Thursday, February 6, 2020

Everyone Turning Their Backs on the First Family of the True Church

And they wonder why they have no friends...

In all honesty, i often feel discouraged when i think about God's people and how my family is treated. I sometimes feel like everyone hates my family;like we don't belong. 
We've become the dog no one wants around, it seems. 
It's hard not to tear up when thinking about how only a few we've come into contact with has show any passion for God's Truth! We've met thousands of people who have turned in hate and bitterness against God and who are hostile towards that truth! They call themselves members of God's true Church! Yet they've acted like enemies! 
I don't know sometimes. 
Why have we stood up to tell the truth when the opposition has been so great? 
Why have we endured such persecution?
Why have we forsaking everything, just to warn our brethren, and to remind them of what Christ has given the Church?
We havent started a new Church. We havent broken away in rebellion and started a new organization. We haven't tried to pull members away from other churches! We aren't in it for money! Or followers! Just look at our fruits!
All we have been doing is warning God's scattered people of how Satan seeks to devour them, and how the need to "HOLD FAST" is more urgent than ever!
It is hard brethren, to stand when everyone lays down; to swim when everyone is choosing to FLOAT!
Ive never had a real friend in my life it seems. The exception being, i have found some friendship with older members of God's Church in the past, and watched as many were martyred because they loved God's Truth more than the lies! 
I just wish that someone will respond to us, and say YES I LOVE GOD'S TRUTH!
But our job isn't to convince or to convert. Our job is to make known the TRUTH OF GOD.
It is up to the people to choose to believe it or not.
People get angry when we are confident in God's Word and Truth! They want is to compromise it, and conform to them.
I'd rather lay my life down for them now, and be raised, and they see what God is offering and that God is telling them the truth! 
We arent here to lie to people! That would be much easier, and we would be much more popular! The truth cuts, and nobody likes to be wrong. We all have been and can be wrong! We can only change ourselves. When Christ shows us, we must change ourselves! We cannot change you! You can change you!
But people are busy choosing for themselves what is right and wrong. When God's Word says something different than what they want, they turn away! Those with God's Spirit embrace God's Word and seek to OBEY IT. 
We are going through a purification.
A lot of dross is coming to the top. A lot of impurities. 
Im earnestly waiting for God's Church to "make herself ready". How much MORE is God and Jesus Christ for such a thing.
When will the truth matter? It matters to some. And to them i say...may God bless. Because they are going through real hell on earth now. Satan and his demons hate them! And they are the most blessed on this planet for having to endure such a persecution, because God is using that persecution to PURIFY THEM and to MAKE THEM READY FOR MARRIAGE WITH JESUS CHRIST!
It might get lonely. It might get hard and tough.
But God is watching and caring for you! DO NOT FORGET THAT! HE'LL SEE YOU THROUGH TO THE END!

Commercial Break: Human Ego and the Cosmic Perspective

"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion,  however satisfying and reassuring."

Carl Sagan

"If you were depressed after learning and being exposed to the cosmic perspective,
you started your day with an unjustifiably large ego. You thought more highly of yourself than in fact the circumstances deserved"

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

God Has Appointed A FAMILY To Preserve The Truth...Wait Till You See Just WHO That Family Is!

This was posted on an xCOG Facebook page tonight and as soon as I started reading it I knew exactly who wrote it.  If you thought Armstrongism cannot get any crazier, just wait. 

The Church of God is sick and is getting sicker by the day!


If the ministry is off the track, and cannot be used by Christ at the moment, the next in the chain of command in God's government in His Church is the FAMILIES!
In Zechariah 3, those who is used by God to remove the filthy garments of Joshua, are under the direction of Christ. 
In Zechariah 6 the household is mentioned.
Josiah the son of Zephaniah is mentioned in verse 10, Hen the son of Zephania is mentioned in verse 14.
Biblical scholars agree these two names belong to one man. The focus on these scriptures is on the household performing the job of producing crowns to give to Joshua.
So "Josiah-hen" the son of Zephaniah.
Now if you know the genealogy of Herbert W Armstrong, you can trace his lineage back to Zerubbabel through the lineage of Jesus.
He is a descendant of Zerubbabel. 
Now "Armstrong" was a surname given to a man named "Siward Bjourn" whe he saved a King with "one strong arm" in battle.
The family name of Siward belonged to was the household of "Hen". A couple generations before Siward was a man named King Cole-Hen. A nursery rhyme was written of him. Ole King Cole.
Prior to Jesus Christ, this family was named "Josiah" as a descriptor of "HEN". Josiah meant "Supporter of Yah". They were the Levites of Israel. Hen means "grace".
When Jesus Christ was born, members of this family, including Joseph of Arimathea, changed their name from "supporters of Yah" to "supporters of Christ" or "KIT".
They became "KIT-CHENS". Joseph of Arimathea bought land in Brittanica and built an Abbey to house the regional headquarters of the Church of God. That Abbey later housed the Stone of Scone, and was later called "Scone Abbey". It is said that he built a large ROUND TABLE for the evangelists in the area. A conference table of sorts.
This round table later was used by the King of the land, King Arthur, in battle against Catholic inquisitions.
So the KITCHEN family was outlawed by the Roman Catholic Church, and so many took on different surnames to avoid persecution and martyrdom. 
The Armstrong line came off of the Kitchen family.
Now during the time when Christ is cleaning up the second witness, and the ministry, he is using this household to preserve the candlestick Zerubbabel was over- aka The Worldwide Church of God- Philadelphia candlestick.
They were to preserve it AND WORK A WORK, to store up treasures in heaven, crowns which Christ will bring with Him at His return, and they will share those crowns with JOSHUA.

Samuel Kitchen Facebook page