Monday, November 5, 2018

Which Self-Appointed COG Prophet Is The Least Respected?

Poor Bob Thiel!  The Bible waving little guy just CANNOT get COG members to like him, follow him, or send him their hard earned money.  It is pretty pathetic when Thiel outranks the three biggest certified liars in the Church of God today.

Playing Church: The Namby-Pamby Ineffectiveness of Today's COG Pastors. What happened?

There are not many articles in the PGR that I have nodded in agreement with. But while researching through the Pastor General Report of November 22, 1978, I find myself in complete agreement with C. Wayne Cole on an issue that was a horrible stain and stench in the Church - the Drill Sergeant approach of the pastors of the Church. 

C. Wayne Cole asked a very important question that I often wondered myself. He asked,in the context of one being a strong leader:

"Is it really necessary to be militant, abrupt, aloof, autocratic, authoritative or opinionated?" 

"Is it always necessary to convey by words or actions very clearly 'Who's in Charge'?" 

"Is it necessary to look on the negative side, search first for all the trouble, the problems because it is certain, in the person's mind, that they are indeed there. Why should anyone feel that such behavior is STRENGTH?"

I can remember as a young person in the Church of God hearing the driving power and authority of Herbert Armstrong during live satellite transmissions, in taped recordings, and even in person, that Herbert Armstrong scared the living crap out of children because of his intensity. What these pastors were doing was emulating the attitude, and the demeanor, and the delivery style of Herbert Armstrong. Many of them DID want to be "In charge" as a driving motivator of their pastorate - either then, or in 'the World Tomorrow'. Their efforts caused them to be viewed and seen as a drill sergeant to the adults - and as a VERY mean monster to the children - someone to be feared - the very embodiment of a child's nightmare in living color. 

This was bad enough, as noted in the first clip - that an Ambassador College Student literally had the piss scared right out of him in the middle of a student lecture. This was never unacceptable for that student - and the embarrassment caused - or for the thousands of children that had to be changed in services because of the exact same thing. 

C. Wayne Cole said:

"If I felt I had to rely on authority - "do you know whose in charge around here" inferences, firm, incisive, and rigid control - to be a manager than I would be an abject failure in my Biblical and Christian responsibility as given by Jesus Christ." 

This observation was spot-on. Unfortunately, such practices never took hold within the Church. In a few months, C. Wayne Cole would be disfellowshipped from the Church from the pulpit on direct order of Herbert Armstrong by Rod Meredith during the Receivership crisis. Such a direction would fall on deaf ears, as the dictatorial, oppressive, rageful way of actions and thought of Herbert Armstrong was strictly and strongly reinforced during the "Back on Track" period of intense correction and house-cleaning during the late 1970s and early 1980s of the Church, just prior to the death of HWA. 

How does this have to do with the way the Churches of God are today? I believe everything. If you reverse-engineer the way things are to the driving forces of how things got to be the way they are. And this drives a burning question:

When you look at the Churches of God - what do you see? Do you see "lords"? "Drivers"? "Taskmasters"? Do you see dictators and tyrants - who revel in their positions of "authority and power"? Even worse - do you see people who are trying to be such, but fail miserably at it to the point of abject and utter failure and abject embarrassment? I think we all do. But what is it now that is different? Why, for all of their displays of tyranny, dictatorship, tantrums, and authority - are their efforts so powerless? What has changed between 1978 and 2018? Why are all of these little mewing kitty-cats who are declawed and seem neutered so absolutely ineffective trying to be a roaring, testosterone-filled lion?

submitted by SHT

David C Pack: "Mr Ambrose, Final Comments?"

Sunday, November 4, 2018

It's Time to Say "Enough" to the Cesspool of Putrid Greed and Spiritual Vomit in the Churches of God

Armstrongism has been preaching and delivering the same message for over 70 years since Herbert Armstrong split off in doctrine to go off and "do his own thing". It has always been the same, in one form or another. The pattern has been consistent, and the results have been exactly the same. 

It really does not matter who the messenger in the COG's are, or even what the variations are. 

On one extreme is the extreme fundamentalist end - the Packs and the Flurry's that build up big campuses under the same exact scenarios. The end's coming, Jesus is coming "there", wherever "there" is (Edmond, Wadsworth, or why not - Punxsatawny to meet the Groundhog), you've got to send in the money (20, 30, 50, even 100 percent!!!) to preach this "Gospel" while under the strict autocratic dictatorship of the ministry. You've got about 3 years to go, maybe 5. Then, it does not happen (It never has - in ANY splinter on ANY timeframe they have proposed), and the clock resets for another "big push" of more money - this time, yes, THIS time, they've got it right. They get more money, you get disappointed. They buy expensive suits, you get buy on Quaker Oats. You don't say a thing about it, or you have an attitude problem. Buck up, chin up, and trust, they'll say - God's in charge. After all, God did all of this, they'll say, and God's in charge, they'll say. You get back in your comfortable zone to repeat the same soul-crushing, mind-numbing process again, listening to part 3,405 of a 12,349 part sermon, going to services every week to hear the same message time after time. Like Groundhog Day. (now do you get the reference?) 

On the other extreme is the extreme wacky end. The Thiels and the Malms that make pathetic and ridiculous attempts at getting out "the message". From ridiculous animations to huge big deals about some intro program that resembles what used to be, from crooked bookcases to shabby curtains. From over-the top sound systems distorted to the point you can't hear anything (because they think they're being 'obedient'), to green-screen Digitizer Judaizers - to publishing every single piece of Armstrong related material on the net - it always leads to the same result. Nothing. Like a groundhog at night, they lumber across the road, snarling and hissing at any attempt at criticism, not realizing that they are a small pinprick of light against the 2 billion candlepower intensity against the knowledge available on the internet. 

It doesn't matter who they are. It's always the same. 

Attempts to figure out prophecy - and failing every time. Unique interpretations only they've figured out that will bring in one person, causing two to leave. Predictions and speculations trotted out with dramatic presentation that go down faster than a frozen groundhog in a storm. (Alright, I'll stop with the groundhog - you get the point). Rules and Regulations that strip you of your adulthood and reduce you to a small child in an adult body. Don't wear shoelaces. Don't wear this. Don't wear that. This is wrong, that's wrong - now you're grounded from Church for two weeks without any fellowship. And don't talk back and cop an attitude with me, young man or young lady. I said you're grounded. Don't make me kick you out of the house.

What is your responsibility in all of this? 

You feed them. You clothe them. You pay their bills. You pay for their car. Their gas. Their electricity. Their utilities. Their groceries. Their internet. You pay for their insurance. Their travels. And it stops there. You have nothing else to say about it. 

They can got to Sak's Fifth Avenue, the BMW dealership. Zoe's Jewelers. Punxsatawny. (Sorry, I could not help it.) They could even go to Victoria's Secret or Chippendale's and you would know NOTHING about it. You could be paying for anything under the sun and you wouldn't know about it because any attempt would be construed as "rebellion against God's Government". And what happens. 

You struggle. Your kids do not go to college. You don't have enough food. Your bills are struggling. You rob Peter to Pay Paul, and Mark, Luke and John keep calling. Your family is alienated, your friends are few, but it's all okay because you're storing your reward in the Heavenlies while your spiritual "superiors" live High on the Hog on your hard work, sitting there, laughing to the bank. This is how it has been for over 70 years. This is how it always will be, so long as people continue to enable these scammers with their schemes and lies. 

Yes, you want to keep the Sabbath. Yes, you want to keep the Holy Days. Yes, you feel that this is the right way to honor God. I know! I've been there! We've ALL been there! Every one of us was hooked into whatever franchise of Armstrongism we got hooked into because we wanted to do what is right. We wanted to do the right thing no matter what the "world " thought about it. We gave it our all, and we gave up our all. But let's be honest. We were lied to. Over, and over, and over again. We were told it was the truth to find it a worse cesspool of lies, fraud, and evil then what we ever believed was possible. If you feel like you need to keep the Sabbath and Holy Days, why not at least do it in a clean and pure environment - instead of a cesspool of oppression and everything God has condemned in the manners of attitudes and greed and filth? 

The entire Bible speaks literally volumes about the exact attitudes and circumstances of Armstrongism. The arrogance. The conceit. The oppression. The merchandising. The pride. The overall lesson of the entire word of God is strict and absolute condemnation of the very attitudes, behaviors, and principles of organized Armstrongism - and even in some cases, organized Christianity in all forms. They aren't standing pretty in the eyes of God for their treatment of not only their version of Christianity, OR their members who had a pure heart and just wanted to do what was right and got scammed to the hilt for it all. The abuse has gone on too long within the Churches of God. Far, far too long. 

But to think that God is behind the abhorrent, unprincipled, egocentric, vain, greedy, narcissistic, manipulative, backstabbing, lying cesspool of muck and filth of destructive behaviors that rot and spew out of the garbage pile that calls itself Armstrongism today, while setting up chairs and singing songs in the pits of hell and shame and praising God in the garbage pile of vomit and rot? I don't buy it. And that goes for any organization, Christian-professing or otherwise - who exploits, demeans, oppresses, guilt's, shames, and coerces the people for their own ruthless gain and mammon. God has never been behind the practices and attitudes behind the "work" - whether in the 40s, the 70s, or today. Maybe Ambrose figured this out in whatever circumstances he may have been aware of and simply said "Enough". 

It is time to stand up for righteousness in the Churches of God. It is time to stand up and say, "Enough! I will have no part with this iniquity". It is time to seek God in prayer, to seek the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and be set free from the oppressors. It is time to take back your lives for the sake of your family, your friends, your God, and the Truth. It is time to set YOUR life on the track that God has for you. As scripture says, seek you first the Kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.

I don't know your circumstances, or you. I don't know the obstacles in your path. I don't know what your individual circumstances are. But I do know that Jesus loves you, and cares for you. He died for you. And he LIVES for you.It is not my place whatsoever to advise you of anything (as it never has been the place of anyone in the Armstrong churches to do so. I am NOT qualified, and neither have they ever been). You and only you know your life's story and what is best, because YOU have a brain that God gave you, and no man has the right to disrespect the mind God gave you for their own ways and thoughts. THIS kind of thought and action of what to do regarding you and the Churches of God in Armstrongism is only between you and God.  But with that said.  I am a Christian - and as a fellow believer -  I ask only that you think about and reflect on the words of Jesus in the book of Matthew. And that you pray, and hear what God has to say. I pray God will bless you as you seek His will in your life, for you and your family and all of your loved ones. And if you know someone - anyone - who would benefit from this writing, you are free to copy, and to share.

submitted by SHT 

So Just What Is The Problem With COGWA and HWA?

A reader sent in the following comment on a long past blog entry (2011) concerning Jim Frank's.  You all remember Jim Franks.  He worked his devious ways, behind the scenes, to form two separate splinter groups.

Franks worked in conjunction with Kubik and others, while still employed by the Worldwide Church of God, to form a tithe paying group of disgruntled WCG members to ensure they had enough money in place to pay their salaries when they started United Church of God.  God forbid if any of these men had to get off their privileged butts and work a real job while running their new church!

After ensuring he and others could continue their lifestyles as paid, callous-free ministers, he rose in prominence in the United Church of God.  Until he pitched another hissy-fit and led the mass apostasy from United Church of God, taking scores of ministers and members, along with their money,  over to COGWA. They never-ending ministerial paychecks continued right over from UCG into COGWA as once again they had all the plans in place to ensure their hands never had to do any menial work while pretending to be ministers who were SERVING the members.  It has always been about THEM first and not the members.

So yr saying that Cogwa is not of the truth of Jesus Christ and Almighty God ?? And what is the problem with Herbert Armstrong ? He is why I came into Worldwide in 1972. Are all the things I have learned all wrong or is unsavory rumors the best way to teach the word of God ?! Who’s in charge of all this here say and what do all of u have to gain from trying turn brethren against the Church of God ! Jesus said their will be false preachers at the end time ! Maybe when Christ in Matt 24 said we would hear of wars and rumors of wars , He meant not wars of the world but of the people’s in Gods churches ! Which church do any of u suggest is the right church of God !?? Maybe when Christ said evil will abound , maybe He meant not only of the world but of the people’s of the churches ! There came a time when we were by Jesus Christ to come out of her , I guess He means the world or does He not ? We all will stand before Almighty God and confess our sins , which side are or will u be on, the doersofgood or the evil doers of unrighteousness !Yr choice !