Friday, August 20, 2021

LCG Members Are Still Deemed Too Dumb To Know How To Dress For The Feast

The overlords of the Church of God have always tried to dictate what was right and what they deemed to be wrong. From clothing colors and styles to colors of cars, the control church leaders have had over members is appalling. The church has built a religious empire out of majoring in the minors while ignoring the important things that Christians should have faith in.

Here we are in 2021 and church leaders still think their members are too stupid to know how to dress. 

Dave Pack demands of his men:

RCG requires white shirts, no other color and ties of course, suit needs to be dark preferably black or grey

White shirts...or light blue is acceptable, but not every week. French cuffs if you are a minister or "ministerial material." Also, those ridiculous shirts that have a white collar but blue body are acceptable, but not on the same day the Pastor General is wearing one. Jos. A Banks or Brooks Brothers are the only accepted retailers if you are HQ or a minister. Just like what Jesus Christ wore!

No orange or green ties, only dark blue, red or gold. (recent comments on Facebook)

Gerald Flurry states: 

“Are some of our members going to be kept out of the Kingdom of God because of the way you dress for Church services?” Mr. Armstrong asked members in the Worldwide News. “THIS IS SERIOUS! In some of our churches, members never think of dressing up, but come in slovenly attire, overalls, blue jeans, tennis shoes, any kind of slouchy sports clothes” (May 21, 1979). 
For members of God’s Church today, coming to Sabbath services in jeans or sportswear seems unimaginable. However, after Mr. Armstrong died, the Laodiceans returned to those lower standards: Many of them now wear casual clothes to their services. They willingly rejected the Philadelphia standard (Revelation 3:14-20). They have chosen the liberal worldly standard over God’s spiritual standard. 
Mr. Armstrong’s writings on dress are not just a matter of opinion. God led him to establish the Philadelphia standard. The godly example the end-time type of Elijah strove to set has been revealed in this last hour as a prophetic SIGNET STANDARD for God’s final Church era to emulate. “In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts” (Haggai 2:23).

Today, as the various COG's get ready for another round of Feast of Tabernacles superspreader events, the Living Church of God is telling its members how to dress for services and playtime.

FEAST OF TABERNACLES Appropriate Dress for Feast Services 
While Scripture teaches that God looks on the heart, dress and outward decorum are also important (Matthew 22:8–14). As we prepare to be “lights to the world” at the Feast, it’s good to review some basic principles for attire at Feast services. For men, in most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties, and nice slacks are considered appropriate on special occasions. This may vary somewhat in tropical climates. For ladies, 1 Timothy 2:9–10 explains that dress should be “modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” Short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines flaunting cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc., are not appropriate for Church services. We come to services to worship God, not to display our bodies. Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–16). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth! 
What About at the Beach? 
Appropriate beach attire for women and men at the Feast of Tabernacles is swimwear that is modest and in good taste. We should be guided by the two great commandments—to love God and love neighbor (Matthew 22:37–39; Mark 12:29–31)—so as not to offend God or neighbor in our dress at the Feast. Accordingly, following our Living Youth Programs policy, beachwear at the Feast for ladies should be a modest one-piece or a modest tankini (covering the mid-section), and for the men, no Speedo-type suits (unless pool facility rules require them, as is the case in some countries). Fathers and husbands have a responsibility to be leaders in their families to teach and guide regarding what is appropriate and what is not (Ezekiel 22:26).

All of this silliness over what people wear to services at the Feast when they love to forget that David danced naked before the Ark of the Covenant (The Seat of God). Imagine Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, or Gerald Weston dancing with delight over the Lord! 

Church of God Love


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Church of God International Continues To Hide Or Minimize Differences In The Church


From a CGI source:

I just noticed that CGI has removed all of the comments associated with Jeff's post from their website, and they have removed Jeff's post and the 90+ comments associated with it on their Facebook page. I can think of a number of reasons for doing this (none of them very good). It does appear from Mr. Stinson's and Mr. Reed's comments that they were particularly sensitive to the characterization of their organization as being bitterly divided over the issue. Whatever their reasoning, I think that it is dishonest and futile to attempt to hide or minimize the differences within the church on this issue (and very reminiscent of how the old Worldwide Church handled anything which presented the church in a negative or unfavorable light).

See this article that spurred it on:

Church of God International Internal War Over COVID Continues

Jeff had even commented on the above article on this blog and then deleted his comment after CGI officials deleted his articles and all of the comments. It is amazing how COG leaders work so quickly to silence people but yet take forever if at all, to assist members when they are in need. Just more proof of the downward spiral of the Armstrong Church of God movement.

How quickly things change. From having the full support of CGI and the publication of his well-written article to his articles and comments being deleted. The COG, as unified as ever! 

Jeff has left a new comment on your post "Church of God International Internal War Over COVI...": 

Nothing that I have written previously or in the current article should be interpreted as some sort of civil war in the CGI. The real war we face is against Covid. As an elder in God's Church, I have a responsibility to teach our membership and others Biblical truths that can save lives. Especially when that information is currently critical.

My article "Pandemic Fiction" addressed the false information that has been responsible for so many people unnecessarily getting sick and dying. These are real-world scenarios proving that God's instructions about blessings and cursings are true. If you believe and follow lies, you will experience "curses" in your life. 

I wrote this follow-up article, "Delta Isolation," after several well-meaning people commented to me that they heard Covid is more severe when you are vaccinated. Where did they hear this? All of the data is exactly the opposite of this. I was barely sick myself but tested positive enough to spread the disease. This is what was learned from the outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Of the 374 vaccinated who tested positive, there were only 4 hospitalizations with no deaths. That number would normally be around 10-20 percent in the unvaccinated and around 2 percent deaths. The majority only suffered very mild symptoms similar to my own. So with this easily available information, why would some in the church believe the opposite?

The church of God culture has some who from previous affiliations are very anti-medicine. And they get their bad information from conspiracy sources such as Natural News or Infowars. This is also true of a growing number of evangelicals.

This is not the teaching of CGI. Some quotes from our Systematic Theology Project of what we teach:

"The scientific and technological progress of the health sciences has been remarkable, especially over the last few decades, with increasing sophistication and effectiveness of technique, combined with a decreasing incidence of complications and side effects. For such achievements man should give God the credit; for it was God who created the human mind, empowering it with the creative brilliance to constantly attain to new heights of achievement in the physical world."

"What about medicines and drugs? Revelation 21:8 says that “sorcerers” (Greek, pharmakos) shall have their part in the lake of fire. The clear evidence indicates the word pharmakia referred to cult worship and the use of drugs to induce spells, rather than modern medicines and drugs. Medicines used to heal sickness are not condemned in the Bible."

"When one seeks professional medical help, he should select the most competent within his means. There are different specialties and different degrees of competency among individual practitioners just as in any profession."

It is my intention to direct the Church of God to professional, competent health sources and away from the false information that can lead to misery, suffering, and death.

Many so-called "alternative medicines" are, in fact, not medicine at all. It is either medicine, or it is not. Much of "alternative medicine" is related to occult and pagan ideas about magic, amulets, etc. For example, the founder of chiropractic got his information from necromancy.

And creating magic potions from over-diluting substances, combining essential oils, or redirecting your chi is just a waste of time and could cause serious problems to go untreated.