Saturday, September 17, 2022

LCG Tells Members To Stay Healthy For The Feast So The Can Partake Of The Powerful Spiritual Food Being Offered

LCG members are in for a major treat this year at the Feast of Tabernacles. "Powerful spiritual food" awaits them! That's a pretty tall order to feed members with considering the current list of speakers, with many of them causing members to zone out at the 45-minute mark. Plus, they all repeat things Rod Meredith said or predicted that have ever come to pass. For 5-6 decades we hear, "Brethren, we have not more than 5-10 years left".

LCG members will be celebrating a festival that they claim is a foretaste of the Kingdom of God and yet there will spend 8 days hearing about the law, commandments, and keeping so-called holy days, with very little about Jesus being discussed (except that he is angry and pissed off and is coming back in fury to destroy people outside LCG).

I wonder how many Feast sites will be doing community charity work for one afternoon to show the local communities a foretaste of the kingdom to come.

Staying Healthy—2022 Feast General Health Guidelines
With the Feast of Tabernacles just a few weeks away, it is not too early to think about health as we prepare for this annual highlight of the year. It’s vital that we don’t push ourselves too hard and compromise sleep and diet in the busyness of preparations. Taking measures to stay healthy and even improve our health before the Feast will mean we are more likely to be able to partake of the powerful spiritual food and fellowship that God is preparing for us.

Also, at the present time, the pandemic has been easing and in most places restrictions are lifting. Accordingly, our guidelines for Sabbath services and Feast services have changed as well. However, this does not mean anyone should approach sickness in a cavalier or careless manner! As Mr. Gerald Weston’s Sabbath services guidance from The World Ahead, February 10, 2022, says: “Those with underlying conditions should feel free to continue wearing masks, but we recommend that they be properly fitting masks of the type (such as the N95) that offer real protection. If someone feels he or she needs to continue wearing a mask for any reason, no explanation is needed. We must not judge one another!”

With that in mind, please take note of our 2022 Feast General Health Guidelines: If you have symptoms of any potentially contagious illness, such as coughing, sore throat, or fever, you should not attend any FOT services or activities until your symptoms are significantly improved and you are fever-free for 24 hours without use of medication.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Crackpot Prophet, While Facing Intense Persecution, Expects You To Believe His Message Has Reached 1/2 Billion People Already


Our favorite wounded martyr of the Church of God movement is back again claiming religious persecution. Never has the church had such a great man leading the church than what Bwana Beto Bob is doing. Because he is so great there is now a vast conspiracy conspiring against him. Google and Facebook are personally working to shut him if that would be a bad thing,

In spite of the constant whining about Google trying to silence him, he relies heavily upon them to justify the "numbers" that he claims to be reaching.

Beto made this comment the other day:

Let me add it is not just Facebook. Google is threatening us with religious ad restriction. Although my contact with Google this week said we were still okay, I have my doubts and am concerned that this will change. 
Our successful Google campaign has had 418,000,000 computer impressions around the world–yes, close to a half a billion.

For the computer illiterate, that sounds impressive and a sure sign God is performing powerful work in assisting Beto to get the law message out to the world. But, it is not. It's a wild 1/2 truth meant to deceive those with no knowledge of computer/internet terminology.

Here is what a "reach vs impression" is: 

Reach is the total number of people who see your content. Impressions are the number of times your content is displayed, no matter if it was clicked or not. 
Think of reach as the number of unique people who see your content. In a perfect world, every one of your followers would see every piece of content you posted.

Unfortunately, that’s not how things work on social, and not all of your followers will see every single post you publish. For instance, Groupon has 17 million followers, but their organic content doesn’t come close to getting that number of engagements because only a fraction of their audience sees it. 
However, an impression means that content was delivered to someone’s feed. A viewer doesn’t have to engage with the post in order for it to count as an impression. Also, one person could have multiple impressions for a single piece of content.  Reach vs. impressions: What’s the difference in terms?

Another view on "reach vs impressions:"

To put it simply, reach shows the number of unique users that were exposed to your content, while impressions show the number of times your content was displayed to these users. 
Theoretically, the people that follow you should see each piece of content you publish on social media, right?

That’s why they became your followers, after all – to stay up to date with what you are posting!
Sadly, that’s not the way things work on social media.

Social media platforms use complex algorithms to determine which content to show to which users, and as a result, only a fraction of your following is made aware of your activity every time you publish something. 
In fact, this fraction is quite small – especially after the algorithm changes and the much talked about decline of organic reach across leading social media platforms in the course of the last couple of years. 
Lower overall reach means fewer people seeing your posts, which ultimately leads to a drop in engagement and fewer conversations with potential customers. Reach vs Impression: What’s The Difference and Why Is It Important?

Of that 1/2 billion people Beto has claimed to have gotten his message across to, the actuality is that his real reach has been negligible. Caucasians, in all of what he calls "British Israelite" nations, have refused to follow him. Beto's ads and articles are getting flashed all over computer screens and no one is clicking. 

Beto Bob has become the King of Half-Truths, taking the crown away from Dave Pack.

Always the bridesmaid and never the bride.

LCG: Why aren't you more humble and teachable?


You LCG members who read here had better start being humble and teachable or things are not going to go so well for you. You had also better take advantage of all that "wise council" the ministry has to offer you. Do it now!

Seek God’s Guidance: In the world today, it is common to want to “do your own thing.” However, the Bible records the tragic results of this approach (Judges 21:25; Jeremiah 9:12–16). In the Scriptures we are admonished, “Seek the LORD while He may be found” (Isaiah 55:6). We are also told that God looks on those who are humble and teachable and “trembles at My word” (Isaiah 66:2). King David modeled the attitude that God is looking for when he wrote, “Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes... Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:33, 105). Jesus Christ instructed His disciples to “live by... every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). We are also advised to seek wise counsel to avoid making bad decisions (Proverbs 11:14). An important lesson in life is that to succeed in any endeavor, we must seek God’s guidance and get wise counsel when we make decisions—because that leads to lasting rewards.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

LCG: The Fields Are All White Ready To Harvest, Again


Living Church of God has been on a roll lately in its outreach to various cities around the United States and Canada. The potential audience to draw from is in the multiple millions of people, yet hardly anyone shows up.

This past week they had 5 presentations with potential audiences to draw from of over 8,622,406 people. From that great field ripe for harvest and with millions filled with the deep desire for the "gospel" LCG (it is attempting tp promote), they were able to draw in 120 people. That's right, 120 people. Of which at least 60 - 90 were LCG members in attendance to pad the audience. Other than Bob Thiel, there has never been a COG with such massive outreach. Jesus is pleased.

Last week, we held five initial Tomorrow’s World Presentations: two in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (one for French-speaking subscribers and one for English-speaking subscribers); Albuquerque, New Mexico; Louisville, Kentucky; and Cincinnati, Ohio. These presentations had a combined total of 120 guests. This week we have eight presentations scheduled. Two initial presentations, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; and Kansas City, Missouri; and six follow-up presentations, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (combined English and French); Albuquerque, New Mexico; Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom; Fargo, North Dakota; Louisville, Kentucky; and Cincinnati, Ohio. Thank you all for your continued prayers for these presentations.

Montreal, Quebec (French speaking). 1,472,055
Montreal, Quebec (English speaking). 286,280
Total Montreal population: 4,053,360

Albuquerque, New Mexico. 916,528

Louisville, Kentucky. 1,395,634

Cincinnati, Ohio. 2,256,884

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Dave Pack: Excuses, Excuses


Excuses, Excuses


You know that guy that promises to help you move? The one who tells you ten times over that you can count on him and he will be there when you need him the most?


But then the day comes, and he does not show up. When you finally get a hold of him after the work is all done, there is nothing but endless excuses. No reasons. Just excuses.


That guy is David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God.


Elul 20 has barely begun here on the East Coast, and Dave is already spinning in circles to create enough force to suck all the logic out of the air in the room. There will always be another explanation for why XYZ did not happen as WE thought.


For those just tuning in, the prophetic “backstop” for the 10-day Kingdom of God failed to appear beginning at sunset tonight. I cannot help but wonder if the Feast of Trumpets is now in jeopardy.


This excuse-rich text was posted in Member Services on the evening of September 15, 2022.



Prophecy Update


With now 10 days before Trumpets, do we end our hope tonight? Or could the day when everyone seems to be watching actually be tomorrow (Friday) night? Here are a very few questions and comments to ponder as we wait a little longer:


- Would the 10 days of tribulation (Rev. 2:10) really exclude the day of the Lord, so filled with tribulation itself? Put another way, could the “dayS of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled” (Luke 21:22) really exclude the ultimate “day of the Lord’s vengeance” (Isa. 34:8)? No!


- Job asked God to “hide me in the grave…until your wrath be past” (Job 14:13). How could he be raised to begin Trumpets, with the “the great day of His wrath” (Rev. 6:17) still ahead?


- The dead (including Job) are raised “at the last trump” (1 Cor. 15:52). How clear that this must be deep into the Day of Trumpets, which involves many trumpet blasts—before Trumpets is extended into the wonderful day it becomes when the veil is removed over all nations and all tears are wiped away at the time of the great feast of wine on the lees!


- Much, much more could be added that has come clear…


Put plainly, the tenth day of tribulation IS the first and bad part of the day of the Lord/Trumpets. Thus, our wait extends one more night—and does in fact involve the Sabbath exactly as we have long suspected!


This means the Headquarters congregation can look forward to ANOTHER excruciating Sabbath where they are expected to waste their time after the meal watching Dave squirm while he shreds the Bible. The folks in the front row have gotten pretty good at feigning interest.


While at The Restored Church of God, if I was as bad at my job as David C. Pack is at his…I would have been fired. I am beginning to think the wrong one quit.



To alleviate the disappointment of the brethren, Dave stepped into the Main Hall to record this brief little ditty about his prophetic teaching skills. It was done in the spirit of "having a little fun."

Marc Cebrian