Friday, June 15, 2018

PCG's Hezekiah Exhibit: Making Biblical Archeology "Sexy" Again

If you have been following Philadelphia Church of God's recent media blitz you would imagine that they have once and for all proven that they are the one true church because they have been participating in a dig in Jerusalem for several years with Dr Eliat Mazar. No other COG understands biblical archeology or truth better than the PCG.

The Times of Israel is reporting about PCG's new exhibit in the Armstrong Auditorium lobby.
Why a world premiere of precious biblical artifacts is in quiet Oklahoma
A rare world premiere exhibit of ancient biblical-era artifacts was launched this week at the Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma. Located in the middle of lush green fields, the massive, pillared auditorium — complete with a water sculpture at its entrance — is an unlikely forum for the first ever display of tangible proof of the biblical King Hezekiah and Prophet Isaiah.
For the first time in the world, seal impressions or bullae discovered in 2009-2010 in Jerusalem’s Old City at the Ophel excavations conducted under Hebrew University archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar are on show to the general public in the exhibit “Seals of Isaiah and King Hezekiah Discovered.” Other finds, such as a large cache of 2,000-year-old coins from the Jewish revolt discovered earlier this year in a cave near the Ophel, are also having their premiere.
Still more rare First Temple Period artifacts are also on display, largely taken from Tel Lachish and Tel Beersheva excavations. The weapons, ceramics and weigh stones are striking. But the explainer films, interactive programmed tablets, reproductions of key finds, including the British Museum’s Lachish relief, as well as a huge scale cross-section of Hezekiah’s tunnel in Jerusalem, all shore up the historicity of the biblical story and the 8th century BCE Assyrian siege. This narrative is clearly spelled out in the showcases throughout the attractive auditorium lobby.
The article goes on to mention that the PCG has dropped over a $500,000.00 in putting on this production.  A half million dollars in tithe money that the poorer PCG members struggle to send in. 
The exhibit is the fruit of a 50-year partnership between a group of steadfast Christians and generations of the archaeological Mazar family. And it is impressive.
But who will see it?
When the Ambassador Foundation put on exhibits from Thailand and China in the 1980's it had a ready audience by the fact it was in the middle of the Los Angeles basin.  Thousands came to see the exhibits.  PCG is right in the centre of cow pattie fields.

Now take a look at how many the PCG expects to have in attendance:
Edmond, a suburb of Oklahoma City, is located smack dab in the Bible Belt. Several church bus tours are already scheduled to make their way there, according to the exhibit’s curator, Brad MacDonald, bringing 40-50 visitors each.
But in conversation in Jerusalem the day after the grand opening, vice president of the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation Stephen Flurry seems untroubled when he estimates that only some 10-15 individuals will trickle in each day.
After the Herbert Armstrong College students and local PCG members all stop by to the see the exhibit, scant few of the public will ever see it. 

The Times of Jerusalem goes on to state that far more will see it online than ever in person:
That’s where the exhibit’s smart online presence takes up the gauntlet.
Interested surfers can attend the exhibit virtually through its dramatic YouTube videos, highlighting the thoughtful artifact display and the surrounding explanatory material.
In many ways, the Armstrong Foundation’s online presence is of much more relevance than its onsite exhibit.
The Times of Jerusalem also states a fact that PCG refuse to acknowledge, what if their biblical "facts" are not necessarily true?
Only a click or two brings a viewer to a seemingly endless font of information about the artifacts themselves and the biblical history. It is all housed on the website, one of the several media outlets connected to the foundation, its associated Philadelphia Church of God, and its seminary, the Herbert W. Armstrong College.
There is no pretense of scientific skepticism in the exhibit. The foundation’s goal is to “bring the Bible to life,” says Flurry, who lives outside of Birmingham, United Kingdom, at a second Armstrong College seminary.
The article also questions the disproportional amount of money spent on the Jerusalem digs:
The Philadelphia Church of God poured half a million dollars into supporting the excavations this year, including student expenses. Flurry estimates many tens of thousands more were spent on this exhibit. These expenses are disproportionately large swaths of the church budget, which flows from a 5,000-strong membership and up to 20,000 additional donors.
Brad McDonald justifies the money spent by stating that they want to get young people engaged in biblical history by making it "sexy".

“We want to make archaeology great again,” laughs Australian exhibit head curator Brad MacDonald, sitting on a dainty couch next to Nagtegaal in the King David ahead of the Jerusalem event.
“We are actively looking for opportunities to play a role or collaborate and make it sexy — something young people can get into,” says MacDonald. 
The Times of Jerusalem also goes on to state that the PCG and Eilat Mazar may have "suspended belief" by some of their dogmatic statements about the artifacts.
Suspension of disbelief
Accuracy is definitely the goal in all research, including archaeology. But when the subjects of study are long dead, many facets are open to interpretation.
The main stars of the Oklahoma exhibit, the Hezekiah and Isaiah seal impressions, are one such example. Could they really have belonged to the biblical king and his chief adviser? 
Dr. Eliat Mazar says:
According to Mazar, “the identification of the seal impression of King Hezekiah is very certain, beyond any shadow of doubt, as you can read for yourself.” She reads out the clear Hebrew inscription at the King David event, “‘Belonging to King Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, King of Judah.'”
The other seal, she acknowledges, is much less certain. Upon its publication earlier this year as a goodbye present to the longtime, retiring editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review Hershel Shanks, the claim that the seal impression was connected to the famous prophet was met with skepticism. In her King David Hotel presentation, Mazar herself introduces the find as “maybe the seal impression by Prophet Isaiah.” 
It's all a "may be!"  Now there is a good Church of God statement!  That's standard operating procedure for most COG prophets who spout nonsense today.  

Suspended belief, no pretense of skepticism, and over half million dollars spent. What more could we expect from a Church of God in 2018?

Read the entire article here:  Why a world premiere of precious biblical artifacts is in quiet Oklahoma

New Poll On Blog

There is a new poll in the right-hand column under the revolving map.  Take a vote on the most BORING book that you read that Herbert Armstrong wrote.  It lists just the hardback copies published.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Gone with the wind...

It was estimated at one time that the Radio/Worldwide Church of God had over 500,000 people pass through its doors over the 8 decades of its existence.

This was before the massive defections from the church in the mid to late 1990's.

Loyalists are quick to point out that these half million people were not converted
and had no desire to stay with the truth.

It always seems to be others fault instead of the institution's fault.
Even the current "larger" splinter groups cannot stop the defections.

On a good day, the Armstrongist Church of God movement is lucky to have 40-50,000 active tithe-paying members worldwide.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How Family Love Is Being Destroyed In The Church

One of the biggest challenges today in the Church of God is the various splinter group leaders who are ripping families apart because of their beliefs and insecurities.

Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God are well known for ripping families apart due to their "no contact" ruling.  We have seen numerous times on here how Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God has also ripped families apart. Numerous people have shared how their children got wrapped up in Pack's lies and who will not speak to family members.  Even Dave's own children are no longer part of the organization.

That sad track record goes directly back to Herbert Armstrong who alienated both of his daughters, their husbands, grand children and great-grandchildren.

This is a sad track record for a church that claims to be 100% inspired by God while practicing 1st Century Christianity. If we were the one true church, led by a man who was directly inspired by Christ to say the things he said, then why were we such a mess?  Armstrongism has ripped families apart for 90 some years now.

On a private Facebook page, there was a post about an article that discussed this disconnect that happens with children of adult followers:

Six Ways Undue Influence Erodes Family Love
Many people are shocked at how “easily” the natural bonds of family love can dissolve under the high-pressure undue influence of an abusive group or partner. They often ask: “How can a child shun their parents?” or, more poignantly: “Why would loving parents agree to cover up the abuse of their own child?”
One of the hallmarks of a high-control group is the way they tear families apart: married survivors of cultic groups talk about the group being “the third person in the marriage bed,” and those born and raised in such groups know that they came second to the leadership in their parents’ lives, abandoned emotionally, if not physically.
Worse, children in high-control groups who experience physical or sexual abuse at the hands of the leaders cannot expect the same love and support they would receive in a “worldly” family – their trauma is compounded as their parents cover up, deny, or, in extreme cases, encourage and even perpetrate the abuse, all in the name of the group, its reputation, and its goals. Open Minds Advisory Board member Alex Stein gives an excellent account of the disorganized attachment found in such relationships in her book Terror, Love and Brainwashing.
Anyone who has been watching Leah Remi's exposes on Scientology see shocking similarities with the actions of that so-called church does to break up families with the Church of God.

And yet, the members of high-control groups aren’t monsters; the “average” cult member is intelligent, well-adjusted, and capable of rational thought – about anything other than their group and its beliefs. Those who manage to escape are usually able to re-grow healthy family relationships with those outside the group.
So how can a daughter be swayed to ignore her mother? How can a father be convinced to keep silent about someone in his church sexually abusing his son? Here are six of the most prominent ways an abusive group erodes the natural bonds of family love and loyalty:
The article goes on to list 6 different points as to what happens.  Pay particular notice to #3:
3. They use fear and spiritual blackmail. 
Those who consider speaking out against the group or partner face many indoctrinated phobias: they will lose their relationship with Divinity or their chance for Eternal Life, they will betray the world-saving goals of the group, and turn their backs on the Truth, with a capital “T.” They will be betraying the Revolution, or the People, or their partner. Although these are “false” consequences, there are often real consequences to rebelling: those who speak out are often expelled, losing their families, their friends, and most, if not all, of their social support network. They are faced with the unhappy truth that those they have left behind now see them as apostate, evil, backsliders, or traitors.
Children and regular members are afraid to leave these dangerous splinter personality cults of Armstrongism because it has been ingrained in them for decades that to dare to question the church and its leaders is tantamount to grieving the Holy Spirit and direct sin against God that will result in denial of salvation. Thus these men reign supreme and untouched by anyone who criticizes them.  It is always the person criticizing that is at fault, or the parents searching for a lost child, or grandparents looking for contact with a grandchild. Just look at the comments that were made about the mother looking for her son trapped in Dave Pack's cult. It is the family's fault, the mother's fault, etc.  Not one of these people who sent in some of the disgusting comments ever held Dave and the Restored Church of God accountable.

For a church that claims to be God's only true church we sure have made a business out of wrecking peoples lives.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Terrified Mother Seeks Help In Getting Son Out Of Restored Church of God

I received this yesterday.  Any suggestions?


My name is Stephanie, my son fell into the RCG & David Pack when he was 18. I had never heard of this man or this "church", I didn't even know he was attending online until over a year later. Its now been 3 years & they have his mind so twisted that he believes that satan is working through his family to separate him from GOD, as we finally got wise & discovered the sick truth & have been trying to show him the lies Pack has told. 
Such as Pack claiming to be THE Elijah, a "Type of Christ" & making false prophecies against splinter leaders... & then him removing the videos from his website & telling his followers he never said these things. 

I don't know if you can help or if you'll ever see this, but i'm terrified. They convinced my son to leave our family home while everyone was gone. He IS an adult & can make his own choices, but this situation is out of hand & I dont know what else to do.. I'm desperate.

Here are some general items that might help:

My Childhood in an Apocalyptic Cult

Steve Hassan is the leading authority for helping people rescue family members from cults:

Combatting Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults

When God Becomes a Drug: Book 1; Understanding Religious addiction & religious abuse
This book was instrumental in my understanding of why I needed to leave the church.

Rescuing Randy: A Family Determined to Rescue Their Son from a Cult

How Can I Rescue My Child From a Cult?

How to talk someone out of a damaging cult