Sunday, March 12, 2023

Dave Pack and RCG Ministry Grows More Disgusting Hour By Hour: "we all concluded because of certain things we saw, we would still be here"




David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God never wastes a good crisis. The central theme of "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 428)" on March 11, 2023, was "Fear Ye, please."


He latched on to the Bad News Speculation of the week. No, not that the MCU might ruin Jon Bernthal as the Punisher, but that Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapsed. This financial calamity was fruit ripe for the pickin’, especially considering Dave suffered three failures this week.


Purim did not produce the Kingdom of Dave on Monday or Tuesday.


The Sabbath in Jerusalem did not produce the Kingdom of Dave Friday morning.


SVB folding in a single day was a blessing for the Packian Triad of Fraud because they desperately needed a distraction for members of RCG. If they keep their eyes on this, they can avoid all the uncomfortable proofs that David C. Pack is a false apostle, a false prophet, and he has no idea what he is talking about.



Dave never shies away from claiming victory after a one-sided defeat.


Part 428 – March 11, 2023

@ 00:05 It's been an unusual time since Tuesday, to say the least. I knew after twenty minutes after the message ended, in talking with a circle of ministers in the middle of the room after everybody else had left. We discussed, and I knew within twenty minutes after Tuesday that we were gonna be here another week.


To frame it with reality, “I knew within twenty minutes my conclusions in Part 427 were wrong.”


Words come out of his mouth, and he has no idea what he is saying. He explains his disdain for the members of The Restored Church of God. He holds them in such contempt that he would rather that they suffer than him appearing weak.


David C. Pack "knew" it was wrong but did nothing. Part 427 stayed up in Member Services without an asterisk beside it. The sheep mean nothing to him and nothing to the Headquarters hirelings. The band of broken cowards does whatever Dave tells them, no matter how much harm it causes others.


They chose not to warn the brethren due to optics. It would look bad for Dave to give a message and, the same night, counter the message with a few sentences. "Watch urgently, but it's okay if you don't" does not move the needle.


David C. Pack and the enablers at Headquarters CHOSE to withhold vital information about doctrines of timing. So much for brotherly love.


@ 00:28 Why I didn't know it during the message, I guess, is its own mystery with all the enigmas and complexities and other things that WE have faced through these years.


It is not a mystery to anyone who can see him for what he is. David C. Pack is a blinded biblical fraud and a blaspheming liar that the True God is not backing up. Purim goes the way of Tammuz into church history.


@ 00:43 Six ministers standing there and maybe a couple wives, and we all concluded because of certain things we saw, we would still be here.


Dear All-Believing Zealots and On-The-Fencers


Please let that sink in. Hear the words of your Pastor General.


While you went out for supper excitedly discussing the latest spell Simon Magus cast upon you, your understanding was already wrong before the check came. Your Sorcerer Supreme only took twenty minutes to disbelieve his own conclusions.


On top of that, the hirelings that tend to you did not bother to warn anyone the timeline was WRONG. They knowingly let you believe a false narrative for two days because it would have fueled more doubt in Dave’s ability to lead.


This should scream that their own skin is more important than yours. Telling the truth to your own hurt is for you, not for them. Having outgoing love and concern is for you, not for them.


David C. Pack and the compromised Yellow Spines at Headquarters let you believe a LIE for two more days. Are you sure you are in the right church?


@ 11:22 Now, my prayers have still been answered, and we’re still on track. But my prayers have always been "the shorter, the better." I just didn’t realize until twenty minutes after Tuesday that we’re almost certainly gonna be here. And here we are.


When blame needs some spreading, Dave is suddenly willing to share the wealth.


@ 11:35 And all the people standing in that circle (I canvased them), every single one of them, after we talked…everyone agreed that WE had overlooked some things and this mustard seed kingdom was gonna be just that.So, we’re right on track.


Dave did not fail three days this week, Debbie Downer. RCG is right on track.



A group of ministers and their wives heard a 45-minute message and convinced Dave he was in error. This means they KNEW he was wrong during the Bible study. This again proves that nobody at Headquarters believes Dave. Well, except for Ed, Carl, and Ken.


Maybe if those wives were allowed to sit in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium, think of all the other RCG disasters that could have been avoided. There are two wives in particular that LOOOOOVE to make their opinions known, and they would be giddy to make observations.


What should outrage people in RCG but probably does not is that Dave and Company let the brethren steep in wrong information for two days. They chose to stay silent. He just admitted that.


Instead of taking Part 427 down or issuing an email disclaimer, they waited until Thursday.


Prophecy Update – March 9, 2023

Brethren, don’t be surprised—at all—if we are here beyond tomorrow and maybe even go several more days. Mr. Pack does not intend to speak on Sabbath, but if he does, it would be a brief message explaining why!


To say “don’t be surprised if” is a soft-sell approach to the “I knew” Dave now claims. Headquarters waited two days. Why? That is a rhetorical question because you know why. They cannot help Dave look any worse than he already does on his own. Now…that is making something plain.


How does this build trust between a member and the church? How is this an expression of outgoing love and concern? How is this esteeming others higher than yourself? How is this behavior the quality of a true minister of Jesus Christ?


It is not. Because The Restored Church of Another god is led by a different spirit. The Spirit of Error has captured the corporate sheepfold. An apostasy is in full swing in Wadsworth.


The brethren are mere numbers on a spreadsheet which is why some field ministers fail to count those who no longer attend or send tithes as having left. You are not counted as an ex-member until you formally resign. Dave is not the only one in RCG who lies to himself.


Proving David C. Pack is either a blaspheming liar or mentally incompetent is easy. All it takes is patience and effort. His own words are his biggest enemy. Read "Is 'That Prophet' Alive Today?" or watch the video "Evil Men and Seducers" linked on the RCG website.


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David C. Pack has become the very thing he spent years warning people about. God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony.


Extreme Irony Alert


@ 20:43 We live in a world where, you know, when vile men are exalted, the wicked walk on every side. Well, vile men have always led the world because God says in Daniel 4:17 those the kinds of people He uses. The basest of men. But, the basest of men bring rotten-hearted people to be around them, and it may be that God is just about to turn a screw, and all of this explodes.



Dave wasted no time in activating his Fear Mongering Power Ring. He did not just don his usual Chicken Little costume, but instead, he held a live chicken when he entered the teleportation pod and was fused on a molecular-genetic level.


Combined with Chicken Little DNA, BrundleDave came out clucking and running to and fro. With all the sour-faced warnings, you might assume this was the first time the sky was falling. You would be wrong.


@ 02:39 Now, if the banks collapse (and there are people who are saying, “They absolutely will collapse. The only question’s whether it’ll be sooner or later.”) Then, I’m just gonna say it bluntly so that we can all understand where all this is going because I wanna take you into the Scriptures. You will see a complete collapse of civilization regarding everything that we are used to…Business will collapse. The grid may collapse. Schools, law and order, gangs. Aggressors will take off on a worldwide scale. Transportation could collapse, literally. We may not have energy. In short, civilization hangs on whether [financial] contagion takes down the world economy. It’s happened before.


The Great Depression did happen. The Bible foretells global calamity. But none of those mean David C. Pack preaches the truth. Worsening world conditions are not a sign he knows anything. Frightening headlines do not make Dave legitimate. Just ask Pat Robertson.


Dave gets to the end of the message without connecting the dots between SVB and Purim. Alarming articles in the Wall Street Journal do not excuse three failed dates this week. A bank shutdown does not explain the absence of the Kingdom of Dave. But do not think about that too much.



Who wants to play a game with someone who constantly changes the rules that always result in their favor? If kids would not do that, why do adults in RCG seem okay with it?


Anything, anywhere, at any time can mean anything Dave needs. He again fudges the definition of “moad.”


Nobody has ever added to or taken away from the Bible as much as David C. Pack. Words and numbers are interchangeable based on personal desire. There is no logic or consistency. The ground will never stop moving when even the dictionary is fluid.


@ 16:10 …that’s the vision he [Habakkuk] saw. That’s for what’s called a “moad.” Now, I decided to look up the word “moad” there, and moad can have different meaning uses…and it can mean just any specific date. It does not have to be a Sabbath.


David C. Pack either suffers from specific amnesia, extreme mental illness, or demonically influenced blindness. The shortest answer is the man is simply a liar. Lying is not something he does but something he is. He covered this two weeks ago when discussing moads and chags. He knew then a moad is not always a Sabbath. Why is that a shocker now?


Flashback Part 423 – February 25

@ 16:31 Now, all the Days of Unleavened Bread are called moads. Each of them individually. The chag would be the first day and the last day. But here you’ve got a moad, a regular Day of Unleavened Bread, and you’ve got a seventh day, which is a chag.


@ 24:53 But I was right. And I just said, “Father, you’ve shown us the hour.” And it never occurred to me to look up moad and chag. I thought it was a Sabbath and a new moon spoken of in Hosea 9:5. It’s neither.


Why does an antichrist remember what an apostle does not? Of course, he has looked up that word dozens of times. Why play it off as a new revelation?


Perhaps Dave is suffering from the early onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. That is not a joke or guttersniping. Alzheimer’s would explain many things. We are witnessing his mental deterioration in an observable fashion, but the jury is still out on the exact cause.


That lapse in memory was on his side. But what does that say about his "trusted advisors" that surround him? They either do not pay attention, do not care, or are too afraid of getting thrown in the doghouse if they utter any resistance to Elijah-Elect.


Why did Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy not remind their idol how they studied and presented moad two weeks ago? Maybe they just forgot, too.


Coffee Kid was too distracted with getting home to his hot young wife.


New dad Pepper Boy was still not getting enough sleep.


During Part 426, Dave explained Purim was a three-day moad. So, he is either a liar or mentally incompetent. If Dr. Ranney wants to write me at to let me know the consensus over there, I would be happy to pass that along. (FYI – Brad first needs to unblock that address from the RCG domain.)


BrundleDave was still wrestling for control of his mouth as the fear-mongering weaved in and out of each topic, including moad.


@ 16:35 So, somebody calls out this coming moad which has to be before this next weekend, and says, in effect, (if you just read this verse and closed your Bible), you'd say you’re gonna have a complete collapse of the world order. And, like overnight, we're all gonna be Amish.


@ 17:40 So, moads do not have to be sabbaths. It’s kinda like discovering chags have to be holy days. Gotta be. But, moads do not have to be sabbaths.


Like when he discovered both of those things at the same time two weeks ago. Really?


Being optimistic would mean viewing David C. Pack as mentally incompetent.


Being realistic would mean viewing David C. Pack as deceiving while being deceived.


Being pessimistic would mean viewing David C. Pack as a blaspheming liar.


Those are some bleak choices to consider. (Hint: All three are correct.)



The current financial news and moad all point to the same place: Maybe the Kingdom of Dave starts by Friday, March 17. This is Adar 24 on the Hebrew calendar.


@ 18:20 We’ve backed up into (as I wondered for years) are we gonna back up into the date that Christ comes? The last possible date so we know "it will surely come." You know? It'll surely come because there's no more time for it to be postponed. I didn’t realize that maybe one of the greatest metrics we would ever have that it would come would be world hell before it did.


So, the collapse of the 16th largest bank this week fits "world hell" more than a fascist power sweeping Europe during World War II. And boy, did Herbert W. Armstrong think he lived in a terrible time. He could have never dreamed that SVB would shut down, causing financial nerves to be rattled. Luckily, he was already in the grave, so he would not have to see this day.


I think Dave meant to say “the second to last possible date," considering he said this four days ago.


Flashback Part 427 – March 7, 2023

@ 46:22 There is no visible path beyond this Sabbath. As I used to say in the past, it seems we did, in fact, back into the last possible date this could be. I certainly know there’s nothing else I can tell you.


For anyone in The Restored Church of God to believe anything David C. Pack says, you are in worse shape than he is. Seriously consider on your knees what you are supporting. Be careful which god you say drives Dave. He is either a liar or incompetent. Do not dismiss the blend of both.


Flashback Part 185 – June 19, 2019

@ 23:00 …whoever is calling out this vision is doing it in a rush. Now, that’s just a fact…we’re gonna ask some questions about what’s going on here at the [Ministerial] Conference because I might have actually backed into something…let’s see if we backed into something else and fulfilled another prophecy (potentially), at least partly, if not in whole.


Flashback Part 269 – October 3, 2020

@ 2:06:01 So, I had to know when to watch. Well, now I do. We’re locked in. We’re backed into it. You can’t get out.


Flashback Part 413 – January 4, 2023

@ 1:23:22 So, now it appears we did back into the only option. Or we must be willing to break or bend or discard metrics…So, I’ve done the best I can. I know God’s plan.



With three knees to the prophetic groin this week, Dave developed a shy bladder and avoided certainty.


Part 428 – March 11, 2023

@ 06:25 Now, there may be another inflection point that we're about to come before we get to next weekend, and I wanna lay it out. Am I absolutely sure of what I'm going to lay out? No. But am I reasonably sure? Yes. And some parts of it, absolutely.


The brethren buckled their seatbelts for a wild speculation ride.


@ 32:43 And, believe me, I’m not sure of this, brethren. But I’m just gonna say. Might God raise {me} Elijah to announce what we’ve just discussed? Does he run and call it out? And, maybe in part, trigger it in a people who just reject knowledge.


Dave’s crack team of researchers missed a golden opportunity to hype Adar 24 with more BrundleDave fear-mongering proofs. Since the Hebrew calendar is not buried with Jimmy Hoffa, I looked it up. What a coincidence: Adar 24 just so happens to be Saint Patrick’s Day.


A day that is known for drinking and revelry. Just like Purim, New Year's, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween. How could they have missed such an epic metric?


There is still time for a Member Services update.



The excuse of mental illness is a hard case to make when the lies are so transparent.


@ 44:40 You know what God is going to do. You know exactly. For the next five weeks after that, you know that. Nothing has changed from four days ago. Other than clarifying verses I read. Then with a few more added. 


Nothing changed except for the tiny detail about Jesus Christ not returning on Friday morning. Nope. Nothing changed other than that niggly little tidbit.


Throughout the 48 minutes of Part 428, Dave opts not to reassure the brethren. No pep talk about God protecting them and their families during calamity. It must be just a given by now.


@ 45:49 So, in any event, “fear not” whatever is going to come, however this plays out.


That is as warm as the man got. Know why? Because he is not a shepherd at heart. He is a control freak.


What is on his mind is what matters, not how the audience might feel. BrundleDave was there to thunder doom-and-gloom and obfuscate his failings, not slobber all over people with mushy comfort and encouragement. Let the local ministers handle that.


How bad world conditions relate to the Purim debacle or why Friday morning did not occur was not clearly addressed. Verses about world conditions ate the time. Verses. Verses. Verses. And more verses.


Those expecting a logical and acceptable explanation received crickets and a shrug. Turns out, he was just as clueless as everyone else was. Which is exactly what you would expect from an apostle.


He went in with a chicken and came out as a fear-mongering abomination. Thus is the life of BrundleDave.

Marc Cebrian

See BrundleDave

The Tribulation Begins September 16, 2023 Woo Hoo! Party Time!!!!!!!!!!!!


From Tony Roach's Facebook Page

That other crackpot prophet to the Church of God has a timeline for when the crap hits starting this fall.

Make sure you gas up the propane tank for your grill and have some great steaks ready to cook. Get a fine bottle of wine and savor it as you watch the tribulation begin on September 16. 

Given the track record of the plethora of self-appointed false prophets in the Churches of God, this date will like all the others, just be another day on the calendar with nothing happening.

The Miracle Gas Tank, "God's People" and Heathens


Exit and Support Network had this letter up about a woman in the Philadelphia Church of God cult who in spite of numerous warnings decided to drive in the blizzard and got stuck. Heathens were the first to arrive and give her food. Her gas tank miraculously stayed full all night to keep her warm. COG myth-making is a fascinating thing to witness.

PCG Focusing on “Miracle Stories” Lately:
March 11, 2023
[Note: a few minor changes were made/added on 3-12] 
PCG’s church site has an article, “Member Caught in Near-Record Snowstorm.” (Fox 12 said there were 10.8 inches that fell in Portland on February 22.) For some reason, PCG is focusing on “miracle stories” lately. 
Transportation officials had recommended staying home that day. They even knew at 2 PM that the rain was turning to snow and and were asking people to avoid driving if necessary, stating: “If you must head out, expect ice, snow, and downed trees in many areas.” Also: “ODOT warned drivers to stay home, but to plan on delays and hazardous road conditions throughout Wednesday night and possibly into Thursday morning if they must travel.” [emp. mine] 
So what I’d like to know is what in the “H” was she doing out driving when she had to have heard about those warnings? The article doesn’t say when she started out but it does show she was out at 8 PM just before she lost traction. 
She tells how she ran her car engine to keep warm. Safety experts advise to only run your car 10 min each hour and don’t run it longer than 15 min to save gas. She says in the story, “I didn’t know how long the gas would last with the car idling continually.” This is crazy. This story sounded liked she had it running the entire time. Even with a full tank you’ll run out of gas in a few hours. And the experts say if you have the car running you are to check your tailpipe to make sure snow is not blocking it and if it is still snowing to check it every time you turn on the heater. Otherwise, you can quickly die of carbon monoxide poisoning. 
Yet she says, “All night long, I was warm and dry.” The next morning she says she still had “fuel to keep the car running.” 
I almost have to laugh at this entire story as there are so many preposterous things in it.
She was in contact with her minister and several other members (who else?) the entire time.
Then she says, “During this ordeal, I had a lot of time to meditate and pray. I realized just how important the Church-wide fast, only a few days prior, had been.” [emp. mine] 
She tells how the next morning another semi-truck driver gave her a loaf of bread and an avocado. Did she have a knife to peel the hard skin? Or was it sliced up and ready to go? 
What caught my eye was when a member arrived the next day around noon (he came running over to her car) to rescue her and drive her to his home in his 4-wheel drive truck and how she said: “He and his family welcomed me with a warmth that only God’s people have.” [emp mine] 
The phrase “God’s people” is not even in the Bible. It’s a buzzword. And it wasn’t a PCG member who first came to check on her and give her food, it was one of us heathens (a truck driver) that also care for people. Members piss me off sometimes with how they think they are the only worthy ones. It ticked me off her saying that. And let me interject that all truck drivers that I’ve ever known are known to help other people in trouble. 
At the end where she talks about God and “how His members in His loving family care for one another,” [emp. mine] since we know that PCG members are isolated from the rest of the society, they are going to talk like that as they have no idea of what other genuine Christians have experienced regarding miracles, and how they too care for one another. 
It never fails for PCG members to blow things all out of proportion to make other members think no one else but them could be a Christian with miracles occurring in their lives. –Impacted by loved one in PCG