Wednesday, October 7, 2020

UPDATE: Mentally Deranged COG Leaders Are Telling Their Members At The Feast That Christ Is Returning This Year

UPDATE: Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God is scrambling to hide the things Dave has said at the Feast this year. They served notice on the person who provided the video below and forced them to pull it.

Dave Pack is still up to his same old tricks and is still claiming that his "christ" is returning this year. His dwindling flock of faithful followers sat there on the first night of his so-called "feast" and lapped up this twaddle as they eagerly await Dave's "christ" to be soon walking the hallowed grounds of Wadsworth.

This kind of outrageous lie is not limited to Dave Pack. Gerald Flurry has also whipped his few remaining faithful into another state of frenzy as they have been told to "wait for the call" so that they can flee the incoming invasion by the Germans. Parents are telling their children that they need to be prepared to be taken as slaves by the Europeans. Some have even suggested that they ask to be taken as slaves by Turks as they may be treated better by them.

Sadly this kind of idiocy by Church of God leaders such as Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Flurry, Gerald Waterhouse, Rod Meredith, Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland, and other spiritually immoral men is the pathetic legacy of a belief system that has perverted scriptural truths for decades.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Internal Damage Control Sermon By Dave Pack

UPDATE: Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God is scrambling to hide the things Dave has said at the Feast this year. They served notice on the person who provided the video below and forced them to pull it.

Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God is on Red Alert now that Dave made the idiotic statement that his "christ" was returning by the end of the feast. They forced the person who provided the link to the video to pull it. 

Stay tuned for more shenanigans by God's one true church as it tries to suppress the truth that it claims is vital fo the world.

....addressing "Burst of Antichrists" leaving Restored Church of God

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Wade Cox Believes His Witless Witnesses Will Be Made Known Some Time After Passover 2021

Wade Cox is another self-appointed Church of God fraudulent leader that is preparing his LITTLE flock of deceived members for the imminent return of his Islamic "jesus". Cox claims he has to finish his commentary on the Bible so that the two witless witnesses can return. He plans on having these so-called commentaries completed by Passover 2021 and then his crazy witless witnesses can come and do their work.

The requirement that this theological imbecile dishes out on his members is appalling. There is so much they need to be doing in order to make it into the first resurrection. Just more silly rules and regulations that Jesus never demanded of his followers.

Thankfully no Christian ever has to worry about whether or not they have the correct day, the correct calendar, or any of the other useless crap that Cox claims his followers need to be doing.

And NO, people will NOT be assigned to the second resurrection if they do not follow Cox's demands. In COGland, nothing is ever what it claims to be.

We have tried to make this a really spiritual feast this year for Tabernacles. We have prepared a number of commentaries on the Bible Texts.  We have done the Epistles of Peter following James prior to the Feast and for the Feast we have done the commentaries on the Epistles of John and prepared the Commentary on Daniel which will be issued by Chapters, with an Introduction, over the feast. We will also commence the Commentaries on Paul commencing with Philemon.

We hope that all will enjoy the Commentaries and we hope to be able to continue on and to complete the NT by Passover.

The aim is a complete Bible Commentary by the arrival of the Witnesses.  It is not enough to attend Sabbath services and perhaps the Feast and ignore the New Moons and Passover and Unleavened Bread and hope that you make it into the First Resurrection. We have to do it all and work as well. Then we will know we have access to the First Resurrection.  If we follow Hillel we can rest assured that we have never kept the Holy Days on the correct days except by accident and if we follow Armstrong and the WCG system we have never kept a Lord’s Supper and Passover on the correct days and one third of the time not even in the correct months.  Such people are consigned to the Second Resurrection and will repent or face the Second Death. Neither will their slander and defamation protect them or stop others from the First Resurrection.