Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Davey Pack's Dire Warning For All COG Members For New Years Eve 2020


Davey Pack, the most superfantabulous COG leader (after Bobiniah Thiel, of course) has delivered a stern warning to all Church of God members who are not heeding his call. Everyone should be prepared to die on December 31 just before midnight.

If I were a  betting person, I would bet my entire savings that his creature he calls "christ" will NOT return on New Year's Eve. It will not return the day after or next month or next year at this same time. Davey is a liar and a fraud. 

How many times does he need to say this crap before his members and the lap-poodle ministers that stand in awe of him wake up and admit he is a liar? Can these men truly be this naive? Even their other idol, Herbert Armstrong, would slap them across the face for being so incredibly stupid.

According to David C. Pack we are all going to be found unawares on the night of Dec 31/2020 eating and drinking with the drunken, not watching for our Lord. He will supposedly come that night and destroy us for not accepting the manifestly glorious servant who was sent before Him to prepare the way. Part 276 was his "final part" once again...

Just how many FINAL sermons does this fool need to preach? How many FINAL sermons do Restored Church of God members have to sit through before they wake up?

Restored Church of God Scrambling To Find Out Who Is Leaking Dave's Sermons


Dave's lap poodles in Wadsworth are struggling to find out who keeps leaking Dave's crackpot sermons to the unclean masses of COGland. While the above memo from Wadsworth looks benign, it is not. 

As Dave sinks further and further into madness, they struggle to keep things looking awesome in Wadsworth, even though some of his right-hand men know deep in their hearts that Dave is batshit crazy, they still feel a need to defend him. 

They are not willing to put their faith in the God that they supposedly follow and step away from Dave's madness. They have been part of the system that has instilled in members' heads that to do so is an immediate loss of salvation and that erroneous belief is ingrained in them.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Davey Pack Reveals New Date For His Creature "christ" To Return On

This is sure to tick off sanctimonious Bwana Bob Thiel, the great savior of Africa, and to 299 caucasian members. New Years Day is the day he hates the most as it is a double whammy for him. Pagan New Years Day and football. 

Davey Pack the most superfantasmic prophet to ever exist in the Church of God has revealed that his creature "christ" is returning on New Year's Eve! This is another insult to the delicate man-boy Thiel because he failed to see this in his dreams.

What a kick-ass New Year's Eve this will be! Wadsworth must be so excited!