Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Introducing "Worldwide: The Unchosen Church" - Podcast Preview


Worldwide: The Unchosen Church shares first-hand accounts of growing up inside of a doomsday apocalyptic cult. It's a series about the costs and rewards of high-demand religious group, dispels many of the myths about what types of people join cults, and showcases the beauty, comedy, and tragedy of life inside Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God (WCG). 
Hosted and created by a former WCG member.


This preview of the upcoming podcasts on the Worldwide Church of God promises to be exciting, revealing, and disturbing as people share how they were abused in Armstrongism...and still are in the various splinter groups.

Worldwide: The Unchosen Church shares firsthand accounts of growing up inside of a doomsday apocalyptic cult. It's a series about the costs and rewards of high-demand religious groups and dispelling many of the myths about what types of people join cults. Join host and former WCG member Dr. Tricia Jenkins, as she and other former church members showcase the beauty, comedy, and tragedy of life inside and outside of Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God (WCG).
Series premieres Wednesday, June 15 with new episodes every week. Follow us on Instagram @worldwidepod for additional content. 
Hosted and created by Dr. Tricia Jenkins with editing and sound design by Thirteen Media.

We are thrilled to share that the teaser for Worldwide: The Unchosen Church is now out on Apple Podcasts! To hear the whole trailer, check out the link. We’d appreciate a five star rating to help us move up the charts. We believe the story of the WCG is an important one to be told! Series premieres June 15th. You may want to follow us on Instagram @worldwidepod too.

UCG: Can You Advance Up Its Progressive Steps To Salvation?


Like most mystery religions and works-based belief systems, the United Church of God has a progression of steps that members need to observe in order to receive salvation. It is an uphill climb that most will never be able to advance up the steps on. Scripture even states that people cannot do this. Yet, here we are.

Christianity for centuries has understood that salvation is from one source and that is granted freely. Yet the COG and others make it a burdensome load to carry and try to accomplish. The COG is always in an uphill battle trying to please its god.

Dave Pack's Latest Craziness: Is Today (Wednesday) The Day?


Tell me if you can make any sense of Dave's stupidity below:

In light of how the last sermon ended, and that MORE clarity arrived, the “evil day” (Eph 6:13) finally appears to close 3.5 “evil days” (Eph 5:14-16).

This accommodates a “dawn” starting everything, which would be on a Wednesday (Jerusalem time) as halfway through every week.

Immediately factor this into which night you regularly watch.

From an RCG source 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Part 2 Video of Interview by Dawn Blue Diving Deeper Into Restored Church of God's Invention of "Common"

Join host Dawn Blue as she interviews a former member/employee of The Restored Church of God, headed up by David Pack who calls himself Christ's apostle. Its origins stem from Herbert Armstrong’s controversial Worldwide Church of God. 

Answering questions posed by the locals & around the globe.


Part 2: Diving deeper into The Restored Church of God's invention of "Common". Allowing the church to make substantial economic gains & still not disclosing financial records to its members. We also discuss David Pack being a self-proclaimed Apostle & the impact of his doomsday preaching.

CGI Vance Stinson: "the Bible nowhere teaches that the Bible is the sole source of truth"

A reader wrote in to CGI''s The International News writer Vance Stinson and asked if the Bible anywhere says that Saturday is the seventh day.

He then goes into a short explanation. I only highlight the first couple of paragraphs as it states two things that CGI thinks about the Bible. This is sure to short circuit a few diehard COG leaders and members.

ANSWER: The biblical proof you’re asking for doesn’t exist. One cannot determine by the Bible alone that the day we call “Saturday” is the seventh day of the biblical week. But then, the Bible nowhere teaches that the Bible is the sole source of truth—so by what authority do you establish your “Scripture alone” rule? On what biblical grounds do you throw out examination of historical data as a legitimate means of arriving at important truths? The truth is, the extreme form of sola scriptura you have adopted is nowhere taught in the Scriptures.

Make no mistake, the Bible is God’s unique revelation to mankind and therefore must be given first place in our quest for truth, but Scripture nowhere teaches that it is the sole source of all true knowledge. From: Does the Bible say Saturday is the seventh day?

In an answer to another question, he says that:

"The Bible does not directly state that the Sabbath begins and ends at sunset."