Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bob Thiel Speaks Out On Pagan Origins of Men's Suits...Kind of...

God's greatest gift to the Church of God has a new screed up about Catholics and dalmatics as if any of his African members truly care!

Using the same deep thinking The Great One uses, we can learn things about the suits men wear in the COG!

Consistent with other historical reports, this admits that the suits worn by deacons, ministers, and church Overseers in the Church of God were not an original Christian practice.  
Specifically, Doubly-blessed and Almost-arrested Bob Thiel is admitting: 
  1. The suit and tie was not from the Bible.
  2. The suit and tie were not an original garment that deacons and ministers wore.
  3. The source of the suit and tie  came from worldly society.
  4. People had concerns about the tie because it was considered to be phallic.
  5. The suit became associated with overlords of the church, including including church leaders.
  6. Because of its ties to politics and power, the suit was adopted by Pastor Generals, Chief Overseers and Evangelists.
  7. During the time of Herbert Armstrong, it was demanded for use by all males. 
Despite this, the Church of God acts like a suit and tie is important and perhaps sacred.  
But it is not.

Just so Bob Thiel understands how a proper church leader dresses, we present the OTHER greatest gift to the COG:

James Malm: Thanksgiving Is a Babylonian Mystery Religion Holiday.

It is almost Thanksgiving here in the United States as we can't let another year go by without mentioning the craziness of some COG Debbie-downers who have to find fault with everything in life.

Thanksgiving, a day to celebrate the gifts of creation and blessings.   A day to gather with family and friends. A day that you would think most Armstrongites would be appreciative of  due to its religious undertones.  But no...it is a day for the bottom feeders of the church and society to go into demonic fits of rage over.

Take James Malm for instance.  The self-appointed delusional legalistic Pharisee despises Thanksgiving.  I guess the miserable little man needs to sit in his dreary little apartment on this day pounding the keyboard in a zealous rage to get out his personal message of the way he wants scripture to be understood.

If you thought the Almost-arrested Boob sitting in Arroyo Grande was nuts, Malm may surpass him.

The self-appointed Church Pharisee writes:
We must remove every sin and every pagan blot on our garments to prepare for the marriage of the Lamb. 
The traditions of the Protestants including Puritans and Anglicans came mainly from Roman Catholicism, the Roman Catholic church is the ancient Babylonian Mysteries traditions were adopted from paganism. 
Sunday, Easter and even Thanksgiving are very ancient pagan holy days.
Why is it that everything that an Armstrongite come in contact with has to be pagan or evil?  Why are they such miserable human beings?

Malm continues with this...Thanksgiving originated with the Indians as a time to sacrifice virgin women.

Actually the harvest feast was well known by these Indians and was a tradition practiced throughout the new world, as well as the old by the pagans. Thanksgiving is a universal pagan tradition descended and spread from Babel worldwide. Some of whom paid homage for the harvest by sacrificing young virgins.
Those damn Babylonians!  At it again trying to destroy an American and Canadian holiday!

Is it wrong to be thankful? NO, Definitely NOT!
It IS wrong to cloak pagan traditions in the guise of being thankful to the true God. That is what Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving are all about; cloaking rank paganism in an appearance of something good; of making evil seem desirable, godly and good: Of deceiving people into sinning by exalting the pagan pantheon under the illusion and false cloak of pleasing the true God! 
The big question is: To whom are you being thankful? To some pagan god and traditions; or to the Eternal Creator who has given us his own Holy Days to rejoice and be thankful on?
We tend to think of Thanksgiving Day starting in the New World. But actually a thanksgiving for the annual harvest is one of the oldest holidays known to mankind, though celebrated on slightly [due to differences in climate and harvest dates] different dates. In Chaldea, in ancient Egypt and in Greece, the harvest festival was celebrated with great rejoicing. The Hindus and the Chinese observe the gathered harvest with a holiday.” 

The deviate Pharisee fails to mention that pagans also wore clothing, went to the bathroom, had sex, built homes, ate food, got married, eat apples and pumpkins, and many more things we we do today that they also did.

The first two Thanksgivings in the present day United States [Another was an Anglican service in Canada] were Roman Catholic. The Pilgrims can only claim a third one, a correction I suggest should be made in school history books.
The first Thanksgiving’s in the US were celebrated by Spanish explorers, not pilgrims. It is Florida that today proudly claims the first Thanksgiving, with a feast and celebration between the Spanish and Timucuan Indians on September 8, 1565, 56 years before the Mayflower landed at Plymouth in 1621. Therefore, St. Augustine – and not Jamestown – is the first permanent European settlement and oldest city in North America. Another correction for many history books.
pagan apples and pumpkins
Now what could some of the things you’re eating on Thanksgiving symbolized?(For all Our Kitchen Witches Out there!!!!) Turkey-– Native Americans–symbolized the Mother Earth and a shared Harvest. Apples–Celts–rebirth, healing and youth Pumpkins--Native American– was symbolic of personalized power (in some cultures) and symbolized the sun. Wishing you a Merry Pagan Thanksgiving!
God’s Thanksgiving is the Fall Harvest Festival of the Feast of Tabernacles! 

You too can read this  malarkey fest here:  All About Thanksgiving: What You Were Never Told About Thanksgiving

1955 Correspondence Course Described Present State of COG's Today

1955 Ambassador College Correspondence Course  Lesson 4
submitted by SHT

This may be the one "prophecy" uttered by the church that actually came true!  The present-day splinter leaders, including Malm and Thiel, all pick and choose what Bible verses they want to use to justify their "ministries."  Has the Church of God ever had a more self-absorbed leader who goes to outrageous lengths of using scripture and reams to justify his apostasy than has Bob Thiel?

From Flurry, to Pack, to Weston and on, the various COG's have twisted, wrested and perverted the Bible into a weapon of intimidation and mass destruction. Where would the church be without some arrogant preacher waving his thick bible in the air as he beats his members up with it?

The one thing all COG members are really good at is ignoring Jesus while they justify their actions.