Monday, February 25, 2019

Oh Noes! The U.S. Only Has 94 Years Left Till It Is Gone!

You had better start packing your bags now, the United States will cease to exist in 94 years, so speculates failed false prophet and Great Bawana of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god".

Where would the Church of God be without all of these bumbling idiots of speculative nonsense in its midst? All they can do is look forward to the demise of the United States, Canada, Australia, England and other so-called "British Israelite" nations.  It is their ultimate wet dream. Unless the demise of the U.S and other nations happens, they will be looked upon as false prophets, and none of them can handle that prospect happening.

Bawana Bob Thiel's endless stream of prevarications knows no limit to the craziness that comes forth.  Of course, almost all of his junk is nothing more than regurgitated Worldwide Church of God nonsense. He is so desperately tied to the myths that the church dreamed up that he spends endless hours finding some esoteric article or conspiracy theory that fits the world he so desperately needs to see created.

Today it is an article from the Economic Collapse blog.
Every great civilization throughout human history has eventually collapsed, and if we want to have any hope of escaping the same fate, we need to be willing to learn some lessons from the past.  Because many of the same factors that caused the collapse of previous civilizations are weighing very heavily on the United States of America today.  According to the BBC, the average lifespan of a great civilization is 336 years from beginning to end.  But that doesn’t mean that America will make it that long.  Our nation is currently 242 years old, and there are signs of advanced social decay all around us.  If we remain on the road that we are currently on, there are many that believe that complete and utter collapse is not too far away. …
 Then, the cherry-picking Great One has to add his two cents to the putrid pie:
Jesus taught:
25 Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. (Matthew 12:25
17 Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. (Luke 11:17
Abraham Lincoln cited one of these scriptures in a famous speech he gave prior to becoming USA president.  The American civil war began not too long afterwards. 
There is division in the USA–the truth should be important to all.
Jesus also taught:
29 They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. (Luke 13:29, NKJV throughout unless otherwise indicated) 
So, the Bible tells of people from all around the world, including those from “the west” to be in the coming Kingdom of God
Students of Bible prophecy are aware that the the Bible talks about end-time kings of the North (Daniel 11:40), South (Daniel 11:40), and East (Revelation 16:12). 
The current “King of the West” would be the USA. 
Bible prophecy students are aware that the Bible does not specifically mention an end-time “king of the west.” 
That is because the USA will be gone.
Gone he says!  GONE!


Anonymous said...

242 years? 336 years? By comparison, consider that the original Radio Church of God lasted only 35 years, from 1933 to 1968, and WCG lasted just 41 years before becoming GCI. Many of the WCG splinters formed from 1986 onward have already failed, lasting fewer than 33 years. We can be certain that the improperly named Continuing Church of God will not be continuing 33 years from now.

TLA said...

As Bill Murray in Stripes said, we Americans are mutts, and everyone loves mutts (or at least they used to).
We have a lot of different ethnic groups living here. Even the white majority is not that accurate a term since the whites come from many different ethnic groups - who just happen to have lighter skin color.
With a lot of convoluted reasoning, USA somehow becomes Manasseh, and the end-time punishment of Israel focuses just on 2 of the 13 tribes - or is it 1 (Joseph) of 12 tribes?

Tonto said...

Its easy to want to pick a specific date for the "Collapse of a Civilization". However, such things take quite a bit of time, usually a time period that is at least one half the amount of time for it to have grown to that level.

The Roman Empire peaked around 117AD under Trajan, about 700 years after its founding. The Western Empire fell around 476AD , but the Eastern Empire staggered on until well after the year 1000AD.

I think that given the current "Right/Left" divides, and a current global movement towards populism and self rule , ie, Spain, Scotland, Quebec, and many more, that the idea of the US dividing into about 4 countries is not something that is not out of the question in the next 100 years. This does not necessarily mean that it is "The end of the world", or the "sign of the second coming".

The map of Europe has been redrawn many dozens of times, and life has gone on, and the "second coming" did not happen.

DennisCDiehl said...

This is an excellent example of "Who Cares Prophecy" It is so far into our actual future and all of us will be dead and gone by then, who cares? This is why Bible Prophecy is about the people to whom it is given at the time. It anticipates a short, in their lifetime fulfillment or they'd not care either if it was 2000 years down the road. Who cares. When the soons of the early church turned into longs, we know from 2 Peter that those who noticed it were mocked as scoffers who were so stupid in that they did not know a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day...duh. Of course, this truth only came out as an apologetic after it was obvious the church needed and explanation for the soon going long. We were mistaken, of course, was not and never will be an option.

So all Bible prophecy was for them. Matthew 24 was for them. The Book of Revelation was for them. Unless of course we believe, are content and inspired by the fact that the United States will fall in less than 2.4 hours as God counts time. I guess it's like telling the people on earth in 1919 that if they just hang in their, someday "soon" they will have their very own iPhone and Tablet.

Byker Bob said...

Meanwhile, another huge iceberg, twice the size of New York City, is about to calve from Antarctica. Resultant structural problems usually cause the subsequent breakup of the parent ice mass. Some folks still don't know the difference between seasonal salt water ice and glacial fresh water ice. If the melting of the polar ice caps continues at the same rate or accelerates, there will be problems mid-century. There are things we actually can do to mitigate climate change, but rather than preach sermons about a Christian's good stewardship of planet earth, Armstrongism sits back and applauds any exploitable evidence of our planet's downfall.


Anonymous said...

"The Economic Collapse" blog...all righty then! That explains a lot.

Anonymous said...

Rome collapsed, Europe collapsed, etc. The people in those areas survived. It was the political and religious system that collapsed and were replaced by something else. The French revolution removed kings and priests violently. France remained. England is still around. The British commonwealth not so much.

Anonymous said...

From the time that America gained its independence to Obama being elected is the Fibonacci number 233 years. It's interesting that subtracting Fibonacci numbers from Obama gaining power gives major turning points in American history. So adding these numbers from Obama's election could represent major events in Americas future.
If America fragments into independent states, it's definitely bye bye to its major world power status.

Anonymous said...

Let’s see, add my age to my weight, subtracting Obama’s election year, then multiplying my adjusted earned income by 40, will tell Dennis when the Exodus was.

Anonymous said...

yup, and i bet each great civilization in decline has also had its quota of scoffers and skeptics expressing a wide variety of mockings and denials at the evidence and at they what speak on it as their respective societies deteriorated...

c f ben yochanan

Byker Bob said...

If enough people believe a bogus prophecy, it can become a self-fulfilling one, even if it was not supposed to be. That is part of the danger which is always brought to the party by false prophets.

There was belief in Petra in 1972. Imagine if we had all gone there back then, no Germans, and no Jesus. We would have been just like the followers of William Miller! We also speak of Jonestown. There could be a Packtown or a Thieltown sometime in the future. One small splinter group actually fled to somewhere in Utah about 15 years ago! Wonder how that’s working out for them?


Hoss said...

preach sermons about a Christian's good stewardship of planet earth

As covered over at Living Armstrongism Gerald Flurry and Mark Armstrong are in climate change denial. I remember Mark writing that attempts to curb greenhouse gas emissions reduces the USA from its privileged status and takes away his (gas guzzling) cars. Even Ron Dart said something to the effect of conservationists good, environmentalists bad.
Bob Thiel at one stage admitted some weather events could be the result of climate change but others definitely were not. Then when Pope Francis called for cooperative action on mitigating climate change, he decided it was all part of the ecumenical movement and went into complete denial.
And yesterday I heard a non-COG YEC say that only "Earth-worshipping evolutionists" want to repair the planet.

Anonymous said...

I'II live to see the tribulation.
So tells me the holy spirit.
And I'm in my 60s.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me of the 'don't throw your pearls before mockers' warning thingy. It's because of such anti knowledge attitudes that members keep running to their daddy ministers with their problems. It keeps members in their place within the church plantation. The Massa ministers of the Massa Churches of God love you Jim.
Practise saying, yes massa, no massa, what ever you say massa, you're the boss massa, etc.

Byker Bob said...

It all reminds me of the old Supertramp “Crisis? What Crisis?” Album cover.

Now, there’s a piece of prophecy for you!


RSK said...

As well as doomsday addicts who saw destruction behind every single cough, I'm sure. I have a large collection of screenshots of people claiming the last president would "declare martial law an take our guns an stay in office".

Byker Bob said...

You wisely hedged your bet soas to avoid blasphemy. Had you been referring to one of the members of the Deity, you would have used a capital H and a capital S.