Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dave Pack: I Will Work Face to Face With Christ

Two UCG Ministers Defect to Pacific Church of God

This just in:

More trouble with the boys in Cincinnati!  This has been in the works for a while, so I am surprised it has taken so long.  This will send the Chief Pharisee James Malm into a spitting fit that his inside sources did not spill the beans to him first since he has spent the last couple years bad-mouthing one of the people named below.

Two UCG ministers have left and are now with a group that centers in the Northwest, called "Pacific Church of God" .  

They are  recent  UCG council member Mark Mickelson , who was holding controversial views about the nature of the Godhead, and longtime COG/UCG minister Wilbur Berg.  

Both were supposedly "retired" by UCG last year, but now are listed prominently on the Pacific Church of God website as acting pastors. 

The UCG has been silent about this development and is likely trying to just let this event just slip from memory. 

Here is the Pacific Church of God website listing the new above named ministers 

Anyone want to take a bet to see how long it takes for James Malm to post this claiming it was from one of his inside sources? 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Fake COG Prophet Gets His Homeopathic Knickers In A Knot Over Revised Common Lectionary

Where would we be without our resident know-it-all and self-appointed  Church of God prophet in Arryoe Grande, CA?  Never has the church had a man who knows so much and yet so little about every irrelevant topic imaginable!

The other day he got all hot and bothered by Grace Communion International putting emphasis on using the Revised Common Lectionary.  The horrors!

Prophet Bawana writes:

GCI (Grace Communion International, essentially the group that originally ran the new and changed Worldwide Church of God) posted the following today:
Dear GCI Family and friends,
Health is a relative term.  …
You are aware that I have been preaching and promoting healthy church, and we are just beginning to focus on what this means.  …
What is the diet of the church? Ultimately, we should be feeding on Jesus, the Bread of Life. This is why we have some of our best writers creating sermon outlines for the cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). …
Working toward better health,
Greg Williams 
The idea of a “Revised Common Lectionary” caught my attention for a couple of reasons. 
The first is that it reminds me of what Roman Catholics and many Protestants do, which is to essentially write and mandate what their clergies are to preach.
Many churches around the world today use the Revised Common Lectionary as a means of reading the entire Bible, publicly or in private worship at home, over a three year period.  These are daily readings of Old Testament scripture/s, Psalm/s, New Testament readings and finally a reading from the Gospels.

Basically, lectionaries are sermon/topic outlines. So, the pastor does not need to come up with ideas and will also speak on what someone wants him/her to speak about.
The Revised Common Lectionary is NOT a sermon topic outline predesigned to preach, you idiotic fool!  It is a list of appointed scripture readings for the calendar day. READINGS!

Some churches make up outlines using all of the various verses for the preacher to use as a template, which is something that Bawana Bob, of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God is seriously in need of!

Who in their right mind needs to preach a sermon with 30-40 DIFFERENT topics?

I will tell you who...a shallow preacher who has no ability to reach into the depth of his understanding to preach a 15 - 20 minute sermon of a couple verses selected for the day.  It is the same man who has to rely upon old articles of the Personal Correspondence Dept put out by the old Worldwide Church of God, which felt the need to tell members what they should be believing about EVERYTHING.

Personal intelligence and responsibility have never been a hallmark of the leadership of the COG.

PCG: If we don’t want children, then we are in the wrong spiritual family! And we won’t be the Bride of Christ.

Gerald Flurry has written a new book of child rearing.  These are quotes from the first few pages. God forbid if you are a person who does not want children!

God has flooded the pcg with incredible new revelation on many prophetic subjects and doctrines, including child rearing. He has also raised the ruins of Mr. Armstrong’s work with the establishment of Herbert W. Armstrong College, Imperial Academy, publication of The Bible Story, Youth Bible Lessons, True Education magazine, and summer camps around the world. This should impress upon us how important child rearing is to God.
Jesus Christ is our Husband, and He wants to be certain that we don’t look to any individual, any man, more than Him—that we will never exalt a man or 10 men above Jesus Christ. That is what created the Laodicean condition today! We are Christ’s helpmeet. We are to love God, our Husband, above the members in the Church.
Having physical children helps prepare the firstfruits to get ready to have billions of children in the World Tomorrow. Those converted in the Millennium are likened to children of the Husband (Christ) and His wife, the Church. Rearing physical children is a type of what we will be doing spiritually in the World Tomorrow! We are called to help Christ in this job—to be His helpmeet. God wants us to focus our minds on all the children to come on the scene in the future and to get ready to rear them and dedicate them all to the Father, the way Hannah did her son.
How much time do you spend thinking about all those wonderful children that you’re going to have with Jesus Christ, your Husband? How much do you yearn for sons and daughters in the Family of God? Do you desire with all your passions to have children in the Family of God? We must build that yearning for a spiritual family.
The Bride of Christ must build a natural yearning, a natural desire, to have spiritual children! 
The physical family is here only to help us get into the spiritual family.
Imagine what Christ would say if we married Him and then told Him that we didn’t really want children. Of course, this is hypothetical; we would not even be Christ’s wife if we thought that way. If we don’t want children, then we are in the wrong spiritual family! And we won’t be the Bride of Christ.
Christ is determining now if you want to have a lot of children; and by a lot, He means all of humanity. Multiple billions of people will be given the opportunity to be a part of the God Family before this is over.
God is teaching us that we must understand our purpose for being created, or our life is shamefully wasted. That is what this world is now learning by excruciating experience!

Friday, February 22, 2019

Satan Attacks the Philadelphia Church of God...Again

Can there be any creature more demonized in Armstrongism than Satan? That bad boy is constantly being blamed for all kinds of tricky little things meant to stop all the amazing "works" going on in various COG's today.  Despite the fact that none of them are amazing or doing anything worthwhile, they still feel the need to let their followers know that Satan is constantly on the warpath against them.

A few days ago, on Twitter, those eternally persecuted folk at PCG posted this:

Like every other conspiracy-laden COG out there, the kids at PCG determined that the power outage and the network hardware issue was a direct attack by Satan because King Gerald Flurry was heading to Jerusalem.  After all, this is the most important event in human history taking place (after Bawana Bobs self-ordination and Dave Pack's Elijahhood, of course.)

As if...!