Monday, March 16, 2020

Tithing is still required during Coronavirus Pandemic

UPDATED: Gerald Weston Finally Makes A Statement...Kind of....

From the fearless leader who has been in the forefront of leading his COG through the coronavirus pandemic. Of course, forget the virus, it is important to let the disillusioned followers know that attendance and income were up around the world. What????

And he STILL cannot make a public decision on whether LCG members should be in church every week.

Greetings from Charlotte,
The Council of Elders meetings began Thursday morning, and regional reports centered on positive trends and challenges we face going forward in a very uncertain world. Attendance and income were up in 2019 in most areas around the world. One challenge that came up from a number of men was how to handle interested Spanish-speaking people here in North America. These are individuals who have limited fluency in English, and many come from a Catholic or Protestant background. We do not currently have resources everywhere we have interested people, to effectively communicate to them the subtle nuances of doctrine. In the days ahead, we will be discussing with our Spanish Department how best to handle this challenge. The coronavirus was obviously a major topic and will be discussed in greater detail regarding how to handle Church services and various programs such as Tomorrow’s World Presentations, social events, and even the Feast, if the problem carries over to that time of year. Regarding Church services, we have advised that if you are not feeling well, please stay home. If you are not comfortable being in a group, you can stay home and listen on line. —Gerald Weston
Weston cannot tell church members to stay home from church but cancels other gatherings.

No BRiC Weekend in Charlotte This Year
Charlotte will not host a BRiC weekend for singles this year on the Memorial Day weekend. This was decided to be the safest course to take, given the uncertainty of how the coronavirus pandemic may play out.
Then he has this to say about the Feast. More impotence.

Feast of Tabernacles
Care Regarding International Travel for the Feast
COVID-19, the coronavirus, has now been declared a global pandemic. One of its greatest dangers is that it is highly contagious, and the general population has no immunity to it. It is a killer to a small percentage of those who contract it, and about a fifth of those who contract it become seriously ill. The rest may have mild, flu-like symptoms, but still spread the illness as they continue to go about their normal activities instead of seeking medical assistance or quarantining themselves. Therefore, this is something to take seriously and, as we know, it is causing disruptions all over the world. We cannot predict what conditions will be like seven or eight months from now for the Feast of Tabernacles. We will keep the Feast, but we may need to cancel or limit travel to some sites. Governments, at any time, may ban group gatherings where they deem necessary. Therefore, please do not make reservations or final travel plans until we see how this is going to shake out. You may even want to consider attending your locally assigned site this year rather than traveling halfway around the world by air. As the scripture counsels us, we should take precautions when we see trouble on the horizon (Proverbs 22:3). 

Can Christian Love Be Found In The Church Of God?

One thing many of the Churches of God love to do is mock Christians who talk about love.  They hate that word.  They claim it is because they see the hypocrisy in those who practice love.  They also seem to believe it is a word that gives people a license to sin.

The sad thing is that when you look at most of the Churches of God's leadership and those in power you see absolutely NOTHING that equates to Christian love.  The church is now filled with some of the nastiest men we could have ever imagined. They abuse members spiritually and mentally.  They dream up draconian evil rules and demands that they impose on their members.  They steal tithes for their own use. They self-appoint themselves to grand titles of apostle, prophet, Elijah, Elisha, pastor generals, chief overseers, and zealots for the church. Salvation is only available to "true" Christians through their group.

All these men have done is to leave a trail of destruction in their wake.  Broken marriages, families torn apart, suicides, horrendous child abuse, rapists, stalkers and even murders.

The disgusting thing is watching these legalistic spiritual perverts impose their garbage on the youth in their groups.

This is Gerald Flurry's latest admonishment to the youth of the Philadelphia Church of God and how their redemption will only happen IF they DO something.  Of course, never forget that reading The Mystery of the Ages solves everything.

Jesus is still that inconvenient dude that embarrasses the hell out of them all.

Follow Leadership

In Addicted to Danger, the authors highlight the need for strong leadership on an expedition to make it all the way to the top. If you are to make it to the top, you will need to look to strong leadership. You must know if someone is telling you what Jesus Christ says. Allow people to lead you away from Him, and you’ll get killed as you climb the mountain.
Now, don’t be discouraged. If you’ve found yourself slipping, God is merciful—if you repent. He will give you a chance to redeem yourself if you are serious about living the way He says.
It is up to you to earn your salvation. Do what the Dear Leader says and you will be ok. Maybe.
Familiarize yourself with Matthew 24. Most religious teachers today talk a lot about the Gospels (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), but not much about Matthew 24. In this chapter, Jesus Christ gives a brief synopsis of the events to occur immediately prior to His return to Earth. The first warning He gives is for you to not be led away from His truth because of false leaders (verse 5).
This may be why mirrors are frowned upon by so many in COG leadership positions.  God forbid if they ever truly looked at themselves.
Verse 12 states, “And because iniquity [or lawlessness] shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Young people must learn what real love is. This magazine may be corrective at times, but only because we love you. We want to help you reach the summit. We want to tell you when you are about to slip off the mountain. But we can’t pull you up there ourselves. You need to respond to God’s leaders, accept loving correction, and continue climbing.
Oh yes, a bunch of pervert old men telling the youth how to get to the mountain top. Is it any wonder why the youth of the COG is leaving?
This world loves to talk about love. Yet, look around you. Violence, crime, war, divorce—these problems are getting worse. That is not love! But what did Christ say about this end time? The love of many will grow cold. Oh sure, people may still talk about love. They may talk about climbing the mountain, but reaching the summit requires action!
“But he that shall endure unto the end [or the mountain summit], the same shall be saved” (verse 13). Jim Wickwire states about one of the mountains he was climbing, “After about 300 feet, I determined it was safe to crampon across the mountain’s upper north face toward the colonel [Colonel Steve]. Steve and I had just begun our traverse when I heard a sharp, scraping sound. As I spun around, I saw Al on his stomach, sliding headfirst down a 40-degree slope. … Steve thought he saw Al and Dusan, still roped together, slow down before disappearing down a narrow gully. Maybe they had landed on a ledge? ‘We’ve got to descend fast if we’re going to help them,’ I insisted. Belayed by Steve, I climbed down to a dome of snow where I could see all the way to the Gilman Glacier 4,000 feet below. Shaped like a V, the steep gully had rock outcrops on the left side, snow on the right, but no ledge. No one could survive such a fall. Looking down the gully, I felt sick. ‘Dusan! Al!’ I yelled pointlessly, knowing I would hear no answer.”
The book then discusses why these climbers might have fallen. “[T]hese friends died right in front of me. As Steve and I walked away from Peak 8440, I kept asking myself how this could have happened to such competent climbers. Did Al and Dusan disdain the steps I kicked for them to use?”
An interesting observation. He kicked and chipped out steps where they could walk to make it safe for them; but, it appears, they somehow didn’t want to use those steps. And they both died.
How many people have you seen fall headlong into the worst disaster that could ever befall them? Think about that. God wants you to understand this deeply, not to just have an emotional experience.
There once was a man who kicked and chipped out steps for you to walk on. His name was Herbert W. Armstrong. He died in 1986, but you hear a lot about him in this magazine. That’s because he was a spiritual mountain climber. And we want you to follow in the tracks he left behind.
Remember kiddies, your salvation is only assured if you read the most boring and pathetic book the churhc has ever published (besides The Missing Dimension in Sex.)
If you like, we will send you your own copy of Mystery of the Ages. It’s written in a simple, straightforward, understandable way. Study it—it will help you understand the Bible. It will help you see that the Bible is not an old, outdated manuscript. It was written for today! It was written for you—to help you reach the summit. Any mountain climber needs instruction and teaching. The Bible provides that. Mystery of the Ages puts all of the pieces of the Bible together like a jigsaw puzzle. It will help you understand the Bible. Any young person serious about spiritual mountain climbing needs both—the Bible and Mystery of the Ages.