organization and I feel for those people.  I still pray for them because so many got a real raw deal from that organization.   I was one of the lucky ones and I have no business callously writing the off the victims.  I owe them more than that. 

It is important that Christians always have compassion on those who have been wronged.  Justice is important to God.

Third, I have never done anything like work on a crisis hotline, so I don’t speak from authority about victims of abuse.  But I think I am correct when I say that, when dealing with someone who has been sexually abused, physically abused, verbally abused, financially abused, etc., it is NEVER my job to say, “It’s time to get over it.  Move on.”  No.  I can’t say that. 

The only person who can make that decision is the victim.  Only he/she can say, “I can now move on because my healing is complete.”  Only he/she can make the determination as to when they are over being the brunt of someone else’s abuse. 

The primary problem we have today is NOT those who are still healing or trying to understand why they had to go thru what they went thru.  The problem is with the church leaders who refuse to apologize!  Therein lies the problem!

And I can’t say enough about how much it would help healing if these guys could just admit they were wrong in how they handled people, money, assets, doctrine, etc.  Then, if they could just be sorry and say they’re sorry, a whole lot of good could come out of it.

Any COG splinter group that dares dare to take on the name “Christianity” is going to have to learn what Christianity is truly about.  They are going to have to stop doing quick readings of Matthew 5, 6, and 7 as they gloss over Jesus’ profundities.  Instead, they need to slow down and spend time in the Sermon On the Mount, learning what Jesus has to say about showing true love for other people.

But they won’t.  Their unwillingness/inability to admit wrong-doing (followed by an apology) is limited by their:

1)    Christian immaturity and deliberate lack of biblical understanding about brotherly love.

2)    Fear that admission could lead to legal action.  

3)    Self-centeredness.  Some of these guys love to talk about how they were the ones who were wronged by the Armstrongs, while having no ability to acknowledge the wrongs they did to those “below them.”  It’s almost as if they are saying, “When I get my apology, you’ll get yours.  And since the Armstrongs are dead, I’m not going to get an apology.  So guess where that leaves you?” 

Christianity doesn’t work that way.

I have heard that some ministers get furious when they are asked if they would please apologize for some of the things they have done.  They proudly proclaim, “You will never hear an apology from me or from my church organization.”  I really hope that, on the day they stand before Jesus, they don’t express that vehemence because I fear their intransigence could keep them out of the Kingdom. 

But this is not my call.  Whether they make it into God’s Kingdom is between them and Christ.

In the meantime, let’s communicate with each other, not in spite of the fact that we don’t agree with each other.  Rather, let’s communicated with each other because of the fact that we don’t agree with each other.  It’s foolish to only communicate with those who we agree with.   We have much to learn from those with whom we disagree.

Wes and Nancy White have a self-funded ministry 
that neither asks for nor accepts donations from the general public.  
They have a live, Friday evening internet show called “Start Our Sabbath.”

"Stick to your own religion sunshine. Stop attacking mine."

Below are a few experts from a love letter from the Kitchen clan.  You remember them, they are the wild and crazy guys on Facebook that have made it their lifelong duty to worship at the base of Herbert Armstrong's altar that they have erected.  These are also the same guys who have made a business out of stealing copyrighted works of the Worldwide Church of God to post on their altar to all things Herb.  They have elevated Armstrong almost to the point that he was immaculately conceived and was/is incapable of doing no wrong.

The Kitchen's are particularly upset that we compare Gerald Flurry's heretical filth to that of his nemesis, Herbert Armstrong, the very man Flurry learned all of his doctrinal tricks from.  Both Armstrong and Flurry got their doctrines from the William Miller fiasco and the subsequent Sabbatarian/Adventist groups pitching fits that they and their groups alone had the correct doctrines.
Using the heresies and actions of Gerald Flurry and "his" Church and organization(which is NOT the Church Herbert W. Armstrong was a member of) to slam and berate Herbert W. Armstrong again I see. Gerald Flurry's Church, incorporated into the PCG organization. He does not teach what Herbert W. Armstrong taught, and yet you keep "preaching" to your flock that he does. 
Gerald Flurry is precisely a member of the exact same group that Herbert Armstrong started and all of the 500+ heretical splinter groups belong to today.  To say they are different is to deliberately lie, something that true Armstrongites claim to NEVER do....Ha Ha!

Since HWA's death, a lot have tried to copy the Worldwide Church of God. They went out to form their own organizations calling themselves a Church of God, and are trying to copy what Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God did. Why? Because they want the money. It really is a marketing scheme being played out by these COG sects. HWA and the WCG was genuine, and the opposite. HWA taught the Word of God. Plain to see. Easy to research and find the truth.
I can't argue that most of the splinter groups formed as a marketing scheme that brings money to line the pockets of the current leaders.  When all of these guys saw their "prestigious" positions as ministers in the Worldwide Church of God swiftly coming to an end, they did the only thing they knew how to do, divert tithe money to their greedy pockets.  One of Armstrong's biggest mistakes was having a paid ministry.  Most of these men have never worked an honest day's hard labour in their lives.  They have had everything handed to them on a platter, fleet cars, ministerial allowances, free travel, housing allowances, etc.
Yet you spend your time, spreading tripe and diatribes against HWA and the Worldwide Church of God, trying to grasp for "invisible straw" to set fire to, so you can convince others of your beliefs? You are just as bad as Gerald Flurry, with your wacky beliefs. But no one cares. But you definitely care about whether or not people share the same beliefs as Herbert W. Armstrong. You probably make money from this right? No wonder Herbert Armstrong appears to threaten you. 
Herbert Armstrong has never threatened me, even when I worked in his house.  Stretch much?

I have never discussed my beliefs on this blog.  That was never the purpose.  The purpose was to expose the lies and absurdities of those entrenched in Armstrongism.  I can honestly say I don't give a rats ass what you think about my belief/unbelief and the questions/uncertainty I prefer to live with.  What I do know as a fact is that Armstrongism, no matter which flavour of the month it is, is entirely based upon the false teachings of Herbert Armstrong and many of his minions.  Are there some real Christians in some of the splinter groups who are actually are living faithful lives?  Absolutely!  They are the ones who have chucked Armstrong's booklets into the rubbish bin and are followers of Jesus. The sad fact is that thousands of COG members have had their lives ripped apart by the heretical COG leaders who litter the landscape today and those are the people that this blog has been reaching.

And does your Church endorse your blog, dedicated to attacking another human being?
Stick to your own religion sunshine.
Stop attacking mine.
Well, actually the church where I volunteer in various capacities knows exactly what my blog is about.  They know because two of Herbert Armstrong's pathetic minions, Wade Cox/Russell Hilburn, tried to make them tell me to shut the blog down.  Knowing the rich history of abuse and the endless scandals of the Armstrong empire that made the Pasadena papers on a regular basis, they basically told him how deep he could stick it and that they would in no way tell me what to do.

Sorry to rain on your day, Sunshine!  Stop taking Armstrongism so seriously, your salvation does not depend upon it!

Its a sunny glorious day in Pasadena where the truth still goes forth...from this blog....Hee Hee!