Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dave Pack: Living Church of God is "utterly of the devil"

I listen to the deceiver leading the Living Church of God. This is a VICIOUS, EVIL, MURDEROUS, BLASPHEMING group of liars that have a certain power over God's people. They are utterly of the devil. They have taught doctrines of demons.

The leaders of the splinters are ENEMIES of the living Jesus Christ. They are a murderous evil group.

Wolves are not circling outside the big organizations. The worst ones are leaving them (Bob Thiel, James Malm) These men have brought a different Jesus and are doing a different work, falsely labeled "God's Work."

Way over a billion dollars has been stolen from the living God by these groups.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

God's Apostle Speaks Out: "Women’s breasts, in plain language, were designed by God to nurse babies-not to be flaunted immodestly to arouse lust in men."

Excerpts from a love letter to the women of the church, from The Apostle.

Apparently, COG men have been unable to control themselves.

What I am going to say applies only to a few. Women in God’s Church are different from those of the world. But a very few need severe correction.

I do not mean that even these few go to the extremes of ridiculous fashion so commonly seen in the world. You won’t see any member of God’s Church wearing artificially striped hair, green eyelids, and a purple mouth, decked out in outlandish dress design and overdone wacky jewellery. But, in the category of too short and too tight skirts, and in excessively low-neck dresses, some of you women and girls need a sharp rebuke from God’s ministers!

In both colleges-Pasadena, Bricket Wood, England,- I personally teach a class in Principles of Living. This class includes God’s instruction in regard to SEX and marriage. Sex responses operate in the mind, and the male mind does not react in the same manner as the female mind in relation to sex. Sex consciousness, and arousal, in the male, is brought about much more quickly than in the female, and is stimulated by sight, or even by imagination, in a manner that has little effect on females.

God made the female body to be attractive to the male. This attraction may be, and should be, one of sheer beauty. But also it may be, and under many circumstances often is, a stimulation of LUST. Especially when certain parts of the female figure are emphasized, such as the hips and buttocks by tight skirts, the low neckline exposing portions of breasts, or too-short skirts exposing more than is modest of the female leg.
Candidly, when I see a female with a skirt tight enough to call attention to the shape of her hips, especially when tight below the hips and under the buttocks, I know that she is either careless and needs sharp admonishing or else she is wearing it deliberately to attract male eyes and arouse lust toward her in men’s minds.

Do you want to know my personal reaction when I see such an example? It makes me feel that such a girl or woman needs either a good lecture driven home by a sound SPANKING of what she so brazenly displays, or to be classed as a fallen woman and a common prostitute.

Recently some of our girls and women have been wearing skirts that are entirely TOO SHORT! Often I have felt I ought to speak personally to some of you. If this article does not quickly correct this evil-AND IT IS AN EVIL!-God’s ministers will be instructed to begin speaking personally and in a manner that ought to cause a deep sense of shame and produce a very red face on any girl or woman who invites such sharp rebuke from a Minister of God!

When many of you women wear skirts as high as the knee, and which completely expose the knees when sitting, your skirts are an abomination in GOD’S eyes. I wonder, frankly, if God doesn’t blush when HE sees you! Are you women who do this, deliberately trying to tempt men into breaking the spirit of God’s law against adultery? Are you trying to make yourselves adultresses? Are you not breaking the very spirit of that law, yourselves?

Women’s breasts, in plain language, were designed by God to nurse babies-not to be flaunted immodestly to arouse lust in men.

In the matter of too-tight skirts around the hips, the excuse often is that the girl has taken on weight-and she protests that she cannot help it. But she can help it, and if she is to remain in God’s Church or enter God’s Kingdom, she must-one of two ways: either don’t remain overweight (fasting and proper diet will cure that quickly), or let out the seam.  Good News 1962

ht: Radio/WCG alumni Facebook page

The FBI Files on the WCG

The FBI Files on the WCG

Have you ever wondered what information on the WCG might be found in the files of the FBI? Kentuckian Gene Bailey has. And his curiosity prompted him to contact FBI offices around the country to request copies of their files on the WCG under provisions of the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA," 5 USCA Sec. 552).

Unfortunately, while the FOIA seems to hold out much promise for investigators, utilizing it can be time consuming. Bailey has had to wait well over a year to receive the first release of documents since his initial request. And utilization of the FOIA is not without financial costs. The FBI has charged Bailey plenty just for photocopying and he has also incurred attorney's fees. Furthermore, the FOIA does not really make all government held information accessible. The FOIA provides numerous loopholes or exceptions whereby the government may withhold information at its own discretion. For example, the government may withhold information when it feels its release would jeopardize an ongoing investigation, national security, or the concealment of a confidential informant. The government may also withhold information which it feels impinges on a living citizen's privacy rights. Where files contain information about a living individual, the government generally will not release that information without the individual's permission. Thus, in order to get the FBI's files on Joseph W. Tkach, one would have to obtain Tkach's written permission. Bailey has written to Tkach requesting such permission, but "The Apostle" never responded or cooperated in any way.

In spite of the numerous exceptions and restrictions built into the law, Bailey has discovered much by utilizing the FOIA. For instance, the FBI's office in Los Angeles has admitted that they have seven main files pertaining to Herbert W. Armstrong and two main files pertaining to the WCG. One of those files originated in and was coordinated by the FBI's Atlanta office. Other filed investigations were reported to FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.

So far, the FBI's Los Angeles office has given Bailey 72 pages of information. Most of those pages are heavily censored with blacked-out sections. The Los Angeles office also informed Bailey that they are withholding 164 pages of information in their entirety. The FBI has not even hinted what those 164 pages contain.

In addition to the Los Angeles office, other FBI offices have files on the WCG. The FBI's Washington, D.C. office has informed Bailey that their office has about 500 pages of information about HWA and the WCG. There is an additional 112 pages dealing with Ambassador College, the Plain Truth, the World Tomorrow, and Stanley R. Rader. The government originally told Bailey he should have all the documents he requested by March. But they have now informed him that it will take another three to four months for the government to decide how much, if any, of the remaining files can be released. The government has stated that the large file on HWA is designated as "classified" for national security reasons. Whether or not it will be declassified and released to Bailey remains to be seen.

It is not surprising that the FBI should have taken an interest in HWA. While we were never able to verify the allegation, it was rumored for years that certain members of HWA's entourage were smuggling illegal drugs into the U.S. by concealing the powdery substances in sealed canisters of World Tomorrow video tape and in the bulkheads of the WCG's corporate jet.

But Bailey has learned from the FBI that other federal investigative agencies have had files on the WCG. Those agencies, the FBI said, include the Air Force's Special Investigations Office and the Central Intelligence Agency. Regarding the latter, one CIA employee told Bailey that after each meeting with foreign leaders during the 1970s and early 1980s Herbert Armstrong and his Jewish attorney-accountant Stanley R. Rader had probably been debriefed by the CIA and that there would be files on those debriefings. But now, however - months after being told by the government that the CIA had files on the WCG - Bailey has been told by the CIA that no such files can be found!

In addition to contacting numerous federal agencies, Bailey has written to the secretaries of state for the 50 states in an attempt to ascertain exactly who the corporate agents of record are for the Worldwide Church of God, Inc. and the Church of God, International, Inc. in each of the separate states. As a result, Bailey made some startling discoveries. In a number of states, the agent for both the WCG and the CGI are the same individual - a current WCG minister. In one case the agent listed for the CGI was never in the CGI headed by Garner Ted Armstrong and is now deceased. For Minnesota, there are two agents listed for CGI: an individual who is no longer in either CGI or the WCG, and Ralph Helge who is actually the chief attorney for the WCG. Even more curious is the fact that in some states (Utah, for example, in a state filing dated April 19, 1982) the list of CGI directors includes the names of such WCG luminaries as Ralph Helge, Ellis LaRavia, and Raymond McNair and their addresses are all listed as 300 West Green Street, Pasadena, California. It is difficult to fathom what possible excuse can be given for the maintenance of such legal confusion. Certainly one has to suspect some kind of chicanery is involved. While we reported back in 1978 (AR 6) how the WCG was trying to tie up the name "Church of God, International" so that Garner Ted Armstrong's new church would be inconvenienced, since then GTA's Tyler, Texas organization has clearly become known everywhere as "the Church of God, International." With WCG people in Pasadena still registered as doing business under the same name it is quite conceivable that property left by will to Garner Ted's CGI could eventually wind up in one of Worldwide's CGI shells.

Bailey is continuing his investigations and says he hopes that by mid-September all his requests for documents from the various government agencies he has contacted will be processed. He also says he would be willing to provide a photocopy set of all those documents to anyone who will send him enough to cover his printing and mailing expenses. Ralph Helge has already sent in a check. Those interested should write to: Gene Bailey, _______, _____, KY. However, Mr. Bailey emphasizes that at this time he has no way of knowing exactly how much information will be contained in the government files yet to be reviewed. It may turn out that very little will be released.
Hopefully, within four months we will have had a chance to look over those documents ourselves. We hope to provide our readers with a synopsis of their contents in a future issue of Ambassador Report.

AR48, May 1991

HT: Facebook: Radio/WCG Alumni Page

Friday, March 1, 2019

UCG: Church Areas Are NOT To Be Creative In Worship Styles

The Supreme High Command of the United Church of God has laid down the law that church areas are NOT to deviate from the six APPROVED worship format styles for UCG services.  Way to go boys!  God forbid if anyone tried to do something new and refreshing since your canned sermons are the same thing everyone has heard for over 40 some years now.  And they wonder why no one wants to listen to their message! After all, UCG is more concerned about its boring "substance" than it is in making a worship experience meaningful or actually following Jesus.  

Now that Kubik has been reelected to a third term as the High Commander of the church, do not expect anything new and exciting happening. "The Council had the assessment of the President. The Council reaffirmed President Kubik for three more years."  As usual, it is just the same old boring white men in charge determining that things in 2019 should be just like Uncle Herb did it in the 1950's and 60's.

Review of Strategic Plan and Operation Plan—Peter Eddington
Peter Eddington led the discussion to review the updated Strategic Plan and Operation Plan. The Council reviewed all areas of the strategic plan and operation plan. There were various edits that were suggested throughout the document.
Approved church formats were brought up in the discussion. There are six approved formats that may be used. Chairman Ward mentioned that we have to be careful to not try to change our church format to try and keep people in the church. Some church areas have tried other formats besides those approved. It was suggested that the current formats would be reviewed and pastors would be reminded of those approved formats by MMS.
Rex Sexton said there may be an occasional different format, but agreed with Dr. Ward and read Galatians:1:10, warning that we are not to be seeking to please men. We are to be seeking to please God in our services and that should be our focus.
Len Martin mentioned the unity through the years of going to other congregations and knowing the same format is done wherever you go. The importance of substance over form should be considered.

Dave Pack: It's Hard to Be Humble

If Elijah's (My) commission is stopped, God said he would destroy the earth!