Saturday, August 27, 2022

King Gerald Tells Students To Be Ready To "Fight To The Death"

The Philadelphia Church of God, under the mighty hand of King Gerald, continues down the path of doing everything they can to talk about anyone but Jesus.

PCG and Flurry have been waxing eloquently about Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill, and other notable people from history over the past couple of years. Lil'Stevie is holding book groups to discuss these people. They are currently focused upon Abraham Lincoln as a sign of spiritual virtue. Jesus be damned. He is not worthy to be mentioned much in the PCG other than that he is ANGRY and keeps delaying his return. Petra forbid, if PCG ever openly discussed the dude.

King Gerald recently told his students that they need to be ready to fight to the death and must have a grand strategy. One of the reasons Flurry reads these books is to inspire his students and members to be people of passion and who will sitck to the task at hand, as many of his famous notables have/had.

Couple this drive and zeal along with King Gerlad's biblical interpretations and you have a nightmare in the making.

COG youth at the various church "colleges" and "educational" facilities have been subjected from the early days of present church history with one absurd tale after another as a result of false prophetic understanding. These crazy premonitions and blatant lies have been mentally and spiritually damaging to those young people, but the COGs do not care.

August 22, 2022

GF continues to talk strange, but really it is foolish, which is nothing new for him. The August 19 Friday Philadelphian, says that at the HWAC orientation, GF gave a lecture about “lessons from Abraham Lincoln” (this was to add to his presumptuous sermon he gave in May about Abraham Lincoln. To read about that sermon scroll up to the May 22 letter on this page: “GF’s Presumptions About Abraham Lincoln.”) At the orientation he told the students “they must be willing to fight to the death and must have a grand strategy.” [all bolding mine] Now why on earth would students be told to “fight to the death”? That kind of talk is more likely what the adult members would be told as they are often instructed to stick it out in PCG, or else they will die spiritually. An emphasis was placed on “going on the offensive in spiritual warfare.” This college is certainly not Christ-centered, but it is undeniably fear-centered. –FL Exit and Support Network


Astounding LCG Growth In Canada! The WORK Marches Onward and Upward!!!!!

JC always has to get in the way of LCG

It is interesting to watch as various Churches of God march forth proclaiming their law-gospel to the world. The Living Church of God does an outstanding job of this. It is such an effective ministry that it now has 878 people attending church, out of a population of over 38 million throughout Canada. In their usual slick way, LCG plays with numbers as they claim 50% of their recent baptisms had no Worldwide Church of God affiliation.

50% increase from what number? 5? 10? 30? 50? 

Mr. Stuart Wachowicz led a conference for ministers and their wives in Canada this past Monday and Tuesday. This was the first time they were able to meet in person since the beginning of lockdowns. Forty were present in person at the new Living Church of God offices in London, Ontario, and another nine participated online, including Dr. Winnail and me, due to cross-border travel restrictions. Average attendance in Canada now stands at 878. That is up from 352 in 2001; and 50 percent of those baptized since 2005 have come to the Church with no Worldwide affiliation. This demonstrates that the Work of the Church to preach the Gospel to all the world continues.—Gerald Weston

Weston brags about the 40 people who showed up in New London, Ontario, out of a population of 515,000 people. Of that 40 number, at least 30 or more were LCG members. 

Nevertheless, the law-gospel must go forth in power! But, Jesus always seems to get in the way of LCG's law message to the world or is missing. Perhaps that's the reason no one is really interested in LCG's message. 

As an aside to the astounding church growth in Canada, the United States is leaping forward in amazing ways through the presentations that LCG leaders do in various cities.

Their latest mind-boggling impact this past week, out of a population of over 3,608,455 people, was 98 "guests" with at least 3/4 or more of that amount being LCG members padding the hall, who showed up for these presentations.

St. Louis, Missouri metro population 2,807,338
Cookeville, Tennessee 33,922
Blue Ridge, Georgia. 1,245
Springfield; Illinois 205,950 

and even a presentation in the Israelitish nation of Australia  

Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. 560,000

Truly, this is the most awesome COG since the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" was dreamed into being! The Work marches forth in power and majesty! 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Doug Winnail Claims The World Lacks Vision…What About LCG's Lack of Vision?


It is pretty hard to listen to a Church of God claim the world lacks vision when the entire COG lacks vision as it flounders around doing nothing except birth one crazy self-appointed prophet after another.

Decades and decades ago the church had a vision that was propped up by Herbert Armstrong's dynamic voice and vision. Then the epic prophetic failure of 1975 disrupted the church and downhill it went after that point, The vision was gone. Oh, yes, the church thought new buildings and exotic campuses portrayed a vision of a world to come, but the vision for church members started dying in 1975. The final nail was driven in that coffin when in 1986 when Herbert Armstrong died. Today in 2022, matter how hard any of them claim they are trying, they have no vision anymore and thus rejoice when one or two new people enter the fold. 

The Importance of Vision: In Proverbs 29:18 we read, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (KJV) or “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law” (NKJV). Vision is the capacity to see the real future. That future is found in the Bible—the revelation of God. The biblical vision is the Gospel, the good news of the coming Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14) and the ultimate purpose of human existence—gaining eternal life and reigning with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom (Matthew 19:28–29) to bring peace, justice, and prosperity to the peoples of the world (Isaiah 9:6–7). Today, that exciting vision of the future has been lost or forgotten or never heard by most people on earth. As a result, many have no sense of purpose other than “doing their own thing” (Judges 21:25). The Sabbath is a good time to thank God for revealing to His people this exciting vision of the future and of His way of life that is a mystery to the world today (Matthew 13:10–17; Mark 4:11).
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail