Excerpts from a love letter to the women of the church, from The Apostle.
Apparently, COG men have been unable to control themselves.
What I am going to say applies only to a few. Women in God’s Church are different from those of the world. But a very few need severe correction.
I do not mean that even these few go to the extremes of ridiculous fashion so commonly seen in the world. You won’t see any member of God’s Church wearing artificially striped hair, green eyelids, and a purple mouth, decked out in outlandish dress design and overdone wacky jewellery. But, in the category of too short and too tight skirts, and in excessively low-neck dresses, some of you women and girls need a sharp rebuke from God’s ministers!
In both colleges-Pasadena, Bricket Wood, England,- I personally teach a class in Principles of Living. This class includes God’s instruction in regard to SEX and marriage. Sex responses operate in the mind, and the male mind does not react in the same manner as the female mind in relation to sex. Sex consciousness, and arousal, in the male, is brought about much more quickly than in the female, and is stimulated by sight, or even by imagination, in a manner that has little effect on females.
God made the female body to be attractive to the male. This attraction may be, and should be, one of sheer beauty. But also it may be, and under many circumstances often is, a stimulation of LUST. Especially when certain parts of the female figure are emphasized, such as the hips and buttocks by tight skirts, the low neckline exposing portions of breasts, or too-short skirts exposing more than is modest of the female leg.

Do you want to know my personal reaction when I see such an example? It makes me feel that such a girl or woman needs either a good lecture driven home by a sound SPANKING of what she so brazenly displays, or to be classed as a fallen woman and a common prostitute.
Recently some of our girls and women have been wearing skirts that are entirely TOO SHORT! Often I have felt I ought to speak personally to some of you. If this article does not quickly correct this evil-AND IT IS AN EVIL!-God’s ministers will be instructed to begin speaking personally and in a manner that ought to cause a deep sense of shame and produce a very red face on any girl or woman who invites such sharp rebuke from a Minister of God!
When many of you women wear skirts as high as the knee, and which completely expose the knees when sitting, your skirts are an abomination in GOD’S eyes. I wonder, frankly, if God doesn’t blush when HE sees you! Are you women who do this, deliberately trying to tempt men into breaking the spirit of God’s law against adultery? Are you trying to make yourselves adultresses? Are you not breaking the very spirit of that law, yourselves?
Women’s breasts, in plain language, were designed by God to nurse babies-not to be flaunted immodestly to arouse lust in men.
In the matter of too-tight skirts around the hips, the excuse often is that the girl has taken on weight-and she protests that she cannot help it. But she can help it, and if she is to remain in God’s Church or enter God’s Kingdom, she must-one of two ways: either don’t remain overweight (fasting and proper diet will cure that quickly), or let out the seam. Good News 1962
The poor, vulnerable men who were subjected to those floozies! How dare those little tarts flaunt their wares at God's servants!
Sounds like something out of the Bronze Age. HWA had ZERO understanding of human sexuality. Traditional Christian attitudes towards things sexual are NOT derived from the Bible, and they are contrary to what science has revealed about human psychology and physiology! Forget all of the other stuff, he didn't even have a good handle on heterosexual sex! I guess that's to be expected though from an incestuous pedophile!
"...the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." Romans 8:7
don't forget the knee fetish - no makeup and dresses not in style - made the teen and younger women stand out and look odd
It truly is shocking that we sat there like idiots and let this fool tell us how to live our lives. Sadly, Flurry, Pack, Thiel, Malm, Weinland and other asses still do this today and members sit there and think they need to be submissive and that it is all a test by their equally ass of a god who is trying to determine if they get to go to Petra. They can stick it where the sun never shines!
If anyone here doubts the sheep-like nature of many ACOG members, just look at the proliferation of beards in PCG after That Prophet grew his own.
This is absolutely horrific. The sad thing is that if you try to tell anyone within the remaining splinter groups that HWA was a raging sexist with some seriously weird sex hang-ups, they won’t believe it, or say it was just the time period he was living in and it was common at that time.
I don’t see something as being acceptable just because it was “okay” during a certain time. It takes someone with just a LITTLE bit of discernment to see that he was a misogynistic turd
Why didn't HWA ever speak out against lusting for your own daughter??
It sounds like the recurring and yearly spring CNN and Wall Street journal admonishments for American Tourists on how to behave and not behave in a french bistro when adressing the waiter, or how much tip is apropriate in germany.
Do not yell at the waiter, dont flaunt your lilly white flesh and do remember to look an italian girl in the eyes and not stare at the apropriate local Tirolian dress. And as for spanking....perhaps.
The ACOG perspective: Romans 8:7
= Anyone who disagrees with HwA must be unconverted (not a Christian)
God created no clothes for Adam and Eve, they were meant to live in the Garden of Eden naked in true harmony with God.
Flurry winds himself up all emotionally distraught over women's knees, and how much breast he can or imagines he sees. He does this because he is still of the tree of Good and Evil. Money, power, fame, control, high living, lust, all carnal.
He should change himself, his clear carnal nature before putting all the women in Burk as. The problem is himself not a woman's nobbly knee.
Why didn't HWA ever speak out against lusting for your own daughter??
Tonto, if HWA was like others of his kind, he didn't feel what you or I would call "lust" for Dorothy. It was about power and control, and about hurting/punishing Loma.
I wish somebody could've rigged that....during HWA's sermon at FOT, a giant page from Playboy would unfurl and dangle in the breeze.
If you don't like what Herbert W Armstrong taught, why don't you do what your cartoons say, and what you imply against Christ's chosen apostle and Pluck out YOUR EYES.
It is you who seems to have a continuous problem with what you see in HWA and read from HWA's articles.
I am attracted to a woman wh0 looks good in a low cut PJ top She's got Nice breasts,legs,and a butt that won't quit BTW she's young enough to be my daughter! Lake of fire,here I come!
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